Today, we are rolling out OpusClip 3.0. It's packed with different surprises that allow you to create clips more tailored to your preferences, catering to a diverse array of scenarios.

With OpusClip v3.0, you can clip different video genres, create clip results of different lengths (up to 15 minutes), generate different styles of video titles, and make your results look more appealing with a different AI b-roll generator and more animated captions. You can also use OpusClip in a different way - only use OpusClip to add animated captions and emojis to your videos without clipping.

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And now, you can use OpusClip to effortlessly craft mid-form clips to suit your content needs! Simply upload your videos, choose your desired mid-form length ( ranging from 3-5 minutes, 5-10 minutes, or 10-15 minutes ), and OpusClip will automate the entire mid-form video creation and editing process, saving you valuable time.

The new AI B-Roll Generator uses text-to-videoĀ  to generate contextually relevant B-rolls from scratch. You can further customize your AI generated b-roll by modifying the prompt, or selecting a new style (photorealistic, pop art etc.).

The new AI B-Roll Generator is perfect for visualizing abstract conceptsĀ  that may be challenging to convey using traditional stock images or videos. Not only does it save you valuable time searching for suitable B-rolls, but it also elevates the visual appeal and professionalism of your short videos.

Plus, with our latest update, you now have the ability to regenerate video titles based on various styles, including interesting, catchy, serious, and question formats. This means you can tailor your titles to better resonate with your audience and capture their attention.

A comparison is a new thing for me when it comes to this newsletter series. I've done reviews of both of these tools before (links at the bottom). However taking two great tools, and pitting them against each other is another thing.

I'll probably be singing the praises of both, but I'll try to mention the issues I've faced too. Magic Clips is also still quite new, and Opus isn't much older itself. That is something very important to consider.

Additionally, I think it should be pointed out that I feel that even though the features themselves are similar, that the use cases are different. Magic clips are great if you're already in the Riverside ecosystem, and you have videos in the system already recorded there. Whereas Opus is great if you have a huge backlog of youtube videos, that need to be repurposed.

This post will go first into the overview of both (the order is random as to not make it seem like one is more prudent), then the pros/cons, My experience, what/why/how, then the Takeaways. Note: All links to the tools will be affiliate links!

This is something I truly want to be fair to both parties, but as a content creator to all of you reading this I want to be as agnostic as possible. That way you get the best outcome you can from which one you decide to go with.

Personally, I love both tools, and I find it hard to choose between them. However I also use them for different purposes. As much as I would've loved using Magic clips, it came out around the time I started using Opus. It also doesn't really help me in the sense of my 100 videos in the backlog that won't work. Probably only about 10-20 of them are new enough to use that feature.

Next comes the pre-run stage, and now this one is easily missed. However it is quite important to get right. Most short form platforms do better with either 10 seconds or less, or 40 seconds and more. I generally go for the 30-60 second range, and you have to make sure you check that box here.

From there you have each of your clips, I've been noticing that they have been getting more and more and more over the last few months. At the start I'd maybe 22 clips per hour and half long video. Which about 14-15 would be usable. Now I get anywhere from 30 to 45, with perhaps 25 of them being usable.

Once generated you can see all of the clips lined up, and they will be in front of anything else you made. For example I make a clip for my final export to do some formatting in riverside before moving to Davinci Resolve for final cut. Meaning my "clip" that is the full length is at the end of the row. Not a big deal, but wanted to mention.

They generated about 17 clips in Riverside whereas Opus generated about 31. However the number of USABLE clips is I think perhaps stronger in Riverside, but in the end they basically are pretty comparable.

The thing is about Riverside is that they are a recording tool first, but that means all of your content will be in one place. You already have your videos ON THEIR SERVERS, which means it is quick turn to just convert them into clips.

However it also means you're paying for a lot more features. They are the BEST recording tool on the market, I've used all of them (either as a host or guest), and they have a lot more to offer too. Such as livestreams, their magic editor for long form video (which is integrated with the clips), and more.

Now the really interesting thing is that the Magic Clips feature is included on all plans. Even the free option, which can be a huge deal to some smaller creators, but you only get 2 hours per month on free, or 5 hours on standard. Those hours being how much you can record via the tool, and in turn where your clips will be coming from.

With Opus if you have a lot of videos in the backlog, such as how I did (over 200 videos, not just my interviews), then all you have to do is simply drop a youtube video link. A good 33% of my interviews were on Zoom prior to moving to Riverside, and some of my Riverside ones were made before their update. Meaning I can't use the Clips feature on them. A small issue, but Opus can be used then for those videos.

One of my biggest gripes with Opus, and I've told them too, is the price is pretty high. However the cost of ChatGPT's API is also pretty high, and they are doing a lot more than just finding clips. If you are just using it month to month, and not trying to convert a whole backlog. Then the price isn't so bad.

Riverside just released more in depth captions editing capabilities, and Opus released manual reframe allowing you to move the viewport of a person talking (which helps if the auto reframe messes something up or isn't to your liking).

I do have to hand it to Riverside on this one, the user interface is a lot more clean. However they have been around a lot longer, and this editor was also used for the long form videos too before. So it was just remixed for the clips. Perhaps it could even be TOO much for clips (take a look at that timeline stretched all the way out, when it could be better to zoom in on the clip automatically).

I spent years working with content repurposing tools, and it wasn't until Opus that it was simple enough to where I got off my ass and made these clips. I'm serious it was a pretty big herculean task to go through over 100 interviews, and over 200 YT videos total (as I did use my vlogs too).

However there has been many issues, or rather growing pains, that I have had to deal with. From extremely long processing times (when the servers were busy I left the tab open, and I'd leave it all morning), to the reframe being quite poor in some videos (now I can fix that with manual reframe, but tedious for 30+ clips).

Even having some of my videos stuck in limbo back in June. They were growing, and I had a few videos that didn't run properly, and I wasn't going to spend MORE money to do more videos when these weren't done.

Let me be clear that support has always been helpful, and they were eventually able to help me with those videos getting finished. There is a reason why I became a brand partner, and that is because they know what they are doing and they are on the right track.

While I had to deal with growing pains there too, they weren't as frequent I guess you could say. I think that is important to note since that these "Magic Clips" are quite new, and they're just going to keep adding more features like the caption editor that just released.

These pros and cons are what I can tell right off the bat, and it really feels like there is equal grounds. They both have stuff that the other does not, and they both are bringing out new and unique features. 152ee80cbc

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