Oracle SQL Developer Command Line (SQLcl) is a free command line interface for Oracle Database. It allows you to interactively or batch execute SQL and PL/SQL. SQLcl provides in-line editing, statement completion, and command recall for a feature-rich experience, all while also supporting your previously written SQL*Plus scripts.

From the list of SQL Command Line Help topics, you can display Help about an individual topic by entering HELP with a topic name. For example, the following displays Help about the SQL Command Line COLUMN command, which enables you to format column output:

Download Oracle Run Sql Command Line


To enter and execute SQL statements or commands, enter the statement or command at the SQL prompt. At the end of a SQL statement, put a semi-colon (;) and then press the Enter key to execute the statement. For example:

SQL Command Line provides the DESCRIBE command to display a description of a database object. For example, the following displays the structure of the employees table. This description is useful when constructing SQL statements that manipulate the employees table.

The SQL Command Line SET commands can be used to specify various SQL Command Line settings, such as the format of the output from SQL SELECT statements. For example, the following SET commands specify the number of lines for each page and the number of characters for each line in the output:

In Example A-3, the &job_id variable is defined before running the SQL statement with the DEFINE command, and the defined value is substituted for the variable when the statement is executed. Because the variable has already been defined, you are not prompted to enter a value.

In less than 10 minutes, see how to get up and running from your cmd prompt or bash shell with our modern command line interface for Oracle. New commands like LOAD and DDL save you tons of time, and the easy to read SQL results in the format you need make this a must-have utility. Also available for any of your OCI environments!

I have access to an Oracle server that has some databases that I would like to access. However, the machine that I have access from has none of the oracle client software. Is there any alternative to oracle's client software the provides the functionality of something like MySQL's mysql or Postgres' psql? I'd like to be able to poke around a bit in the database before writing software against it.

If you download the free Oracle Instant Client you'd be able to use any JDBC or ODBC Database tool such as DbVisualizer or SquirrelSQL. Those are GUI tools; I've not come across a JDBC command line tool but there may be one out there.

Dear All,

I am building a small app for my office people where i have given option to connect to different db. As per Toad guidelines, multiple connections(from command line) can be made via --> -c schema/password@db "schema2/password@db as sysdba". I have tried same command via command line first(connecting to db via TNS):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle 12.1>Toad.exe -c swb@rajesh "swb@kumar". It is only connecting with first db which is rajesh. Can anyone help me, what i am missing here ?

Thanks @JohnDorlon: with password it worked. Then again i tried without password(pwd was saved in Toad) it works fine.

Can you also tell me how to connect to toad from command line without having the TNS entries in place? Currently i am making TNS entries and then connecting to toad which is working fine.

This may help: If you store the password on the login window, and you intend to run an action....just call the action from command line w/o the connection info. Toad will automatically make the connection for that action.

I would like to run an Oracle script through SQL Plus via a Windows command prompt. The script does not contain an "exit" command, but I would still like SQL Plus to exit, returning control to the command prompt on completion of the script. My goal is to do this without modifying the script. Is this possible?

I am using a german oracle 11.2.0g install, which has some command line tools communicating with some non-ascii characters (, , etc.). These are written out in iso8859-1 encoding, but I need them as utf-8 for some scripting. Is it possible?

To be able to access an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance via ssh on a Linux desktop, one can use the ssh-keygen command to generate the necessary SSH key pair and add relevant information on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance as described.

Variables defined in multiple variable value files, perhaps one with a default value and another with an instance specific value when applicable. The last variable file specified in the command line arguments takes the preference, in case there is a duplication of variables:

This file contains server connection information for each server. Each server definition is identified by a unique Server ID. The Server IDs are referenced in the script file for connection related commands.

All the SSMA operations in the Console application get recorded in a log file. This is an optional switch. If a log file and its path are specified at the command line, the log gets generated in the specified location. Otherwise, it gets generated in its default location.

If authentication is successful, you get the SQLPlus command prompt. This means you are now connected to the Oracle database. Now use commands and queries to interact with the database, retrieve data, carry out calculations or manipulate tables.

SQLPlus and Oracle Database are tools that work together to manage and access relational databases. SQLPlus is a command-line interface provided by Oracle which allows users to interact with the Oracle Database using SQL commands. Oracle Database is a powerful and widely used RDBMS created by Oracle Corporation.

Common SQLPlus Commands and Functions play a pivotal role in utilizing the features of Oracle software effectively. These commands and functions enable users to perform various database operations efficiently. By using SQLPlus, users can execute SQL commands, create and manipulate database objects, and retrieve data from the Oracle database. Understanding and utilizing these commands and functions is crucial for proficient database management.

By leveraging these commands and functions, users can efficiently manage and manipulate their Oracle databases according to their needs. Each command and function serves a specific purpose and can be customized as per the database requirements.

Familiarize with the techniques outlined in this article and pay attention to updates and compatibility requirements. This will help you connect to an Oracle database using SQLPlus without much difficulty. Good luck!

2. What is SQLPlus?

SQLPlus is a command-line tool provided by Oracle that allows users to interact with an Oracle database. It provides a powerful and flexible environment for executing SQL queries and managing database objects.

The rlwrap (readline wrapper) utility provides a command history and editing of keyboard input for any other command. This is a really handy addition to SQL*Plus and RMAN on Linux. This article explains how to install rlwrap and set it up for SQL*Plus and RMAN. Thanks to Lutz Hartmann for reminding me of this utility.

 The SQL Developer team have a cool tool called SQLcl, that is like a Java-based SQL*Plus replacement with lots of extra functionality, including command history. The 12cR2 version of SQL*Plus now contains a command history.

Configure the EPEL yum repository, as described here. In this case i was installing on Oracle Linux 6 (x86-64), so I downloaded the package displayed here. Don't worry that it is listed as a, i386 package. It just installs the yum repository. The following commands download and configure the EPEL repository.

In the event of a disaster, you can boot the machine from Veeam Recovery Media and use Veeam Agent for Oracle Solaris to restore data in command line interface. When you restore data with Veeam Recovery Media, Veeam Agent restores backup content directly to the available disks of the recovered system and replaces any current disk content.

In order to install a design into a DB in an automatic fashion, it would be really great to have a command line mode in Data Modeler. At least the export feature that exists in Data Modeler should be available in command-line mode. This would enable me to script the export and install automatically the design into a database through the ddl file generated.

This tutorial describes how to set the default kernel of an Oracle Linux system from the command line. This tutorial is targeted at Oracle Linux 8 users, but the commands are also available on other Oracle Linux releases.

In previous releases, setting the default kernel was performed by configuring the GRUB boot loader or by using other alternative commands. Now, however, you should preferrably use the grubby command to control and manage all of your boot requirements. This tool offers the benefit of being scriptable and can abstract bootloader configuration from the user.

An introductory video that provides an overview of the kernel and underlying system architecture and which demonstrates switching kernel using the grubby command is provided at =a0zXGhzPRp8 .

Note that this tutorial does not describe use of the grubby command and explains the underlying components that grubby interacts with. For most kernel management requirements on Oracle Linux, the grubby tool is sufficient.

In Command Prompt, you must change the directory to where the tnsping command is located in the 32-bit Oracle client installation. Type cd C:\, which will allow you to change the directory to the 32-bit Oracle path. You'l know this is successful when Command Prompt shows C:\> before the cursor. ff782bc1db

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