Here you can find the entire collection of program documents and help guides. If you are unable to locate the form or document you are looking for, please email and a member of the team will assist you.

The forms in this package may be used for property that has been inadvertently included in a V zone or the regulatory floodway. However, if the property is to be removed from a V zone, it must not be located seaward of the landward toe of the primary frontal dune.

Fema Forms Download

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This form should be used for revisions to effective FIS reports, FIRMs or FBFMs by individual and community requesters. These forms will provide FEMA with assurance that all pertinent data relating to the revision are included in the submittal. They also will ensure that: (a) the data and methodology are based on current conditions; (b) qualified professionals have assembled data and performed all necessary computations and (c) all individuals and organizations affected by proposed changes are aware of the changes and will have an opportunity to comment on them.

This form can be filled out online.

The Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form is required for all federally backed loans and is used by lenders to determine the flood risk for their building loans. The form is authorized by the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 and is imposed on lenders by their regulatory entities, not by FEMA. FEMA oversees the National Flood Insurance Program which makes federally administered flood insurance available throughout the United States and is responsible for development, updates and making the form available to users. Implementation of the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 and the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 94, as amended, is the responsibility of the various federal agencies that regulate lenders. Please contact your regulator or lender to determine their requirements. This form may be locally reproduced. This form needs to be downloaded and opened directly in Adobe Reader because it may not open in Edge or other browser-based readers. If you have questions about this form, please contact On Sept. 27, 2023 FEMA published a Federal Register notice of revision and request for comments regarding the form. The current version of the form is not expired and may continue to be used until further notice.

These forms assure FEMA that all pertinent data relating to the request is included in the submittal. The address and fax number associated with the documents below has been updated. Please send all materials and/or payments to the following address:

View and Track Applications

This table includes information of all your Online LOMC applications that have been submitted,are currently in progress, or that have been previously adjudicatedthrough the Online LOMC site. If you submitted a request for a LOMC through regularmail using the paper MT-1, MT-2, MT-EZ forms, or used the eLOMAapplication process, those requests will not appear here.

Contact Us

This homepage provides three methods to contact the FEMA Risk MAPprogram with any questions or concerns you have regarding the OnlineLOMC application process: 

Call the program at 1-877-FEMA MAPEmail FEMA-FMIX@fema.dhs.govChat online with a FEMA MapInformation eXchange (FMIX) representative

Note: Incomplete submissions will result inprocessing delays.

 For additional information regarding this form,including where to obtain supporting documents listed above, pleaserefer to -1-application-forms-instructions

There must be one community official listed for each communityselected. If the system did not generate or incorrectly generatedcommunity official information, please enter your community official'sinformation in the provided spaces. If you do not know your communityofficial's information, please contact your local community, Mayor'soffice, or the FEMA Mapping and Information eXchange (FMIX) for further support.To contact the FMIX, please call 1-877-336-2627 or email

Based on the responses in this Revision Application, the systemwill automatically determine what required form(s) the requester willneed to submit for this Revision Application. Select the hyperlinksunder "Required Forms" to access and print these documents. Complete therequired forms and obtain any applicable signatures. Once the requiredforms have been saved and completed, the requester will upload theseforms on the next page.

In the "Additional Forms" section, are additional forms for aLOMR and CLOMR application. the requester may also print these documentsThe additional forms for LOMR/CLOMR application can be found in the"Additional Forms" section. You may print these documents in order toobtain required signature(s) regarding this LOMC. Please note thatfailing to provide these documents as part of this Online LOMCsubmission may delay the processing of this LOMC.

Please ensure the supporting forms that are appropriate to yourrevision request are included in your submittal. Check each form thatyou will include and upload the file. An error will appear if theappropriate form(s) are not included in your submittal.

An eLOMA determination serves the same function as a standard LOMA that was completed via the Online LOMC tool or the MT-EZ or MT-1 paper forms submitted by mail. The Online LOMC tool is available to any applicant, including home or property owners who wish to submit a LOMC request online, whereas eLOMA can only be used by a selected group. All LOMC requests may be processed through Online LOMC, including amendment and revision requests, whereas eLOMA is for a selected LOMA (amendment) requests.

A LOMA determination via Online LOMC or the paper forms may take up to 60 days to process, compared to a potentially instant eLOMA determination. The eLOMA tool allows for less mailing and printing of supporting data forms and expedites the electronic transfer and tracking of data.

These forms should be used to request that FEMA remove a single structure or a legally recorded parcel of land or portions thereof, from a designated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), via Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). A LOMA is a letter from FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land that has not been elevated by fill (i.e. the existing structure or parcel of land is on natural grade) would not be inundated by the base flood. These forms assure FEMA that all pertinent data relating to the request is included in the submittal.

The Survey123 web app is ideal to support damage assessment self-reporting methods. Self-reporting is primarily conducted at the local or county level to develop initial damage information, which is later reviewed and validated. Typically, the Survey123 forms are shared publicly with affected communities via local web pages, social media, etc.

The same forms can also be used from the Survey123 field app. The Survey123 field app is better suited for field-level damage assessment methods such as Door to Door and Windshield Damage Assessments. IA and PA forms can be downloaded into the Survey123 field app for use in desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices. Once downloaded, the forms can be used by the damage assessment teams even while disconnected from the network.

To preview unmodified examples of the PA and IA forms in the Survey123 field app, you will need to first install the Survey123 app in your device. You can download it from the Google Play and iTunes Apple stores. You can also download desktop versions of the Survey123 app for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu Linux.

Survey123 Connect is a desktop tool for designing and publishing advanced smart forms into ArcGIS. It is available for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu Linux and it is available through the Survey123 Download page.

Hiding questions and setting defaults: It can be very frustrating for field personnel to repeatedly complete sections of the form with information that is common to all the damage assessments. A good example is the Incident ID Number or the Incident Begin Date. Since you will be publishing the PDA surveys specifically for a particular event, both the Incident ID and Begin Date will be known for all Damage Assessments. For local events, location information such as the State and even the County will never vary and will be known in advance. So, why should field personnel need to worry about these recurring details? With Survey123, you can configure forms to hide these questions from the end-user and still submit the correct/complete data by setting up default values before you publish the survey. Use the hidden appearance to hide a question and set its value though the default column.

Reducing choices in lists: The PDA forms include a number of lists to facilitate data entry. This includes lists such as US states and territories, US counties, event types (drought, earthquake, tornado, etc.) and many others. You can configure your PDA surveys to only show choices that make sense for your effort. For example, in assessing damage caused by flooding around the mouth of the Columbia River, you may want to limit choices in the States list to Oregon and Washington; in the Counties list to Pacific (for Washington) and Clatsop (for Oregon). From the Event Types list, you will want to remove choices such as drought, tropical storm, tropical depression and any others that do not apply to the area. You can manipulate lists using the choices worksheet of your XLSForm.

Public forms allow any person, even without an ArcGIS account, to submit data using Survey123. This is of particular importance to support individual assessments. While public forms are supported by the Survey123 field app, the most common use of public forms is through the Survey123 web app. Links to your survey forms can be posted in social media, websites, and shared with local media. ff782bc1db

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