Panther Family Simulator 3D is a cool wild animal simulator which you can play online and for free on Today you will get the chance to run, jump and hunt like a panther, one of the strongest and most beautiful creatures in the world.

In this fun 3D simulator, you will have to meet other wild animals to complete different types of tasks, like racing a wolf or looking for treasure chests for a lion. The more missions you pass, the more coins you will earn to make a nice home for your family. Have fun with this free online Panther Family Simulator 3D!

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Ersatz M10 is a disguised panther. I don't know exactly why it is removed, my theories include that it was overpowered in the simulator, or just overall fairly unbalanced. It was never able to be sold for a long period, it was also an event vehicle, so it is inaccessible. 

In War Thunder, there are layers to a person's understanding of who is an enemy and a friend, with 3 game modes that strip those layers back. 


In arcade battle, you fight panthers, m10s, and all manner of tanks from any nation, including the one you are playing. The Ersatz does not affect gameplay, by a huge margin. in reality, people memorize weaknesses. The Ersatz M10 is only dangerous because people don't play against it that often. it can still be identified as the enemy with machine-gun fire, it still doesn't look that much like an M10, long-range shots that can kill a panther will be from a British "Heatfs", which is a sniping position, doesn't require aiming for weak points, and the tank itself will already have been scouted or seen at long range. There is no real, advantage found in a tank, with the same weaknesses as the Panther, even then bushes, cause the same level of protection, arguably. In simulator battles, I cannot argue much. I understand it would have, a greater advantage. Simulator matches, need to have a higher tier. 

If you played the 2017 "Festive Quest", you likely have, the Ersatz M10 Panther. for those who joined, later, it is now impossible to get this tank. My understanding is that it was removed to benefit realistic, and simulator players. it is fair to say that a person playing against the Ersatz M10 Panther is at a disadvantage. But unlike the E100, it could very realistically be a common tank or premium part. The E100, and the IS7, have massive advantages in firepower, armor, and speed. they are exceedingly rare. but unlike the E100, the Ersatz M10 Panther cannot be sold. And those who may have clung to their ticket, at this point are few and far in between. Selling it, doesn't decrease the value of the part, that people own.

It is fair to assume, that if priced reasonably, a massive amount of people, would invest money to buy the tank or part. But, as the reason for taking it away, was its advantage in simulator matches, I think it's fair to change an aspect of the capacity of the tank for combat. uptearing it in games, such as realistic, and simulators to make it, less capable as a trick would solve this issue. I have a problem, with almost any part that, although you can get with competition, you also can't get if you haven't started the game previously. Not only because I would like to play, an interesting tank, but because real, time and work went into making it, and it seems like such an honest waste. It is a beautiful model, and it's a shame we can't have it anymore. 

Event vehicles, I feel, are extremely unfair. Now, I don't want the response that nothing in life is fair. because this is, first off a game, and secondly something people play to have fun. primarily, people join and play a game with a less toxic community. And I think, that the game itself, is fairly toxic even without its community. Tanks, things like this, are extraordinarily annoying aspects, to a game that overall could be much better.

Erzat is one of the best panthers. The best turret rotation like "A" model(and better),extra spaced armor who can stop a lot of HE/HEAT and arty shells.

The only bad point in that panthers is about non smoke to use or get extra cover or flank tactics. But i think if they are deleting the Erzat from gamemodes is because that tank is buged AF!!! All his armor is a bunch of fantasy weak spot becase the extra spaced armor + regular armor from panthers under that space is buuuuuuuuuuuuug,so there is a huuuuuge amount of places from where u can get killed.

I even did a bug report about that tank in the 1st days playing with Erzat and even small gun was able to kill u from the front armor... and if u take a look is the only panther what can get killed with 7mm gun from airplanes in the turret roof and in theory all panthers share the same armor. Erzat is like playing an open cabin vehicle when fighters are in the air

So... Pros : great mobility,the best turret speed,the best anti HE/HEAT and arty of all panthers

Cons : the rest of shells can pen u for a lot of bugs in his armor,even planes can kill u with MGs and no smoke to play defensive at least. (btw the MG in front armor is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge weak spot and for some reason so easy to pen,is like a magnet)

So i think is just because balance with the vehicle,too much bugs and that panther should be 6.0 if someday get fixed

The T55E1 is one of the best vehicles I've ever obtained, I'm confident enough to say it's probably the best 4.3 in the whole game and can even do great if I uptier myself to 5.3 games. Ontop of that it is premium with a low repaircost (deservedly since it's a BP vehicle).

All of that makes it a great SL grinder and even getting rp in this thing is great, though I already have all of America until tier 7 so that isn't useful to me but for someone grinding the tech tree new up until rank4 it is great.

Ersatz M10 is a disguised panther. I don't know exactly why it is removed, my theories include that it was overpowered in the simulator, or just overall fairly unbalanced. It was never able to be sold for a long period, it was also an event vehicle, so it is inaccessible.

If you played the 2017 "Festive Quest", you likely have, the Ersatz M10 Panther. for those who joined, later, it is now impossible to get this tank. My understanding is that it was removed to benefit realistic, and simulator players.

Which effectively means it is removed and or inaccessible. It's fair to assume that because the 2017 event, was very different than the 2018 introduction, everyone cashed in what they won. I still hold that vhicail exclusivity is poor.

even if Gijan released, a deadlock on prices for vehicles that are no longer available, they could set it high, and not screw players who won and are holding out. its just such a useless system, that, disadvantages new players. And, I argue that is incredibly, counter intuitive. 152ee80cbc

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