The existing Attribute Extension jamf-patch-microsoft-onedrive searches for KEY="CFBundleVersion" in the Info.Plist of the /Applications/ folder. However, there is no such key.

So while I agree this is looking more and more like a Microsoft issue, is there any advice on how to fix/troubleshoot the JAMF AE error I'm getting? I feel like there should be something verbose I can look into to see the error, but from the Computer management AE list there is no listed item for the referenced jamf-patch-microsoft-onedrive. There is a location I'm overlooking that'll provide me the context for that "ah ha" moment.

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According to a bug report here: , it is mentioned that the version history doesn't consume storage quota, but the official rclone documentation for OneDrive makes no mention of that, only that --onedrive-disable-versions doesn't work with Personal.

Starting from July 2023 SHA1 support is being phased out in OnedrivePersonal in favour of QuickXorHash. If necessary the--onedrive-hash-type flag (or hash_type config option) can be usedto select SHA1 during the transition period if this is importantyour workflow.

Before rclone 1.62 an SHA1 hash was used by default for OnedrivePersonal. For 1.62 and later the default is to use a QuickXorHash forall onedrive types. If an SHA1 hash is desired then set this optionaccordingly.

As a rule of thumb if nearly all of your data is under rclone's rootdirectory (the root/directory in onedrive:root/directory) thenusing this flag will be be a big performance win. If your data ismostly not under the root then using this flag will be a bigperformance loss. ff782bc1db

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