They will occasionally go offline (red light, no ping response/LAN access but still advertising SSIDs and can still connect where network authentication isn't needed). Recently these have been going offline at roughly the same time. Cannot see anything on the switches. One is getting POE from the switch (Cisco 2960) and other 2 are into similar switches but powered by injector.

Even connected directly to my computer it goes offline. I tried hooking the printer into the modem and hooking the computer into the modem. It is still not working.I have never figured out how to set it up on WIFI. The manual online must have been written someone with a Doctorate Degree in Everything about printers. It is too long and it is very difficult to find anything that will fix. This I tried a chat but then got the message they didn't open until 9 AM. I tried at that time and could not find the chat. I am extremely frustrated.

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My 3260 kept going offline and couldn't get it back online. Win10/64. De-installed all of the 3260 software and downloaded the latest Win10/64 software from XEROX site. Can't complete the installation (can't find printer) even though I can successfully ping the device from several PCs / mobile devices.

Anyone have any ideas?

A local Phaser 3260 printer frequently enters the offline state. I think that happens after the computer "wakes up". After a reboot the printer returns to normal, and the jobs in the queue are printed. The connection is USB. I have re-installed the driver several times, but to no avail.


I have the exact same issue, just as @roual posted.

It would be nice to post a solution here as this is the landing page from Google search.

I could work offline but how can I get my Workspace content back?

The Postman app and site are both unusable for me, even after my IT dept provided me with a proxy. In the past I was able to use Postman in offline mode and sync my workspaces off corporate VPN, but Postman 8 is now unusable and I have to go back to latest release of Postman 7. Scratch Pad seems too limiting to be of any real use. I understand the thought that an API testing app should always be online, but there are scenarios where it makes sense (localhost testing).

I am a fairly light Evernote user on the most basic account (free verson). I wrote two notes while offline and Evernote said that they will be synced when I have internet access again. However, when I connected to Wi-Fi, the notes never synced and have disappeared. Is there anyway I can get these notes back? I understand that, with a free account, I can't save notes for offline access but I thought that I could at least *write* notes offline and not have them disappear. Thanks in advance for your help.

My experience is that working offline is fine, and that it will sync back once a network connection is established. It may be important to make sure this connection is sound and stable before the sync starts.

Since I sometimes work several hours offline while on a train trip, it is good to remember the syncing of a large number of edited notes may take longer than one might expect. So better to sync when in the hotel, at work or home than during a 3min stop at a station with WiFi.

I also wrote some notes offline. I was offline because I did not want any distraction when I was on a lecture. When I went online Evernote deleted my note. I did not know about a change on I cannot do it or is it just for premium users. I wrote notes to remember, not to delete them.

I tested this in real time ie: went on my iphone and put it in airplane mode. Made some changes to various notes while offline. Then went off airplane mode and did an EN sync. I then checked to see if those changes appeared on my desktop windows EN and they were there within a minute. Actually I've used this feature many times when flying ie: I will take notes, scan documents into EN etc and I have always seen them appear properly when I go online again.

Hello, I am a long time user of Figma and I use the tool at work everyday. I have noticed that when I am working in my desktop browser or in the application it shows me as offline. What normally happens is I will be in a file and working on the desktop application notice that it is displaying as offline and then I will copy the link to file and open it up in my desktop browser to try and work from there. Sometimes it works but I have noticed that both are showing as offline. Plus, I have the fastest internet possible and it is not a internet issue. I am wondering how to resolve this problem? I also recently updated the app?

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Hi, my MX922 has "gone offline" and I have no idea how to wake it up. I purchased this in Jan this year, set it up wireless, everything going well. I don't print very often so I've turned it off now and then, but it would connect no problem upon restart.

My main question is - what exactly does it mean "printer is offline" ? I mean, I get that it's "not ONLINE", but WTF ? How the heck do I wake it up ? Where the heck is the "online" button ?????? This pisses me off.

So I re-connected the printer via setup, connecting normally, entering my Wi-Fi password, and it says "Connected". But it won't print, the printer remains offline. For the life of me, I can't figure out what this even means, "offline", since the darn thing just connected !

FYI - my home printer went offline today again. I was connected to my work computer via Cisco AnyConnect / Remote Desktop, and I tried to print, but the printer then came up offline. So I re-booted and voila, it was ok.

I am on windows 8.1. Have Canon MX922. it used to work great all the time. then a while ago did not with my old router, which had to be replaced. I replaced old router with NETGEAR R7000 and it did not work well with that - so bought a printer cord and just went from Printer itself to my computer directly. STILL same issues. All kinds of errors and it's luck of the draw to get it to work at all. I have to shut down computer, shut down printer - send something to printer and if it says offline or error - I go to lower left of computer Rt Click on start button, select printers with left click, and toggle printer (which by the way like someone else said has to be the Canon MX920 series printer WS, and sometimes it works sometimes no.) Driving me nuts - I don't care if it's hooked up to router - I'll print directly from this computer I'm typing to you on. But what can be done to stabilize this thing and get on with life? I print alot here - we do photography and sometime I print in color just to get ideas before sending it to the real printers we use for our customers. Will someone tell me ideas to try? And...... if possible keep it simple I am not the computer maven some of you are - I can however follow directions and with a screenshot or sample to see can do most things.... thanks! Pinina in Phoenix

My printer worked fine on my PC but it quit, so I decided to add the printer to my laptop and have problems of this nature (offline) ever since. I followed directions for fixing even deleting drivers and reloading drivers the printer works until I shut down when I boot up I have the same problem. Any solution?

Although it is not setting a property in, you could set the offline property without having to remember it on each call by using an Init Script. The init script can be placed in a location that affects all your builds or just one, just like the user or project specific See the documentation for the valid paths to put it.

I think having a native UI is a prerequisite for having offline apps. I was quite curious if the new Ionic 3 desktop version can help on that ( -awesome-desktop-apps-with-ionics-new-responsive-grid/).

I found easy and powerful way to support offline first app using Google and polyfill service worker

Check out here for more details

 Google Developers Adding a Service Worker and Offline into your Web App | Web...Learn how to integrate a service worker into an existing application to make the application work offline.

Thank you for reporting the issue! The offline items indicator is a new feature that our developers have built to alert you to items that aren't being backed up to your 1Password account. You would have had those offline items before but there wasn't a way to expose that you had them before this feature.

@Dave_1P Hi - having a similar issue affecting 3 "offline" items. They are all documents that have previously been archived. When I click on each one or right-click, there is no option to restore or delete. These items are not showing on iOS.

Thank you for the feedback. Currently, the offline items message can be caused by a variety of different issues and sending in a diagnostics report to the team is the best option. The diagnostics report allows our support team to identify the specific cause, and to provide a tailored solution, for your situation. We'll work to improve the situation in the future.

One offline item. It is an out-of-date copy of an item. Offline item is showing in the wrong/previous vault (my private vault). The current/correct item is available from the correct vault (a shared vault). Error in the desktop UI is "Offline item: Permission error" 2351a5e196

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