I originally set up my ProcessWire site under php 7.4 and then moved to php 8.0 and then to php 8.1 at my web host. However, one set of pages with a particular template refuses to display under php 8.1, instead giving a 404 page not found. It's the standard 404 that I get if the page does not exist. But the template file does exist! And the pages are published! I can work around the problem by taking the php version back down to 8.0 (7.4 also works). But if I bring it back up to 8.1, those pages are not able to be displayed. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I should first start looking at to troubleshoot this issue?

What I have tried so far: I tried to duplicate the template under another name (and yes it did produce a template file in my templates folder with the new name as expected) and I switched one of the problem pages over to the newly duplicated template, but the 404 still persisted under php 8.1.

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I have another template that is very similar to the one whose pages won't display, but the similar one works just fine in all php versions. I can't understand why one template would work but a similar one gives a 404 (in php 8.1). They all work fine in php 8.0 and 7.4

Versions of unpublished pages or posts are saved automatically as edits are made. Once a page or post is published, new edits won't be stored in the version history until they are published. Changes to emails are saved every five minutes.

I've run into a bit of an issue with hiding individual collection pages in Squarespace 7.1. Normally, by clicking on the settings for a page, you are able to enable or disable that page. However with the new system of "Portfolio Collections" that page disable option does not exist for individual portfolio project pages. I may be mistaken, but as far as I can tell, there is no way to hide these pages (screenshots attached for reference).

I was thinking possibly that you could move collection pages to other collection pages(in the way you can move products from shop to shop), so in essence you could pre-build the portfolio page on a hidden portfolio collection and move it to the live portfolio collection, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this either.

I am experiencing the exact same problem and for the same reasons. I dislike how the content being actively worked on for my site is live the whole time. Just looks sloppy on my part even though there isn't anything I can do about it other than consider alternative templates or platforms.

Another issue I have that is related to this problem is there doesn't appear to be a way to password protect individual pages within the portfolio folder either. This would be useful so that I could lock down content for specific pages that might have projects under NDA (among other reasons).

Yes. It's a bit arbitrary why portfolio's in 7.1 can't be password protected yet pages can. A entirely plausible usage-case is you have a body of work, not just a single project, that requires it be hidden.

I also ran into the same issue. I would really like to be able to keep projects in draft mode until ready to post. This would helpful for time sensitive information or pages that need to be ready ahead of time to post.

Now, I tried Clearing the Master from these spare pages but every time I do, it just keeps adding pages. But I noticed that even though the Duplicate Pages & the Delete icons are not depressed when I clear the Master pages, as I do so, they both become depressed, so more pages get added.

Thank you for the update. I do realise that there are other issues with people not being able to install.

However, I am now unable to work on this project & time is getting tight.

I originally had issues with V1 (had the latest update), as when I added the TOC, there were no page numbers added & just couldn't find out what was wrong.

So, gleefully purchased V2, in the hope that the problem would be solved, which it did. 

But now of course, there is this weird issue with adding pages, when I am trying to delete them. I did a clean install originally for Publishes & I haven't added the other programs yet, so didn't think there could be a conflict there.

However, I have a new major issue. When creating a book, I use facing pages but to upload to KDP, you need to have the pages singular. In the previous version this was no problem. But now, in version 2, I did the same thing & half of the pages are now blank. So, how do I get around this issue? Any ideas please?

I have the pages facing & make a Master page A (facing), & on these two pages I align the guides & text boxes so that there is the correct space on the outside of the pages & slightly more on the inside (for the seam).

However, I now find that when I view the pages with the text, the right-hand pages all have their text box moved slightly over, so that the spacings aren't even. There is no logical reason for it & when I go back to the Master Page, the text boxes are in the correct place.

I've looked in the help File for Master pages & cannot see that I'm doing anything wrong & there is no info about adding text boxes that causes issues. It just states that you can either have single or facing pages for your Master page & that you can place text boxes on them. So, I'm stumped!

Now this is really strange!

Further down through the book at page 77, the text box on the right-hand page is now aligned correctly, as are all the other pages following on, apart from the very last page, where the text box has moved over again.

When I created the book (brought in all the text, I made pages first but had to add pages after that, as there was a lot more text. So, some pages were made with the Master already included but when adding new pages, it is a different box you use to add them & include the Master page. So, I know the last page was made at the beginning because I added that text separately& I just kept adding pages for the book afterwards.

So, I managed to correct a few pages & get the text box in alignment but now I can see that the continuation link between the two boxes is not going to the box but to an internal alignment which is not there is the original text.

This is so strange, as there appears to be another box that holds the text but when I remove the Master page, then the 2nd box & the text disappears also.

What I would do is use the text tool and select all the text, and copy it. Now I would Delete all the pages except for the first one. Select that page in the Pages panel and right click on it and choose Clear Masters from the context menu. Repeat the Right Click and choose to apply the Master/Parent page to it. You should have the Text Frame from the Master Parent Page on the Actual Page, paste your text into that and then do the Shift Click on the overflow triangle.

Dan... I think I have solved it & it might be a bug. When I hover over the pages in the left hand coloum it shows what Master Pages you have linked. What I found was, on the right-hand page, the Master pages were linked in a different order than the left ones. So, instead of: Master A left, Master A Right, Master Numbering left, Master Numbering right, there were multiple Master pages listed, even 3 or 4 of each. I tried only having the Master page A & clearing all the rest but it wasn't doing it.

So, I Added the Master A, unlinked the rest of them, then just added the Master for Numbering. I got the pages to work but all the other masters just haven't gone. I tried to take an image but none of them take an image automatically, you have to draw it & then the popup disappears.

Dan... I think I have solved it & it might be a bug. When I hover over the pages in the left hand coloum it shows what Master Pages you have linked. What I found was, on the right-hand page, the Master pages were linked in a different order than the left ones. So, instead of: Master A left, Master A Right, Master Numbering left, Master Numbering right, there were multiple Master pages listed, even 3 or 4 of each. I tried only having the Master page A & clearing all the rest but it wasn't doing it.

So, I Added the Master A, unlinked the rest of them, then just added the Master for Numbering. I got the pages to work but all the other masters just haven't gone. I tried to take an image but none of them take an image automatically, you have to draw it & then the popup disappears.

I'm having the same issue: I can't delete pages and I've tried both the garbage can icon and the "delete pages" from the drop down menu. After several tries with no success in the deletions, my file appears to have become corrupted and I'm experiencing some other strange behaviour. Early pages, say pages 3 and 4 , appear to be copied and show up later in the document, say page 77-78. I'm trying to lay out a 200+ page book and I'm finding this rather frustrating. I really want Affinity Publisher 2 to work for me.

Firstly can you please provide a screen recording showing the issue you're referring to? This should show the exact pages you are having trouble with.

If you're unsure how to take a screen recording, please check out our FAQ linked below -

A customer can read your Kindle eBook as many times as they want when they download it using Kindle Unlimited (KU). However, we will only pay you for the number of pages read the first time the customer reads them. This is true even if your KDP Select enrollment period has expired, and you choose not to re-enroll. 006ab0faaa

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