Hi! I was wondering if there is a way to automatically insert page numbers just like in Word. It would also be really helpful if you can format it like "page 1 of 2." If you know a way, please let me know. Thank you!

I want to have a console app that creates a new page in One Note 2010. The new page will always go into the same section, which will already exist. The page title will be a string in the Windows clipboard. I know how to do the clipboard part (the program also creates a folder in a specified path and names it using the string in the clipboard), but I'm having trouble getting started with the One Note part.

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But I'm still basically lost. I don't need to find the names of any sections or anything, I know that my new pages will always go into a notebook called Tasks in a section called Notes, at least in the first version/while I'm still learning.

I'm looking for nice, focused explanation of how to create a new One Note page from C#. The MSDN articles assume all sorts of prior knowledge that I don't have, and I'd rather get a jump start and learn by doing than spend a month reading. Once the basic program works, I'll spend lots of time tweaking it, which should be a great way to learn.

If Hook can create a link that would be ideal. But if not and it can create a Hook link from the URL on the clipboard that was added manually to the clipboard that would still be really useful. With the Hook link when opened goes to the page in OneNote Mac app, as Safari does when it opens the URL.

So I Quit Hook, restarted, updated again, Quit and restarted. It still did not list any OneNote script, but trying to Hook while in OneNote now works. The link you create I can use on my Stream Deck etc to go straight to the appropriate page in OneNote app.

When you use OneNote, it is important that you give each page and section adequate time to reach our servers. The status of this operation for a given page is indicated by the cloud icon on the ribbon. If not enough time has passed, the customer may receive the "Content Not Yet Available" error message for the page. This can occur when you view the page from another device, from the OneNote app, or in a browser window.

OneNote Online (OneNote on the Web) and the OneNote on Teams client have no local caches. Using either app in offline mode may cause unrecoverable data loss, if the sync does not connect to the server.

OneNote 2016 and OneNote for Win 10 each keep a cached copy of your pages on your device. We recommend that you use them offline until the next time that you connect to the internet. By that time, all the changes that you made will be synced to OneDrive so that you'll be able to see the changes on other devices.

I have a OneNote section in a notebook named "Personal" and some pages in this section. I can't change the section (or page or notebook) language. I tried changing the Office default language from the language settings but that didn't help.

Is there a way to change the language of an OneNote section, page or notebook. It's really annoying because every time I start typing something new, it sets the proofing & spelling language back to the old default language.

It appears that it might be tied to the input language I've chosen from the windows control panel. In that case, is it possible to decouple the OneNote section/page language from my input language because I really don't want to change my input language and keyboard layout.

OneNote integration in Smartsheet to easily paste in a link to a OneNote page/paragraph/section/section group in one click, and then designate whether to open in the OneNote desktop version or web app.

We use OneNote internally for team collaboration on projects. Desktop OneNote is the version that offers all available features while the web app just offers a subset of that functionality, so for serious users that "live" in OneNote, the desktop version is the only option. We want to add hyperlinks to project tasks that directly open the relevant OneNote sections/pages we have set up for the task in desktop OneNote. I also mentioned a use case for external use with clients where it is preferable to have the hyperlink open the OneNote web app. Hope this explanation helps...

I would like to see a way to pull OneNote Tags into Smartsheet. We use these tags to track action items for project, but currently have to manually update the smartsheet. If there was an option for tags within a OneNote page to interface into a smartsheet page, it would eliminate duplicity and keep us nearly 100% in Smartsheet.

In your workaround above, are you copying a page from OneNote and pasting into Smartsheet? And, when you paste into Notepad, you have 2 ++ signs...what does that mean? I am trying the workaround, however confused on the workflow direction. Can you enlighten me? Thanks.

I agree! This is something that I am seeing as a gap as well. The only thought right now as a workaround is to create a folder on another drive that has the onenote files on there and create a link to the file on the smartsheet. This way people would be able to access the notes and the OneNote can be synced with the desktop application for the PM to use.

I used the proposed solution successfully. I am able to add a text "Notes" and after editing the dual links in the URL get it to launch the OneNote page in the web. However, after I use this process, the desktop app no longer works. I get the following:

When you click the Show/Hide Navigation button, the currently viewed page will become bigger, and the column listing the sections and pages will be removed. Click the Show/Hide Navigation button again, and this column will return.

When you start typing anywhere in the body of a page, a frame appears around it. The more lines of text you enter, the taller this frame becomes. You can adjust the width of the frame by dragging its right border line. You can move the frame to another spot on the page by clicking, holding, and dragging its top border line.

Change text formatting: Highlight the text in a frame on a page. Then, from the Home toolbar above, select a formatting function such as font name, size, highlight color, or text color.

In the OneNote mobile app: To add text to a page, tap the spot on the page where you want to put it. The on-screen keyboard of your phone or tablet will open with a toolbar along the top of the keyboard. Icons on the toolbar let you insert To Do, bulleted, or numbered lists; format text in various ways; embed selected text with a web link; or insert other elements described later in this story.

You can adjust the width of a table by clicking on and dragging the right side of its frame. You can move the table itself to another area on the page by clicking on and dragging the top side of its frame. To adjust the sizing of the columns of the table, click on and drag the vertical lines inside the table.

Online Video: This lets you enter the link to an online video on a site such as Giphy, Vimeo, or YouTube. A thumbnail of the video will be added to the page. When you click the thumbnail, the video will play. You can resize this thumbnail like any other image, as described above.

Link: You can apply a clickable web link to a word or words on the page. First, copy the web link to your Windows clipboard. Next, highlight the word or words on the page. Then click the Link button, and on the panel that opens, paste in the web link.

Audio: A simple audio recording and playback tool will appear along the top of the OneNote window when you click this button. You can record a voice memo if your Windows PC has a microphone. The recording will appear on the page as a shortcut to an audio file.

In the OneNote mobile app: To add images or other elements to a page, tap the spot on the page where you want to put this item. As mentioned in the previous section of the story, the on-screen keyboard of your phone or tablet will open with a toolbar along the top of the keyboard.

If I move the intended section to the top level within the notebook (no longer within the section group), Drafts is able to add pages to it there, rather than creating more new sections with the same name (of course, in that case, the known issue with OneNote Append/Prepend functionality still remains).

I am just trying to use the Append to Onenote Journal and I have the following issue. I have connected drafts and onenote succesfully but sometimes it creares a new page for every new entry or some other time add the text in the same day page. Can you please assist on this. The idea is to have all drafts of the same day on one page (of that date).

I use OneNote as my go-to note taking app, and it would be very useful to change the title of the page to a task description and then quickly make the page into a task with the body providing the details.

May I know that if there is any way to embed an onenote class notebook page into Canvas page or attach as an assignment. I mean the onenote class notebook host on the Teams, not from teacher's personal onedirve folder.

However, I was hoping there would be a way to effectively embed a OneNote page directly onto a Canvas page. So students can access their OneNote via Canvas and type straight into the same browser window without effectively having to ALT TAB between different windows

I see how to trigger an email when a OneNote page is edited or added, and I see how to regularly schedule an email. Is there a way to regularly send an email containing the contents of a specific OneNote page, whether or not the page has been updated?

Yeah, it appears that function recursion could handle unlimited section group depth - probably just one for loop that has an if statement to check if the current item is a section group (in which case it would call the function on itself again) or a page (in which case it would call the process page function).

Microsoft uses a process called throttling to limit how many requests for data a program can pull from their systems. For OneNote that is 120 items per minute and 400 per hour as a maximum then Microsoft begins refusing requests. Each page and attachment is a request. so you soon reach the 400 mark. ff782bc1db

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