This archive includes both SQL Developer and an embedded copy of the Java 11 Development Kit (JDK). Simply extract the zip to a fresh directory and run the sqldeveloper.exe in the top directory. The EXE is configured to run the embedded JDK by default.

This archive includes both SQL Developer and an embedded copy of the Java 8 Development Kit (JDK). Simply extract the zip to a fresh directory and run the sqldeveloper.exe in the top directory. The EXE is configured to run the embedded JDK by default.

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Also, do not install SQL Developer into an existing sqldeveloper folder or directory. Either delete the existing sqldeveloper folder or directory first, or ensure that the new SQL Developer version is installed into a different location.

Unzipping the SQL Developer kit causes a folder named sqldeveloper to be created under the folder. For example, if you unzip the kit into C:\, the folder C:\sqldeveloper is created, along with several subfolders under it.

The user-related information is stored in or under the IDE_USER_DIR environment variable location, if defined; otherwise as indicated in Table 1-4, which shows the typical default locations (under a directory or in a file) for specific types of resources on different operating systems. (Note the period in the name of any directory named .sqldeveloper.)

If you want to prevent other users from accessing your user-specific SQL Developer information, you must ensure that the appropriate permissions are set on the directory where that information is stored or on a directory above it in the path hierarchy. For example, on a Windows system you may want to ensure that the SQL Developer folder and the \\Application Data\SQL Developer folder under Documents and Settings are not sharable; and on a Linux or Mac OS X system you may want to ensure that the ~/.sqldeveloper directory is not world-readable.

Does SQL Developer new version compatible with windows 11? I'm having trouble running it. Every time I try to run it, it just crasher after 2 or 3 seconds. I would really appreciate if I can get some help with this!

Have been fighting with this for a while. I have tried with the download packages that include the JRE, those that don't, the 32 bit version, installing in different locations (Program Files vs my project folder) and when I click on the exe, it seems to run for couple seconds and then just goes away. I never get any error or indication of anything happening.

Following instructions on other threads on this site, I ran the exe from the command line in BIN and got:

java.lang.module.FindException: Module jdk.jdi not found

I have verified that I have JRE 1.8:

C:\>java -version

java version "1.8.0_281"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_281-b09)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.281-b09, mixed mode)

I have seen some other posts about removing the JDK and just leaving the JRE, but unsure if I will need the JDK for other apps.

I have also uninstalled the JRE (including old versions) and reinstalled it.

My most recent extract/install was to Program Files/sqldeveloper, but it behaves the same as when I tried to run it from a project folder in My Documents.

At a bit of a loss as where to investigate next. Thanks for any pointers


Im very excited since I just installed yesterday manually Oracle Linux 6.5 and Oracle 11gr2 all on a Virtualbox vm. Ive been developing for long time but either in Banks already installed oracle in linux by DBAs or at home installation of Oracle in windows. But I decided to try something I was curious for long time which was to install oracle in linux running in a vm and then usinfg developement tools from vm host *sql developer etc..). Im happy that in just 2 days I was able to do all necessary steps from virtualbox additions for sharedfolders, linux with x, pre-requirements for oracle instalation, rpm and yumo stuff, kernel parameters tune and instalation when smoothly sucessfull yesterday

2. access enterprise manager from browser in my windows 7 host. Yesterday just after finishing oracle installation I was able, just needed to open port 1158 in linux firewall and :1158/em opened ok. But today after starting vm again seems some process is not running.. cause i cant access em either locally from inside the vm neither from my host.

Please let me know what commands/information you need to help me. Im sure im almost there after so many steps learning how to install and able to do the oracle setup in linux in a virtualbox im really looking forward to complete this exercice, thank you very much for your help.

Using APEX, developers can quickly develop and deploy compelling apps that solve real problems and provide immediate value. You don't need to be an expert in a vast array of technologies to deliver sophisticated solutions. Focus on solving the problem and let APEX take care of the rest.

"A PERMISSION DENIED ERROR while trying to copy E:\oracle 6i\ path to c:\windows\system32\MSVCRT40.DLL". Would you like to retry the operation, ignore the error, or allow the error to be processed by the installer".


I am about to go crazy... I bought a new laptop which has a UHD screen with 3840x2400 resolution and scaled at %225 so that everything seems smooth and not too small. it runs windows 10 with latest updates.

only problem is SQLDeveloper does not use this "scale" option and it starts with a very very small UI. after googling I found many different things like disabling welcome screen and changing high DPI settings and overriding it. When I override high dpi settings (right click to sqldeveloper.exe -> properties -> compatibility -> change high DPI settings -> override high dpi scaling behavior to SYSTEM or SYSTEM (enhanced) ) sqldeveloper starts with an acceptable(normal) UI size but all text is blurry and not readable

the ss above is for overridden high dpi scale option to SYSTEM. I tried all the options for overriding dpi but no change. as you can see fonts seem odd and blurry. for example VARCHAR2 in the result of the sql is not readable at all.

by the way if you compare application caption (Oracle SQL Developer : ORCL_MUSTAFA) at top of the ss to menu captions, you can see how blurry they are.

this is the latest version sql developer (Version with jdk included. I also tried without jdk version with jdk 11 but same results.

any idea how can I solve this? I can not change my scale to %100 because everything will be too small then.


edit: I changed the screen shot to show difference but I assume uploading file to here is decreasing the quality so I also attached the file.

edit2: even the attached file has low quality. you can check original image with high quality from here: 

Capture.PNG (767.44 KB)

Yes, we have noticed that there are some rendering quirks when using VirtualBox to run these developer images. The Start menu may also look different than expected. We are currently investigating this behavior. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and understanding.

On Linux, PHP is generally manually compiled because the bundled version nevers seems to be up to date. However, if you don't wish to recompile PHP, more recent, unsupported RPM packages for Oracle Linux are available from, or via Unbreakable Linux Network updates. If a supported PHP environment is desired use Zend Server. These all have the OCI8 extension pre-built.

The Oracle SQL Developer contains a usage tracking module. When you start the application the first time, it asks you whether you want to sent statistics to oracle or not. In a Windows Terminal Server hosted app I don't let the customers decide to sent or not. I found out, that the preference could be preset by a flag in the user home.

Oracle SQL Developer is an awesome software tool that allows users to take care of, create, and manage their Oracle Database. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) which simplifies database admin tasks. Plus, it has lots of features to make workflows easier. For example, it can generate detailed reports on database schemas, objects, and metadata. This lets developers explore their databases more deeply and optimize performance.

Moreover, Oracle SQL Developer integrates with other Oracle products and services. For instance, you can connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Services inside the tool. It also integrates with Git repositories, so developers can work together and control code.

Furthermore, the SQL Worksheet supports debugging and optimizing queries. It has an explain plan feature which helps users understand how the database engine is running their queries. This lets developers identify performance issues and optimize queries for better performance.

Experience the power of Oracle SQL Developer for yourself! Installed since 2006, it has evolved into a robust tool with comprehensive features and unparalleled performance. Its user-friendly interface and versatility make it the go-to choice for developers working with Oracle databases.

After googling around, i managed to create a portable version of Oracle SQL Developer 4.1 for windows platform. Below is the summary of steps (URL references) you may find useful in creating a portable version:

I used to like tabs, but since no programmers' text editor supports them for SQL I don't use them in PL/SQL, and neither should you.I think most developers just assume tab characters won't be used, leave the editor settings at their default values, and are surprisedwhen tabs appear in their code. Or, they don't notice, and the codebase is gradually littered with inconsistent, unintended tab characters thatbother the heck out of those of us who care about neatness.

PL/SQL Developer helpfully lets you connect different windows to different databases. Each window gets a "Connections" tool at the bottom, themain menu lets you set a "Main" session for use by the object navigator, session browser etc, and there are options for disconnecting and reconnecting.While this is a great feature, I personally find it confusing and I'd rather simplify things by having the whole PL/SQL Developer instance connected toone database at a time, so I switch this off by unchecking Allow Multiple Connections. e24fc04721

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