My father passed away this afternoon. I have been trying to find information on tears and came across this post. I know it is old but I'm hoping that someone can please help me to understand. My father never wanted to be in a hospital or inpatient care. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and I brought him to my house until the medicine that was prescribed was no longer managing his illness. Hospice and I tried everything, even increasing his morphine to a point where typical patients would be sleeping and in complete comfort. My father was a fighter though, and was very afraid of dying. This morning we decided inpatient care was the only place to be as he was struggling to breathe and was conscious while doing so. I was very afraid, seeing him in this condition and I struggled so badly deciding transferring him to inpatient was the best thing to do. I was told he would be hooked to an IV where he would sleep and no longer feel the pain and pass on his own time.

While in the ambulance for transport I spoke to him and consistently rubbed his head (as this is what he liked). At one point I noticed a tear in his right eye. I'm struggling to understand if this is because he was sad and upset that he was being transported to hospice. He was completely out (with morphine). I wiped his tear and continued to speak to him. Later when we arrived I noticed another tear. I'm so upset about this. I want to think this tear is a good thing, but when I think of tears I think of sadness and I'm so overwhelmed of the thought that he was saddened just before he passed. My father passed away only 10 minutes after we came to the room he was admitted into. I'm experiencing all sorts of emotions. My main emotion is that he struggled for so many weeks and I can't get over how sad he must of been just before he passed. I'm hoping this is not a tear of sadness but just a normal reaction to dying but I'm not finding anything on this. His sadness and struggle is killing me and hurting me the most during this time.

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I came across this blog as a result of my sister dying a few days of an agonizing and painful battle with bone cancer. A few seconds before she died she had tears in her eyes, starting on side and then the other. Her sudden change for the worst was unexpected and she was unprepared in many areas including family preparations. I know my sister had so many regrets including her treatment. She never caught a break in her life. She died young and suffered all through her life. This really was heartbreaking along with watching her in so much pain and horrific breathing during the day. Her moaning and struggling to breathe was very hard to take. I worry now that I may get PTSD.

I have to say though, please forgive me in advance for being blunt and having a bit of an angry tone. Firstly, in my research, it is VERY COMMON when someone is moments from death who has been ill for a long time to have tears seconds before they pass. This is a natural response by the body. There is no emotional or cognitive association to this. It IS a physiological response.

My second brother passed away 19 hours ago. He had a few tears in the last moments. It bothered me to wonder if he was sad. To my relief, I found the following information at Hope it helps all of us who are grieving (What to Expect When Your Loved One Is Dying) :

In the last days or hours, your loved one may become restless and confused and have hallucinations so upsetting they may cry out, strike out, or try to climb out of bed. Stay with them. Try to keep them calm with soothing music and gentle touch. Sometimes medication helps.

The next night, the same thing happened again. This time I handed her to my husband, who rocked her as she wailed for two hours before finally falling asleep. Naps were falling apart by this point as well. She cried nonstop as I rocked her to sleep each time, and would often wake five or ten minutes after I put her down.

I'm in way too deep like a poser

And falling for the dream's just the ground getting closer

I guess it's how our lives get painted in scars

With everything riding on a joker

With the paradise syndrome strap on for spurs

Regret is the skin you shed just to make it this far

Why's it feel, like it kills, when you're leaving me

Am I still hanging on to the ends of yesterday in me

When I was crying for my fears, bitter tears

But you made me see we're crazy running

Crazy running like we're running out of time

Why's it feel, like it kills, you're not leaving me

Am I still hanging on to the ends of yesterday in me

Still defining all my fears, bitter tears

You can make me see we're crazy running

Crazy running like we're running out of time

Why's it feel, like it kills, you're not leaving me

Am I still hanging on to the ends of yesterday in me

When I was crying for my fears, bitter tears

But you made me see we're crazy running

Crazy running like we're running out of time

Cos when you're sleeping right next to me, I know you're the one

So when I hear you calling my name, yeah, I know you're the one

I guess that's why it's raining diamonds, sweet happiness in tears

Crying heaven shed your diamonds, diamonds for tears

Cos when you're sleeping right next to me, I know you're the one

So when I hear you calling my name, I know the good I've done

I guess that's why it's raining diamonds, sweet happiness in tears

Crying heaven shed your diamonds

Cos when you're sleeping right next to me, I know you're the one

So when I hear you calling my name, I know the good I've done

I guess that's why it's raining diamonds, sweet happiness in tears

Crying heaven shed your diamonds, diamonds for tears

The average person takes more than 5,0001 steps every single day. Over the days, months, and years, these strides add up to thousands upon thousands of leagues quite literally under your knees. As you might imagine, this mileage can erode your joints, especially your beleaguered knees. Beyond this natural wear and tear, the knee joint is often injured during sports competitions, and meniscus tears are quite common.

There are two major categories of meniscus tears: medial and lateral. The difference between medial and lateral meniscus tears simply comes down to location. Each knee joint consists of two menisci. (Fun Fact: menisci is the plural form of meniscus.) The medial meniscus is located on the inner side of joint, while the lateral meniscus is on the outer side.

Is a torn meniscus painful? Well, that depends. Common torn meniscus symptoms do include pain, stiffness, and localized swelling. Pain symptoms may be more noticeable when the knee with the torn meniscus is rotated or has weight put on it. However, while many meniscus tears will include pain as a symptom, tears resulting from cartilage degeneration over time may go nearly unnoticed. In fact, in a recent study of middle-aged and older adults with MRI-diagnosed meniscus tears, 61 percent3 had not noticed any pain, aching, or stiffness in the previous month.

Can you walk with a torn meniscus? This depends on the severity of the injury. Many individuals are still capable of putting weight on the affected knee and even walking normally after a meniscus injury. In fact, many athletes can even continue playing after a meniscus injury. That said, initial levels of functionality can be deceiving, as it may take a few days for knee pain, swelling, and stiffness to set in after the injury occurs.

During the initial trauma, many individuals report not only feeling a pop in the knee, but to also hearing an audible popping sound. This pop can also coincide with debilitating pain. Knee popping and locking is an unsettling experience for many, but this is to be expected with more severe meniscus tears. Your doctor will use imaging testing, such an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to accurately diagnose your knee injury.

Arthroscopic meniscus tear surgery and partial meniscectomies are common procedures used to correct full or partial meniscus tears. These arthroscopic knee surgeries often involve shaving or removing damaged portions of the knee cartilage. During a partial meniscectomy, the surgeon will remove damaged portions of the meniscus and smooth over rough parts of the cartilage.

Tears are made up of protein, water, mucus, and oil. However, their content will vary depending on what kind of tears they are. Basal tears, for example, are 98 percent water, where emotional tears contain several different chemicals, proteins, and hormones.

Walking away from a situation, it can be a helpful way to stop getting worked up and bursting into tears. Getting too angry, upset, or frustrated can cause crying so removing themselves and returning when calmer can help a person regain control.

Failure to communicate properly can lead to anger and frustration, which can trigger the urge to cry. Learning how to express feelings clearly, staying calm, and using words can help to keep tears at bay.

Basal tears. These tears coat your eyes all day. Blinking helps spread them evenly over the surface of your eyes. They can improve your vision, hydrate your eyes, and sharpen your focus. They protect your eyes and keep out debris. Your tears also transport oxygen and nutrients to the surface of your eyes.

Irritant tears. These tears gush out of the glands under your eyebrow when you peel onions, throw up, or get debris in your eyes. They wash your eyes out and flush out irritants to protect you.

Emotional tears. These arise from strong emotions. Empathy, compassion, physical pain, attachment pain, and moral and sentimental emotions can trigger these tears. They communicate your emotions to others.

Studies show that people with secure relationship attachments are more comfortable showing emotion. They may cry more in normal and healthy settings, while those with insecure relationship attachments may cry at inappropriate times. Similar research suggests that people who avoid close relationships with others are less likely to cry and try harder to avoid tears. Those with clingy or dependent styles cry more often than those with secure relationships. 2351a5e196

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