Are you maybe referring to the display none attribute ?

If so, simply select your container div, apply a display block on desktop, tablet and mobile landscape then, on mobile portrait breakpoint, switch the display attribute to none (see screenshot).

1. The header's change of size (it shrinks slightly for the desktop version while the user scrolls down) does not work well on mobile; it seems to enlarge then shrink back. I would like for the header to not change in size for the mobile version (while the desktop version remains as is).

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2. On mobile, clicking on header folder will move the the subpage to show the sub navigation. If clicking Our service leads to 'Our Services' Page, how can we move to the sub-navigation? Or on the sub page, there will have another navigation that reach to the Our service page, is it fine?

Just consider that when an element is hidden, the browser will normal download the assets. So that can create a additional load on mobile clients. So I would consider image sizes and optimization of them to ensure the best possible performance.

You could look into the CSS word-break property to prevent words/strings being cut in half. If it is specifically line breaks you want to use then appending a class to the element such as and setting it to display: none in the CSS should prevent it from doing anything normally.You can then use a media query to display the line break at specific mobile screen sizes, for example:

You could also achieve this by wrapping the number in a span element and setting this to display: block when on mobile devices, although your issue with the media queries below will also apply to this.

For instance, my body max-width is 800px wide with 2px margins. When the window is less than 800px (mobile?) i want the margins on it to be 0px (this works on my browser). Turns out that my phones screen is hi-res and therefore the width of the display never goes below 800px!

If what you want to change is margin value when viewed on mobile you should design your display for use on any screen above the mobile size, 800px wide for you, then create a media query, similar to the ones in the link commented by @Hynes, which changes just margins to 0px.

You are correct in assuming your device is 800px wide due to ratios, but it also has to do with resolution, which are similar topics here. If you imagine a sports jumbo screen, a pixel is nearly an led in size, vs a 1080px display laptop, where the pixels are nearly unobservable. Ratios and resolutions are the reasons displays are tricky to make, and why values such as em's and percentages have come to be, to bypass the differences in display. This is also a large reason of why media queries are so useful

It's just some basic stuff on the header where I want to change margins and text alignment etc. because on mobile, it's automatically placing the header text over a dark part of the image and cutting off an important part of the image. I can make the changes easily enough, but it also changes the desktop version.

Hey everyone,

I'm looking into implementing a Help Desk and a Hardware Rental solution in SharePoint.

After some experimenting, I wanted to look into more visual pleasing solutions and stumbled upon Power Apps.

The way it's structured left me confused: Is this meant to be mainly a mobile solution? Since everyone at the Office works exclusively with laptops, this wouldn't suit us.

Thank you for your prompt response. I was not sure where to insert that code so I put it in Customizer > Cusom > CSS but nothing happened. Also what about the blockquotes? Basically what I need is for the headings and blockquotes to appear smaller (with probably no padding) on smaller screens, because right now on mobile I have super tight awkward looking columns (for blockquotes) and huge headers.

Thanks for this! With your help, I managed to re-size the blockquotes and remove the padding on them for mobile only.

There seems to be quite a few elements that I need to adjust for mobile use only. May I please ask you to help me with the following:

I cannot figure out how to properly position the logo and have it resize with mobile screen. Right now, the image of the logo is placed within the first row in my first section. In order for it to be showing on the top right corner of the screen, I added PADDING 0px 0px 0px 30% to the column and PADDING 0px 0px 0px 40% to the row. Is that the right way of doing it?

So I applied the same code (float: right;) to the style field of the Twitter icon in my final section (section 16).

Looks fine on desktop but on mobile the icons seem to switch places and there is a big gap in between them.

Yes a media query is what is needed. Start by applying a display: none; style to the image. In the query you would use display: inline-block; or display: block; when the media query is active for mobile which will show the image.

Hello, is it possible to make a splash screen appear only in mobile versions of my application? I have widgets in there that I'd like to provide a short explanation for, but those widgets are not in my desktop version so it's potentially confusing.

When they login at their computer, they can edit the sheet. When they login via mobile app the same sheet is "View Only". This only happens in a few cases. How can I fix it? we already updated the app and restarted it.

The biggest issue I have with this is I don't give access for the sheets to everyone. I use the reports to show only data required for the employee and they make changes through the report. So using the phone app wouldn't be applicable in my case.

The majority of the time, we see mobile-only strategies with companies, products and services related particularly to mobility and social meet-ups, where actions are carried out exclusively or nearly exclusively via a mobile application.

Not sure I correctly understand your questions, but the apps you create with PowerApps can be opened both in mobile and in desktop basically without any difference except for the size and orientation of screen. InfoPath is un-necessary.

This just happened to me. I have no idea why this function Only Show in Shared Photos would be needed. I had no idea what I had tapped on that made the collection or album (depending on classic or mobile or cc nomenclature you are using) disappear from lightroom classic and mobile. I thought I had deleted it. Thank you for having sorted this out as it saved me a lot of headache. My fat fingers caused me plenty of pain but your solution here saved me even more.

The new updates (post Aug2019) totally broke sharing. I used to share a link of only Flagged items, and then keep progressively working on the rest of the album. So the flagged items in my shared link will keep growing as I finish processing.

A few weeks ago Spectrum merged Spectrum Mobile with My Spectrum app. I have always been able to use each individually and control internet settings without any issues. However, since the merger, I can no longer access my internet settings via My Spectrum app or Only the mobile account shows up. I called customer service and they connected me to an app technical service rep who explained that it was likely an issue with the app and that an updated version would release within 48 hours. That was a week ago. I still cannot access my internet settings via app or online. Anyone else have this issue? I've tried deleting and reinstalling app. Resetting modem/router provided by spectrum. Still nothing. Any help would be appreciated.

Problem solved. I called customer service again and apparently with the merger my user name changed to my cell phone number. When I logged in with my cell phone number and new password, I was able to see both my internet settings/account and my mobile settings/account. Figured I'd update here in case anyone else has the same issue. Have a great day everyone!

Hi and thank you for your response. I am using an Iphone 12 and a windows laptop. In the app, internet is not there at all. I only see my mobile account and on, when I click internet tab, it shows me offers that are available to subscribe to internet service.

Not at all. If it better fits your workflow and goals you can instead create a standard campaign. If your campaign is not mobile-only, it will show on all devices by default and you can use the Display Rules to target the campaign to Desktop, Tablet, and/or Mobile Phone.

You may need to adjust the campaign design after converting to or from mobile-only. This is not necessary if you create a mobile-only campaign from the start and do not convert because the design is already optimized for small screens.

I am using the Sliding Panes plugin, which I like a lot on desktop, however on mobile it is unusable due to major styling issues: Not working in mobileĀ  Issue #60Ā  deathau/sliding-panes-obsidianĀ  GitHub

I have all my Obsidian settings and plugins synced, and I want to keep it that way. However, I need to disable the Sliding Panes plugin on mobile in order for it to be usable, while leaving it enabled on desktop. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Are you testing on only one device? Is it iOS? Do you have a custom domain set up that matches your application domain? (see Troubleshoot Renew Tokens When Using Safari if the error appears in Safari)

Thanks for your answer. And if I open that link in any browser, it will be opened in the browser, right? So it won't ask, if I like to open via mobile app, right? How can I make sure to open it via mobile app?

Yaa it is not browser dependent. It will work on any browser be it Mozilla, Chrome, Firefox etc. This one answers your first question. For mobile app, u need to view that report in mobile layout so that u get an idea of how it will look when u view it via mobile and then u can use that link to see the mobile view on any browser. This answers your second question. Now answering your last qurstion If u want to see the report in mobile then u need to search for Power BI Mobile App in your play store/app store, download it, login through your Power BI Desktop/Service account and thats it now u can see all your reports very easily with one single tap on your mobile. 2351a5e196

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