Paper Toss 2.0 is a lot more than just a game that lets you throw balls of paper into the trash can. Well, it may not be a LOT more, but it certainly lets you throw other items into the trash can, like tomatoes, soda cans, and bananas. However, in order to use those other objects, you need to unlock them first.

What you don't need to unlock are the different scenarios for playing Paper Toss 2.0. From the very beginning, you can play in your boss's office, in the main office, or in the warehouse. Additionally, in the main office you can either play 'normal mode' or have the temp move around while holding the trash can.

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Remember, when it comes to tossing the paper (or other objects), you need to pay attention to the fan's power. It's very important to check the direction and power of the fan, since it determines the direction you need to toss the balls.

Boss is a character that appears in the latest version of Paper Toss 2.0 at the "Boss" level. He is usually shown sleeping unless hit with a throwable object such as a tomato. Just after he his hit, the boss usually grabs his coffee mug and takes a short drink. He sits at the desk behind a computer and a plaque that reads "The Boss". If hit with the grenade, his face turns blackish.

Have you ever been bored at work, crumpled up a piece of paper and counted how many times you can make it in a small trash can? Has your boss ever gone out for a quick bite while you and your co-workers see how far you can move the trash can away and still make the paper shot? Have you ever brought in electric fans to make the shot even harder? Backflip Studios is happy to announce that we have brought this amazing and hilarious experience to the iPhone. This game is oddly satisfying . . . much like tossing a real ball of crumpled paper into a metal trash basket. So realistic, you will think you are stuck in an office killing time. Amaze, share and compare your scores with friends and others on the online global scoreboard.

Level: Warehouse Equip the grenade (required) and blow up the left side row of boxes. in doing so, this will revel a secret basket, that gives out 15 paper points as opposed to only 10. You can use the same procedures as the ones above (Equip the Pudge Ragdoll, fully upgrade the multiplier (in Upgrades), add bigger basket to the secret basket, add Vacuum basket to the secret basket, and shoot, add bigger basket to the secret basket, add Vacuum basket to the secret basket, and shoot, and so on... only after the secret basket is reveled). This also brings in lots of cash.

Paper Toss is a casual mobile game, set in an office. The player's objective is to flick a piece of paper into a bin. To make the game more challenging, there is a fan running in the space, thus the wind direction and speed are displayed, as they need to be accounted for when flicking the piece of paper. Players are scored on how many times they manage to toss the paper into the bin before missing. There are online leaderboards and different levels with varying distances away from the bin.[16][17]

A follow-up of the original, Paper Toss 2.0 (later retitled Paper Toss Boss) also follows the same objective. The follow-up includes new locations, diverse objects to toss and special features. The new locations that appear in this game include a warehouse, the Boss' Office where a sleepy boss lies, and an airport terminal. The number items apart from the paper ball, that are available have also increased with the option of using various food items and household objects and grenades as well. The game also presents special new graphic features that were missing in the first version such as colleagues who can be hit with the paper balls or drawers, fish tanks and boxes that break open. Another speciality is the Intern level, where an intern carries the dustbin with himself as he slides across the office on his chair. Here, the player has to not only adjust the angle of the throw with the air current, but also time the intern's movement correctly to get the ball in. The game also features an achievement list which can be synced with Game Center and Google Play Games.[19]

What I like about games like Paper Toss Boss and others games like it is that you have a large selection of items to throw, dynamic environments, challenges and other unique interactions with items in the 3D scene. This what makes those object-tossing games so much fun to play. Without it, it just played like a regular hoop game and I reviewed a few of those in the past two weeks.

Now back to Toss-AR. Toss-AR is missing many features that could have made this title much better. There is no global leaderboard, no dynamic gameplay and the surface regions detected by ARKit remains on the floor for reasons unknown. In these games, I love to know what type of object I am throwing and I like to see an appropriate physics bind to it. Here the physics seems a bit tacky, but this is because I have no idea what type of ball is it, what it is made of. I like for example, having a metal or a paper ball and each one has its own physics so you need to adjust to the fall distance of each item.

Paper Toss Boss Online is an interesting online toss game. What will you do if you feel boring when you are working? In this game, you can toss your boss using paper! There will have many obstacles in this game, you can collect cash when you play every game, if you have enough money, you can unlock new kinds of papers and trashes. Click to play the game free online now! Have a good time~

Paper Toss Boss apk is a fun throwing paper game. Your goal is to create as much confusion as possible. Throw the paper into a specific position and have a chain effect. The game helps players to vent their dissatisfaction more easily. You can easily start your own fun life.- apkAwarD.coM

It's been a very difficult week between the horrible shooting in Vegas and the death of veteran rocker Tom Petty. Also, thinking about the good people of Puerto Rico and the many challenges they still face after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Watching our President in beautiful PR callously toss paper towels into a crowd in need made me think of my brushes with The Donald many years ago - Here's an excerpt from "Trumping Trump":

Joint papers are highly problematic. If you conduct a piece of research on your own, with no other technical or philosophical input (possible, but improbable), then you can legitimately publish it as a single author paper. Once you interact on more than a superficial level with anyone else, the question must be asked as to whether their input was essential and sufficient for recognition as an author. Almost any research project involves some interactions. Some of these may be deserving of authorship, but there are no hard and fast rules for such decisions. Examples of fringe collaboration include the amateur naturalist who brings in a species new to science but is not concerned with subsequent taxonomic research on it, the technician who makes a vital series of analyses at a distant laboratory, or the group of undergraduates who provide a preliminary database from student projects that later forms the justification for a full-blown project. I have been involved in all of these situations and, in most instances, have included the amateur/technician/student as a coauthor.

(GK: Garrison Keillor, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith, TR: Tim Russell)

 Tonight's show brought to you by Beebopareebop Rhubarb Pie.

 It's Thanksgiving and you don't have a lot to be thankful for. (TR: Thank goodness I'm not the turkey. Or am I?) Your tyrannical boss, Ms. Kappelhoff (TR: Jahwohl, Madame Fuhrer. CLICK HEELS)

has asked if you'd mind looking after her cats while she goes skiing in Vermont. (SS: Would you mind? TR: No problem. SS: Are you sure?? TR: Fine. SS: And clean their litter boxes? TR: Can do. SS: And take them for walks? TR: My pleasure. SS: And water the plants? TR: Of course. SS: And feed the fish? TR: No problem. SS: Good. I appreciate it. You can get up off your knees now.)

And inside you're fuming (TR FUMING). It's Thanksgiving. You have guests coming. Your sullen brother is coming (TR: Hi) and his wife who keeps sending you books about animal rights and your uncle Sid (TK JOWLY MAN) and your angry nephew (TR SNARL) and your brother Al and his dog

(LARGE WOOF) and your uncle Bjorn (TR SWEDISH) and aunt Brunnilde (TK FEMALE SWEDISH),

and your cousin in the bright yellow sportcoat and the tie with the trout painted on it (TR: Hey! Va va va voom!), and uncle Art and his inappropriate girlfriend (SS BREATHY: Hi), and your weird neighbor

(TK: Hi there) and your ex-wife (SS: Hi. It's me. Doris. Remember?). You don't have time to think about Ms. Kappelhoff's cats. You have guests to feed. You're serving emu. (TR: Mashed potatoes, candied yams, pumpkin pie, cranberries and roast emu.) You ordered your emu, and a truck backed up to the garage. (TK: Where you want your emu, mister?) It was a big one. (TK: Bring her down! RATCHET OF PULLEY. TK: Little lower! little lower! CREAKING OF TABLE UNDER WEIGHT. TK: That's good.) (TR: That is some emu.) It's about the size of a compact car. And it was frozen.

(BWANG) And in the morning it's still frozen. (BWANG) (TR: Oh boy. TR PANIC) Your guests are coming in four hours. (TR PANIC, HURRY, RATTLE OF PANS) You get out a saw (SAWING) and that doesn't work so you try a chainsaw (START CHAINSAW AND REV) and you manage to cut off some big emu hunks and throw them in the oven (WHANG, WHANG, CLUNK) and turn it up to 400 (RATCHET DIAL) and toss a couple pounds of butter in too (TWO BIG SQUOSHES) and then you jump in your car (DOOR SLAM, CAR PULLS AWAY) and race over to Miss Kappelhoff's place on the 44th floor of La Pavilion Condeau (KEY IN DOOR, DOOR OPEN. CAT MEOWS) You puree a pound of calves liver (BLENDER) and dump it in their dish (SQUOOSHES OF FOOD, MEOWS) and you water the plants (WATER POURING) and feed the fish (BLOOPS) and clean the litter box (RAKING SAND) and then, you know you shouldn't, but you turn on her espresso machine (LOW HUM) and fix yourself a cup (BIG BLAST OF STEAM AND DRIPPING) and you glance through her mail (FLIPPING LETTERS, TR MURMURS OF CURIOSITY) and peer into her closet (DOOR OPEN. TR: Hmmmm. Lace teddies.) (FOOTSTEPS) You wander down the marble hallway into the master bath, and -

(TR: Whoaaa, Mama.) The biggest Jacuzzi in captivity. (TR: Wow.) All your life you've wanted to sit in a Jacuzzi. (TR: What the heck.) She'll be gone all day. She'll never know. So you run the bath and then you think (TR ALARM TAKE: My emu! FAST FOOTSTEPS. DOOR OPEN, CLOSE. CAR DOOR SLAM, PULL AWAY) You race home and (FAST FOOTSTEPS, TR PANTING) you open the oven

(CREAKING DOOR. TR INHALE: Hey -) and that emu is smelling pretty tasty. Time to stick in your frozen pumpkin pies (HUBCAP WAVER) (DOORBELL. TR HORROR) what in the world could that be? (MUFFLED VOICES, WOOF, ON OTHER SIDE OF DOOR) It's them. (TR: They're here!) Your guests. (DOORBELL)(TR: Noon!! I told them two o'clock!) They're all here. And the house is a mess.

(TR ANGUISH) What can you do? (DOOR OPEN. TR: Go drive around the block a few times! DOOR SLAM. RUNNING FOOTSTEPS) You vacuum the living room (VACUUM) and throw your junk in a closet (TR EFFORT, TRASH CLATTER, DOOR SLAM) and you hook a garden hose up to the faucet and clean the bathroom (WATER FROM HOSE AT HIGH PRESSURE) and you lock the bedroom doors (SERIES OF QUICK LOCKS) and you spray room freshener (AEROSOL BLAST) everywhere, and they come back (DOORBELL. DOOR OPEN. TR EXHAUSTED: Happy Thanksgiving!) And in they come----(FOOTSTEPS) TR SULLEN: Hi TK JOWLY MAN TR SNARL LARGE WOOF TR SWEDISH TK FEMALE SWEDISH TR: Hey! Va va va voom! SS BREATHY: Hi TK: Hi there SS: When did you suddenly learn to cook? And into the living room they troupe and sit down and - (TR: Guess I'll just go check on dinner! FOOTSTEPS) And you open the oven (CREAKING DOOR) and (KONKS)

it's barely thawed out. (TR CONSTERNATION) You crank the oven up to 800 (RATCHET, JET COMBUSTION ROAR) and you break up the kitchen chairs (WOOD BREAKAGE) and hurl them into the oven along with bales of paper (TR EFFORT) and it's an inferno in there (ROAR OF FIRE) and you dash back to the living room (FAST FOOTSTEPS) and do what a host has to do. (TR: Who'd like to see my videos of the Grand Tetons?) And you put it in the VCR and soon your guests (SNORING CHORUS) are relaxing - and then you remember (TR GASP OF HORROR) The Jacuzzi. (TR: I left the water running!! FAST FOOTSTEPS. CAR DOOR SLAM. CAR PULLS AWAY) You race over to Le Pavilion and race up to Miss Kappelhoff's apartment and (FAST FOOTSTEPS DOWN HALL, TR: Outta my way. ALARMED MEOW. FOOTSTEPS STOP, TR PANTING. TUB BUBBLING) The tub is full to the brim and you turn off the water (FAUCETS) just as it starts to overflow and (TR: Oh boy. SIGH OF RELIEF) it sure looks good after this rough morning you've had. (TR: Oh maybe I'll climb in for just a minute.) And you take off your clothes and (DIVING BOARD SPRONG, DIVE INTO WATER)

you hop in and (TR SIGH OF PLEASURE, WATER LAPPING) you lie back in the tub and you relax

(TR SIGH) and - (OFF, LATCH CLICK) what was that? (TR: Huh?) was it the front door open? (TR: Oh, no! Madame Fuhrer!) How are you ever going to explain this? (TR ANXIETY) But you don't need to. (TK: Hands in the air!) It's a burglar. With a gun. (TK: Don't move or I shoot the rubber duck.) (TK MUTTERING, JINGLE OF JEWELS) He opens up Miss Kappelhoff's jewelry box and steals all her valuables, including her medal of honor from the Luftwaffe. (TK PLEASED MUTTERING) And he takes your pants. (TR: No! Please! My car keys.) (TK SNORT OF DERISION, FOOTSTEPS AWAY)

And he's gone. And there you are, naked, no car, nothing to wear - (TR GROAN OF HOPELESSNESS) in your boss's apartment. (TR: What can I do?) You do the only thing you can do.

(TR GROAN) You put on a clingy satin bathrobe with boa trim and pink bunny slippers and you go own the service elevator and you dash out the back door (FAST SLIPPER FOOTSTEPS) and you hitchhike (TRAFFIC ZOOMING PAST) and eventually you're picked up by a very strange person

(SS GUY: I'm alone for Thanksgiving too) and you get to your house and (DOOR OPEN, CLAMOR OF VOICES, CLATTER OF DISHES) everybody's at the table eating emu. (TR SULLEN: Not bad emu. TK JOWLY MAN APPROVAL TR SNARL: I love it. LARGE WOOF TR SWEDISH JOY TK FEMALE SWEDISH JOY TR: Hey! Beautiful! SS BREATHY: Exquisite. TK: I love emu. SS: When did you start wearing bunny slippers? (CHORUS OF HAPPY EATERS, CHEWING, UTENSILS, SERVING, ETC.)

It's the best Thanksgiving ever. There's nothing like a good long nap to relax people, and almost any dish tastes good if you put enough butter on it, and if people don't care for emu, there's always dessert to look forward to. (TR: Anybody care for pumpkin pie?) Wait - (TK JOWLY: That's not pumpkin. SS: That's rhubarb. TR SWEDISH RAPTURE (RHUBARB THEME)

 No Thanksgiving can be truly thankful if rhubarb pie isn't part of it. Beebopareebop Rhubarb Pie - it's the secret of the good life as we know it.

(RHUBARB SONG) ff782bc1db

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