I know it's a dumb question, but did you by any chance restart after (if applies) installing path finder and/or setting it to the default file browser? I had this issue, come right to the forum to let it know, restarted, and everything is working fine ever since :S

Walk with path gave my father new confidence that he can stay mobile while in the freezing phases during the day and minimising the risk of falling. He would love to have a remote control for switching on/off of the laser in the next model though!

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There are few things as stressful as dealing with medical concerns, especially when they are affecting a legal situation. With medical concerns, tension and anxiety is ratcheted up and it's harder to think straight, know what you need to do, and follow a path forward free of stress and worry.

Pathfinder is the creation of Roaring Fork Valley locals who were tired of the poor internet options and poor service from existing providers. We are working hard to close the Digital Divide by providing fast and reliable internet with amazing service to residents of Pitkin, Garfield and Eagle Counties.

The mission of the Recovery Pathfinder Program is to provide support and guidance for section 35 civilly committed males as they begin the process of recovery, health and wellness in the community. This is achieved by linking program participants to services that help them achieve their goals for recovery post-release; by introducing an integrated support network such as referrals to transitional support services such as treatment for substance use disorders, mental health, medical treatment, housing, and financial assistance that support their goals for recovery post-release.

Mars Pathfinder was launched December 4, 1996 and landed on Mars' Ares Vallis on July 4, 1997. It was designed as a technology demonstration of a new way to deliver an instrumented lander and the first-ever robotic rover to the surface of the red planet. Pathfinder not only accomplished this goal but also returned an unprecedented amount of data and outlived its primary design life.

Both the lander and the 23-pound (10.6 kilogram) rover carried instruments for scientific observations and to provide engineering data on the new technologies being demonstrated. Included were scientific instruments to analyze the Martian atmosphere, climate, geology and the composition of its rocks and soil. Mars Pathfinder used an innovative method of directly entering the Martian atmosphere, assisted by a parachute to slow its descent through the thin Martian atmosphere and a giant system of airbags to cushion the impact.

From landing until the final data transmission on September 27, 1997, Mars Pathfinder returned 2.3 billion bits of information, including more than 16,500 images from the lander and 550 images from the rover, as well as more than 15 chemical analyses of rocks and soil and extensive data on winds and other weather factors. Findings from the investigations carried out by scientific instruments on both the lander and the rover suggest that Mars was at one time in its past warm and wet.

The Solar PathfinderTM is designed to be viewed from between 12-18 inches above the dome (if taking a digital photo, the camera should be between 12-18 inches above the dome) and directly above the vertical centerline on the sunpath diagram. Site readings are best taken on cloudy or overcast days to avoid glare from the sun. On a sunny day, block the sun's image with your free hand.

When viewing the Pathfinder, you are looking for two things at the same time. First a reflective, panoramic view of the site will be seen on the dome. Simultaneously, the sunpath diagram will be seen through the dome. Where the reflected objects on the dome intersect the sunpaths shown through the dome, the site will be shaded at the time indicated on the diagram.

This Feedback Forum is for you to share comments or suggestions to help Solar Pathfinder continuously improve the Solar Pathfinder to meet the needs of our customers and the industry.

hiveware_review(); document.write(" Solar Pathfinder\">Post a comment");

By using the Pathfinder this afternoon I see I have 2 good sites in my backyard for a greenhouse, and I also see I could add a workable sunroom to my house. I feel that the Pathfinder paid for itself already. If my backyard turned out to have too little winter light, then I would have taken the Pathfinder and my camera with me when I went house hunting!

We have found the Solar Pathfinder to be a simple, straight forward tool for training certified solar site assessors. The Solar Pathfinder provides all the answers for the people in the field and the home owner.

As an emergency communicator and a volunteer first responder specializing in disaster recovery communications, I would not be without a Solar Pathfinder. This is the only tool that can produce fast and accurate siting information for solar powered emergency equipment. During Katrina and Rita, there were adequate engine powered generators to meet need but fuel was inadequate causing most of these generators to be idled due to lack of fuel. One of the lessons learned from these events is the importance of using solar and wind to augment and stretch scarce emergency fuel reserves. The Solar Pathfinder makes it possible to site solar assets quickly and provides an accurate means of predicting solar power availability. I would not consider an emergency managers inventory complete that does not have access to a Solar Pathfinder. The Solar Pathfinder is part of my deployment kit for the EMCOM/EMPOWER Trailer my wife and I designed and built to support our volunteer activities.

DISCLAIMER: This endorsement is my personal endorsement of the Solar Pathfinder and does not constitute an endorsement of the product by Nortel, the City of Garland, the Garland City Council, North Central Texas Council of Governments, the Garland Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, or the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service.

Once again, I used my trusty Pathfinder. This time, I needed to find a place for my bee hives. Being in a warmer climate, I wanted them to have noon and early afternoon shade. I wanted them to spend their time making honey, not trying to keep their hive cool! Thanks for such a great instrument!

I was the vender (Brown Consulting) that made friends with you at the kempton festival. I just found another use for the pathfinder. I was hired to locate a positon for a light tube on top of a house. The owners wanted to know where to put the light tube and how high to put it. I gave them the spot and we ended up installing it 4 ft. above the house for best results. Just thought you might want to know. I remember you asking me what I used it for. I have now used it for windows, Direct TV, overhangs, PV, house placement, garden placement and now light tubes.

I have talked to you in the past but I'm planning on using the Pathfinder for garden placement and other shade related issues. Let me know if there are other products that you offer that would help me out.

This company has some outstanding customer service. I would recommend solar path finder software to everyone in the in the solar site assessment business. This product makes the site assessor job so much easier, and very professional looking. Thank-you for making site assessing easier, solar pathfinder is so very important to a successful site assessment.

Thanx Solar boy Dave

An abstract method for finding a spec forthe specified module. If this is a top-level import, path willbe None. Otherwise, this is a search for a subpackage ormodule and path will be the value of __path__ from theparent package. If a spec cannot be found, None is returned.When passed in, target is a module object that the finder mayuse to make a more educated guess about what spec to return.importlib.util.spec_from_loader() may be useful for implementingconcrete MetaPathFinders.

An abstract base class representing a path entry finder. Thoughit bears some similarities to MetaPathFinder, PathEntryFinderis meant for use only within the path-based import subsystem providedby importlib.machinery.PathFinder.

An abstract method for finding a spec forthe specified module. The finder will search for the module onlywithin the path entry to which it is assigned. If a speccannot be found, None is returned. When passed in, targetis a module object that the finder may use to make a more educatedguess about what spec to return. importlib.util.spec_from_loader()may be useful for implementing concrete PathEntryFinders.

An optional method which, when called, should invalidate any internalcache used by the finder. Used byimportlib.machinery.PathFinder.invalidate_caches()when invalidating the caches of all cached finders.

Concrete implementation of InspectLoader.is_package(). A moduleis determined to be a package if its file path (as provided byExecutionLoader.get_filename()) is a file named__init__ when the file extension is removed and the module nameitself does not end in __init__.

Returns a combined list of strings representing all file suffixes formodules recognized by the standard import machinery. This is ahelper for code which simply needs to know if a filesystem pathpotentially refers to a module without needing any details on the kindof module (for example, inspect.getmodulename()).

Class method that attempts to find a specfor the module specified by fullname on sys.path or, ifdefined, on path. For each path entry that is searched,sys.path_importer_cache is checked. If a non-false objectis found then it is used as the path entry finder to lookfor the module being searched for. If no entry is found insys.path_importer_cache, then sys.path_hooks issearched for a finder for the path entry and, if found, is storedin sys.path_importer_cache along with being queried aboutthe module. If no finder is ever found then None is bothstored in the cache and returned.

A class method which returns a closure for use on sys.path_hooks.An instance of FileFinder is returned by the closure using thepath argument given to the closure directly and loader_detailsindirectly. ff782bc1db

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