The problem: OneNote is one big continuous "space" but when converting to pdf which has multiple pages. This means sometimes the pictures/diagram I drew in OneNote get split into two different pages after converting to pdf.

Looking for solutions: I would like to be able to have an option to display pages (similar to MS Word) or some way to display a ruler so I know the boundary to stay within the page when converting to pdf.

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So it seems like there is some confusion regarding the Ruler used by OneNote. There is a difference between a page ruler (image 1) and a ruler on the page (image 3). I am using ON 2016 and not looking for the ruler on the page, I'm looking for the page ruler (image 1) that Word (and ON in the past) offers by default.

When I open chrome dev tools and if I press on the responsive any ruler extension that I have is not working. Some colleagues of mein have the page ruler extension and it works just fine on responsive but for me I just see the round shape and the ruler is not working. Any ideea why ?

Due to security limitations at work, I am not allowed to install Chrome extensions. Chrome has a ruler built in to the developer tools, but I can't figure out how to define start and end points like a ruler would permit.

In the following screenshot, I have inspected mainbar element of this page. You can see the pixel offset from the top-left, but the values aren't shown unfortunately. You can access the five most recently inspected elements in the Console using the variables $0-$4. In this case, I use $0, which is the currently selected one. The offsetLeft and offsetTop will give you the corresponding values that match what you see on the ruler. The Computing metrics panel shows the dimensions, including the padding, border and margin values. In this case, there's no outer values, but you would add those on to the 728x1032 dimension you see if there were.

Pages provides horizontal and vertical rulers to help you lay out text and objects in your document. For word-processing documents like a letter or report, you need to turn on the vertical ruler in Pages settings. The vertical ruler is always available for page layout documents.

What i wish is that the "page" starts @ 0,0 meaning that the left top most pixel is 0.0 (like in paint). So that when i place my Rectangle @ 0,0 it ends up in the top right corner touching both borders...instead i get this :

The grid origin is set to the same position as the ruler zero point. If you move the ruler zero point, the grid origin also moves. You can, however, set the grid origin independently from the ruler zero point.

I use Page Ruler which is an extension on chrome developer tools. Gives you a nice dragging grid layout and lets you select the unit of measurement. If you need the tool to work on local files, go to your chrome extensions, select "details" on your page ruler extension and ensure that "Allow access to file URLs" is selected

if you talk about the tools that you can access with the console then yes i tried them and i didn't find a tool that could help me.There is indeed a ruler but it takes only the measure of your current layout, and i would like to be able to take the measure on a background image as well .

Equitable Language: We are replacing non-inclusive language from InDesign 2022 (version 17.0) onwards, to reflect core Adobe values of inclusivity. Any reference to Master page is replaced by Parent page in our Help articles for the English, Danish, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Japanese locales.


Rulerguides are different from grids in that they can be positioned freelyon a page or on a pasteboard. You can create two kinds of rulerguides: page guides, which appear only on the pageon which you create them, or spread guides, which spanall pages and the pasteboard of a multiple-page spread. You candrag any ruler guide to the pasteboard. A ruler guide is displayedor hidden with the layer on which it was created.

New rulerguides always appear on the target spread. For example, if several spreadsare visible in the document window and you drag a new guide intothe window, the new guide becomes visible only on the target spread.

To create a page guide, position the pointerinside a horizontal or vertical ruler and then drag to the desiredlocation on the target spread. If you drop the guide onto the pasteboard,it spans the pasteboard and spread; it will act as a page guideif you later drag it onto a page.

To create a spread guide without dragging, double-clicka specific position on the horizontal or vertical ruler. If youwant to snap the guide to the nearest tick mark, hold down the Shiftkey when you double-click the ruler.

You can change the attributes of individualruler guides, and you can move, cut, copy, paste, or delete multipleruler guides simultaneously. Cut or copied ruler guides can be pastedto other pages or documents, but not to other programs. To changeattributes of specific guides, you must select the guides you wantto change. When no guides are selected, the Ruler Guides commandsets the defaults for new guides only.

Unselected ruler guides appear light blueby default. Selected ruler guides are highlighted in their layercolor. When a guide is selected, the Reference Point icon in theControl panel changes to or , representingthe selected guide.

TheSmart Guides feature makes it easy to snap objects to items in yourlayout. As you drag or create an object, temporary guides appear,indicating that the object is aligned with an edge or center ofthe page or with another page item.

WHY? Having that indicator line would be extremely helpful when placing guides on the page based the ruler. I've noticed that Affinity apps have really terrible interface glitches, many of which are reported and then never fixed or take years to fix. Such as this...

Rulers in Publisher help you align items horizontally or vertically on a page. Rulers let you set indents and returns. You can also use the rulers to determine the dimensions of the publication elements, such as the margins, text boxes, columns, and so on.

I have searched all over Google and these forums, but have come up empty handed on how to reset the zero-point of the rulers in InDesign. The advice of "double-click the box at the intersection of the rulers" has not worked. I've tried this after changing the ruler type to be "per page" or "per spread" or "per spine". I've tried a few other things, such as this script:

Click the upper left box (at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical ruler bars) and drag it to the spot on your layout where you want the new zero point. In this example, the zero point is being set at the upper left corner of the page.

The zero point is marked at the upper-left corner of the page, but there is still a huge amount of space to the left of my actual page in the work area, that I have to scroll back and forth through, unless I zoom very far out. The image I posted is a bit zoomed out due to this, so it isn't super easy to see, but the top left corner of the page is marked as the "0" there. I want the top left corner of the page to be at the top left corner of my window/work space, without needing to scroll through negative 20" of rulered-space.

If I change my zoom level to Command+0 level of zoom, the workspace can fill up my screen as desired, but there is still a ton of unoccupied space to the left of it, that I accidentally scroll into (the lighter gray rectangle in the photo above). Before earlier today when I made the mistake of dragging out a new zero-point from the corner, there was no space to the left of my page in the work area, at any level of zoom.

Also, when I then dragged the ruler/zeroing tool to the corner of the light gray rectangle, it set the corner of the light gray rectangle to zero, and the leftmost boundary to 8.5 or so rather than 20, but I can't get the number lower than that. The vertical ruler is also floating sadly halfway down the workspace, no longer attached to the top edge.

The "light gray rectangle" is called the Pasteboard, and is a place where you can put items you that are not on any page (yet). It's similar to the light table people used before electronic publishing. What size are you trying to make it?

This is substantively what I want, but was not achieved through undoing my previous error of dragging out the reticle from the top left corner of the workspace. The unchecking of "facing pages" made the difference, but this is not an option that I made changes to before. It seems also like adding a second page now results in the two pages being fully vertically stacked, a condition that was not present previously.

If I turn "facing-pages" back on, the output looks like this. With 9" of space to the left of the left edger of the page. This was not the way pages would load before the above discussed error/mistake was committed.

Unless I am mistaken, this is close to what the behavior for multipage documents was before I committed the pasteboard reticle error, however single page documents looked more similar to how the first image in my post, with "facing pages" turned off, appears. It may be noteworthy, also, that this last workspace is the only one in which the pasteboard makes a return.

This area could be different for every spread. Depending on various factors like: Are there any objects on the pasteboard and was the minimum size for the pasteboard changed sometime after creating the document, were the pages in the spread ever rotated, etc.pp.

Thank you for suggestion. Perhaps I am doing a bad job explaining my goal. The way the pasteboard and everything else was configured was, as far as I can recall, completely stock InDesign. I did not make any adjustments to facing pages, and I certainly had no scripts employed. I know that I used the reticle that can be dragged out from the intersection of the rulers, and was unable to reverse the unintended change that using this feature created. Please let me know if I can better explain some aspect of this, I really do appreciate your and everyone else's help. I'm sorry if I am making errors in vocabulary usage or descriptiveness. ff782bc1db

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