You can directly connect to IBM Cloud services to extend your on-premises network to IBM Cloud. For example, you can connect to VPCs or connect your direct links to other local or remote transit gateways.

It is super easy to get direct download link of image files that are saved in your Dropbox account. And more importantly they will work with [img] commands used in forums that you mentioned in your question.

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Basically, what you are doing by adding the raw=1 to the end of the link is hotlinking it. That's is sharing direct download link to the file. Anyone who clicks on hotlinked file will not see any of the Dropbox frames, logos, etc. It works for any type of file that you share.

If you link to your images/videos stored within your Dropbox account then that counts against your daily bandwidth allotment. Every time those images/videos are viewed in a forum or blog post can add-up quickly (especially when shared via different social media oulets).

Usually, it's only a problem when you have a free Basic account, but it's something you should be aware of ahead of time. In order to avoid bandwidth limitations, you can upload your pictures/videos directly into the forum, website or blog post.

We have a large folder of images I need to link via spreadsheet to upload to our shop website on opencart. I have found instructions about editing the end of links to be ?raw=1 to hotlink, but despite my best efforts the links do not pull through and download from dropbox like they have done with other hotlinks i've made on our site. Here's a screenshot of my spreadsheet; the non-dropbox links have worked but the dropbox ones don't. Any ideas?

To receive and application fee waiver please e-mail Not all programs accept an application fee waiver. You must be a DirectLink participant for 1 semester prior to your first semester at K-State to receive the waiver.

2. Assume I have multiple hidden products. If all of them are in a single store, then someone can click on the breadcrumbs / navigation / guess URL and land on the store page that will list all the other hidden products. Does it mean I need to create a separate store for each secret link product?

Assume I have multiple hidden products. If all of them are in a single store, then someone can click on the breadcrumbs / navigation / guess URL and land on the store page that will list all the other hidden products. Does it mean I need to create a separate store for each secret link product?

AWS Direct Connect links your internal network to an AWS Direct Connect location over a standard Ethernetfiber-optic cable. One end of the cable is connected to your router, the other to anAWS Direct Connect router. With this connection, you can create virtualinterfaces directly to public AWS services (for example, to Amazon S3) or toAmazon VPC, bypassing internet service providers in your network path. An AWS Direct Connect locationprovides access to AWS in the Region with which it is associated. You can use a singleconnection in a public Region or AWS GovCloud (US) to access public AWS services in all otherpublic Regions.

Auto-negotiation for a port must be disabled for a connection with a port speed of more than 1 Gbps. However, depending on the AWS Direct Connect endpoint serving your connection, auto-negotiation might need to be enabled or disabled for 1 Gbps connections. If your virtual interface remains down, see Troubleshooting layer 2 (data link) issues.

(Optional) You can configure Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on your network. Asynchronous BFD is automatically enabled for each AWS Direct Connect virtual interface. It's automatically enabled for Direct Connect virtual interfaces, but does not take effect until you configure it on your router. For more information, see Enable BFD for a Direct Connect connection.

AWS Direct Connect supports an Ethernet frame size of 1522 or 9023 bytes (14 bytes Ethernet header +4 bytes VLAN tag + bytes for the IP datagram + 4 bytes FCS) at the link layer. You canset the MTU of your private virtual interfaces. For more information, see Set network MTU for private virtual interfaces or transitvirtual interfaces.

1) Pretty-URL / Hashbang dilemma in SPA.The server needs to redirect when your Vue project enabled history mode. in apache, just some redirect rules needed to be done via .htaccess similarly, so as most of the hosting services included Netlify (you need to check the routes redirect rules at Netlify there). As server page not found, telling us that your route doesn't have actual files under that specified /route at their side.

You can easily resolve the bug just by removing mode: "history" from the Router. Then it will be automatically replaced by the hash (#) in your URLs. It's going to work then even if you'll use a direct link in the browser.

I am trying to give some pop-ups I built on webflow {a click on button activates the pop-ups normally} shareable links, more like an anchor link that can easily open up my pop-ups once clicked on without having to click on the buttons.

This script listens for a click event on a link with href="#popup-link". When the link is clicked, it shows a modal with an ID of popup-modal. You can modify the href and ID values to match your specific use case.

Happy Tuesday!The project includes a tutorial and a method for creating Webflow modals using Webflow native tab feature. There are all kinds of benefits of doing this including:- Open any modal with an external link.- Easy to design &...

Among the genes differentially expressed in Mitfmi-vga9/+ McSCs, we were particularly interested in IFN regulatory factor 4, Irf4. In human melanocytes, MITF binds and activates Irf4 via an intronic enhancer [42], and in turn, IRF4 can transcriptionally regulate IFN signaling by repressing the master regulatory factor for IFN gene expression, Irf7 [43,44]. A genome-wide association study of Latin Americans also identified Irf4 as a locus associated with hair graying [45]. Because Irf4 and Irf7 exhibit a reciprocal relationship in Mitfmi-vga9/+ McSCs (Irf4 is down and Irf7 is up; S2 Data), we asked whether Irf4 may be indirectly responsible for the up-regulation of ISGs in Mitfmi-vga9/+ melanocytes. However, within the 48-hour time frame that is sufficient for Mitf knockdown to result in ISG up-regulation, we did not observe consistent down-regulation of Irf4 between the two Mitf siRNAs (Fig 4A). As a control, we further confirmed that cells being treated with either siMitf or siMitf-OM results in the predictable down-regulation of the melanosomal gene Pmel17, which MITF is known to transcriptionally activate (Fig 4A; [46]). Based on these observations, we anticipated that the up-regulation of ISGs observed with Mitf knockdown cannot be IRF4 dependent. Indeed, using two unique Irf4 siRNAs (siIrf4_a and siIrf4_b), Irf4 gene expression can be significantly reduced in comparison to a negative control siRNA (siNC1). However, when considering the results of both Irf4 siRNAs, Irf4 knockdown does not lead to the consistent up-regulation or Irf7 or any of the other ISGs analyzed (Fig 4B). Altogether, these results support a novel role for MITF in suppressing the basal IFN signature in melanocytes in vitro and indicate that MITF does not mediate this response through Irf4.

Recent genome-wide association studies have led to the identification of function-reducing mutations in interferon induced with helicase C domain 1 (Ifih1) as protective against vitiligo in humans [53]. Ifih1 is one of the direct transcriptional targets of MITF identified above (Fig 4) and encodes for the protein MDA5. MDA5 sits at the top of the type I innate immune signaling cascade and functions as a cytoplasmic PRR that responds to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) like viral RNA [54]. Gain-of-function mutations of Ifih1 in humans or overexpression of Ifih1 in mice is associated with a sustained IFN gene signature and makes it a reasonable candidate for mediating a similar effect downstream of Mitfmi-vga9/+ [55,56]. Thus, we were interested to evaluate whether Ifih1 haploinsufficiency would be sufficient to reduce the hair graying caused by Mitfmi-vga9 in the context of Tg(Dct-Sox10).

Hair graying associated with Tg(Dct-Sox10) is most readily visible in mice that are homozygous for the transgene, with Tg(Dct-Sox10)/Tg(Dct-Sox10); Mitfmi-vga9/+ animals exhibiting robust graying at 110 days (Fig 1). Comparing Tg(Dct-Sox10)/Tg(Dct-Sox10); Mitfmi-vga9/+ mice to their littermates, we find that additional heterozygosity for Ifih1 (Ifih tm1.1Cln/+) does not reverse hair graying to the levels observed in Tg(Dct-Sox10)/Tg(Dct-Sox10) mice (Fig 6, S3 Fig). At most, and in a qualitative sense, Ifih tm1.1Cln/+ appears to produce a small reduction in the existing congenital white belly spot. These observations suggest that while MITF may repress Ifih1 in melanocytes in vitro, reduction of Ifih1 in vivo is insufficient to reverse hair graying associated with Mitfmi-vga9/+. This may indicate that the influence of MITF in innate immune regulation extends beyond the regulation of an individual gene, which is consistent with the fact that Ifih1 is not the only innate immune target gene directly downstream of MITF (as shown in Fig 4).

By assessing McSCs and melanoblasts in vivo and melanocytes in vitro, we identify a novel role for MITF in the transcriptional repression of target genes involved in type I innate immune signaling. Accordingly, we demonstrate that haploinsufficiency for Mitf incites a heightened and sustained IFN gene signature in McSCs, melanoblasts, and whole skin, and that Mitfmi-vga9/+ melanoblasts have an enhanced ability to respond to viral mimic. We show through siRNA knockdown and ChIP analysis in vitro that MITF transcriptionally represses several ISGs and that for some of these ISGs, this response may be through the direct binding of MITF to their gene promoter. Furthermore, we establish that postnatal melanocytes and McSCs are negatively affected by systemic activation of innate immune signaling in vivo and that this contributes to the pathogenesis of hair graying when considered in the context of a genetic background that is already at risk for this phenotype. 2351a5e196

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