Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.

 Software being installed: Papyrus SysML 1.4 Feature 1.3.0 ( 1.3.0)

 Missing requirement: Papyrus SysML 1.4 Feature 1.3.0 ( 1.3.0) requires 'org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; [4.0.0,5.0.0)' but it could not be found

Since Moka use a mqtt server for communicated with services, it is necessary to have a mqtt server install on the computer, for example mosquitto (available here). Before starting an execution, you should make sure that the mqtt server is referenced in eclipse. To do so, go to Eclipse preferences, as shown in the figure below.

Download Papyrus Eclipse


I've tested this with the code generator and it works with one caveat, you end up with an extra local copy of the standard library packages in the generated project. Simply delete these and you can move on with your day. I'm not sure, but eclipse payprus codegen doesn't currently seem to generate the imports necessary, so you'll have to do that manually or let the IDE do it for you, but it sure beats having placeholder types.

In a eclipse Project I created a Papyrus UML Class Diagram. Papyrus created three files for me, with the endings *.di, *.notation, and *.uml. Now, I committed the project (without eclipse .project file) to a git repository, and fetched it on another machine.

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I was trying to install papyrus on Ubuntu, but I am a newbie to Ubuntu and don't exactly know how to install it. I have downloaded a tar.gz (of papyrus) file. After extraction I have the following files in the folder:

According to conventional installation I was supposed to run "./configure" before "make" and "make install", but I don't have any configure option.I tried "./papyrus" and "./papyrus.ini".In configuration folder. I tried all sorts of commands such as "./config","./configure","./configuration" but none was fruitful.files in Configuration directory are:

|| org.eclipse.core.runtime || org.eclipse.osgi|| || org.eclipse.update|| 1613242018864.log || org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator|| config.ini || org.eclipse.equinox.source ||

We want to create a machine having two states, S1 and S2 whereS1 is initial state. Then event E1 is created to do a transitionfrom S1 to S2. In papyrus a machine would then look like somethingshown below.

org.eclipse.papyrus.moka.kernel - API to implement an execution engine - API to implement an execution engine service - API to implement service with MQTT client - Extension points to declare engines and services

org.eclipse.papyrus.moka.kernel.debug - API to implement a debuggable execution engine - API to implement a debug service - Implementation of the debug target - Implementation of the communication protocol (debug target - engine)

org.eclipse.papyrus.moka.kernel.scheduling - API to implement execution engine specific scheduling - API to implement execution engine specific control (e.g., suspend / resume) over tasks e24fc04721

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