On step 2 of 9, check the radio button for "Create and configure database". Step 3 of 9, I selected Desktop Class. On step 4 of 9, I changed the Oracle base to "C:\cygwin\home\lylez\oracle", and accepted the other defaults (such as "Enterprise Edition"). You may wish to accept all the defaults; that's up to you. Select an administrative password (and write it down) and click on Next. Then click on Finish.

Now , the last few after hours patching reboots (database is open during the reboot) this one db doesn't come up with the windows service. Even after all the users log off before the shutdown. Nothing is obvious in the alert.log file.

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Any thoughts on what to check or change to ensure the db does proper cleanup on startup.. assuming I don't shut it down clean, which is not always an option. The windows service is set to automatic, naturally. There are 2 11g databases on this server.

I have a system running an Oracle database (12c, 64bit) and I need to have ArcMap running on this same system connect to the database. ArcMap is 32bit so I also have the 32bit Oracle 12c instant client on the system. The user I was connected as when I set all of this up works fine having the 64bit oracle server path first in the environment variables. But any other user on this system gets the "Failed to connect to database ... database client software failed to load..." error. All of the discussions on this topic seem to focus on the environment path which I did in order to get the first user to work. But everything is setup the same for the other users yet it doesn't work for them. Is there anything else that could cause the Oracle client to fail to load? Is there any other logs or checks you can perform to see where the problem is coming from?

Also, you mention system in a couple of places- are these different windows users on the same machine trying to open ArcMap 10.2.1 and connect to that Oracle database or are these users on different machines?

I never got it to work. In the end, I setup a VM on the same hardware to act as the "client" while the physical system acted as the server. Then I didn't have to try to work around having the server and client software running on the same windows installation.

I resolved the problem by installing the 32-bit Oracle Client 11g version onto the computer in this location c:\oracle. It doesn't work using the instantclient version because the instant client doesn't contain the necessary libraries.

NOTE: The biggest problem you will have is to ensure you are using 32-bit drivers using cygwin, oracle software, and odbcad32. You will receive that can't load library if you mix 64-bit drivers with 32-bit drivers.

Hello, today i tried to install the new 18c XE on my windows 10 computer. After a while the installation froze and the dilemma began. Windows told mit XE was installed, but i couldnt find it in my programms/apps and the setup.exe just told me i already had installed a XE version.

Oracle setup installer and response files ready, I run the setup command with my response file on my own PC from an elevated cmd window and Oracle is installed, no problems found and oracledb installs according to my reponsefile

I have searched google, oracle.com, and other related forums already. But I could not find any results regarding installing two or more Oracle homes on Windows. I have found guidelines on copying / cloning an instance into a new home, but if i recall correctly it is meant for copying / cloning onto other servers and not on the same server. Since the existing database is installed on Windows, I am afraid that I may damage the existing install by running the setup wizard again, changing Windows registry values and running the database as service.

About Oracle

Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at www.oracle.com.

After the above steps are performed verify the oracle status from Commvault console, from Commvault console navigate to the oracle machine expand the client expand oracle agent right click the oracle instance and click on properties. Click on the refresh button and make sure the database status is shown as open.

... information, when I click on connect, toad windows disappear. I see Toad

running in tast bar, but can not resize/maximize its windows so that it

comes up in front of me .. Any ideas?


Add Oracle 21, 19, 18, 12 or 11.2 client libraries to your operating systemlibrary search path such as PATH on Windows or LD_LIBRARY_PATH onLinux. On macOS use init_oracle_client() in yourapplication to pass the Oracle Client directory name, seeUsing cx_Oracle.init_oracle_client() to set the Oracle Client directory. This is also usable on Windows.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then put the filesin an accessible directory, for example in/opt/oracle/your_config_dir. Then use:

Alternatively, put the files in the network/admin subdirectory of InstantClient, for example in /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_1/network/admin.This is the default Oracle configuration directory for executables linkedwith this Instant Client.

Alternatively, put the files in the network/admin subdirectory of InstantClient, for example in /usr/lib/oracle/21/client64/lib/network/admin.This is the default Oracle configuration directory for executables linkedwith this Instant Client.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then put the filesin an accessible directory, for example inC:\oracle\your_config_dir. Then use:

Alternatively, put the files in a network\admin subdirectory ofInstant Client, for example inC:\oracle\instantclient_19_11\network\admin. This is the defaultOracle configuration directory for executables linked with thisInstant Client.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora or oraaccess.xml with Oracle Instant Client, then put thefiles in an accessible directory, for example in/Users/your_username/oracle/your_config_dir. Then use:

For other installation options such as installing through a proxy, seeinstructions above. Make sure the Oracle Client libraries are in the systemlibrary search path because cx_Oracle 7 does not support thecx_Oracle.init_oracle_client() method and does not support loading theOracle Client libraries from the directory containing the cx_Oracle modulebinary.

On Windows, if you are not usinginit_oracle_client(), then restart your command promptand use set PATH to check the environment variable has the correctOracle Client listed before any other Oracle directories.

On macOS, make sure you are not using the bundled Python (use Homebrew or Python.org instead). If you are not usinginit_oracle_client(), then put the Oracle InstantClient libraries in ~/lib or /usr/local/lib.

The Oracle for DXC'11 is the same as DXC'10 and provides a querying capability to the DAs to determine the correct actions for given faults. Because the Oracle uses proprietary NASA software, it is provided only in binary form. Thus the framework is available as a windows binary installer, linux source files + binary oracle, or windows source files + binary oracle. Please see the included READMEs and example DAs for more information. ff782bc1db

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