Strict dietary habits are no longer required to prevent spending your Bali break within two steps of a toilet. Once upon a time, salads, cut fruit, ice cubes and most meats were on the danger list, but hygiene standards have improved markedly across the island, and many kitchens offer good quality organic produce. While dodgy prawns will always be out there, by staying hydrated, avoiding notorious local liquor arak, and consuming street food with a degree of caution, the dreaded Bali belly should be kept at bay.

The survey asked how often, aside from religious services, individuals pray: several times a day, once a day, less often or never? In addition, respondents who said they pray several times a day were asked whether they observe all five salat.

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When it comes to differences by age, it is especially in the Middle East and North Africa that Muslims 35 and older are more likely than their younger counterparts to pray several times a day. The greatest disparity in the frequency of prayer is in Lebanon, where 75% of those 35 and older pray more than once per day, compared with 47% of Lebanese Muslims who are 18-34 years old. Sizable age gaps in the observance of daily prayer also are found in the Palestinian territories (+23 percentage points), Tunisia (+19) and Morocco (+18), with those 35 and older consistently praying more often than younger adults. Smaller, but significant, differences are observed elsewhere in the region.

Among Muslims who attend mosque at least once a week, many pay repeated visits between Friday prayers. This is especially true in sub-Saharan Africa, where at least four-in-ten Muslims in each country surveyed report attending mosque multiple times each week. In South Asia and Southeast Asia, at least one-in-three Muslims say they attend mosque more than once a week, while in the Middle East and North Africa the percentage of Muslims attending mosque multiple times each week ranges from 15% in Lebanon to 38% in Tunisia.

Relatively few Muslims in Central Asia and across Southern and Eastern Europe visit their local mosque more than once per week. Across these two regions, Turkish Muslims are the most likely (19%) to attend mosque multiple times a week.

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One way to address supply chain resiliency concerns in the Indo-Pacific is by adding dedicated chapters with detailed provisions, including rules and cooperation mechanisms, on resilient supply chains to these two mega-regional trade agreements. Given that these agreements already contribute to broadening and deepening regional supply chain integration through preferential market access, cumulative rules of origin, and trade facilitation provisions, building on them would seem like the most logical way forward. However, negotiating revisions and securing approval of such amendments through the respective legislatures of each member is a time-consuming process. Given the urgency of supply chain matters, a more timely approach is needed.

The semiconductor shortage during the pandemic and the request for information by the U.S. government in September 2021 is a good case in point. Although the request was a valid and urgent exercise to understand the mismatch of supply and demand and enhance transparency in the enormously complex semiconductor supply chain, semiconductor companies became concerned about sharing sensitive and sometimes confidential and proprietary business information, such as customer identities and production levels. This is one example of the new challenges that policymakers worldwide face in trying to strike the right balance between securing pertinent business information from the private sector and not intruding on sensitive business matters and protecting the privacy and confidentiality of certain business information. Countries may need new domestic legislation or regulations to deal with information sharing by the private sector. As such, IPEF should develop a set of new rules on what kind of business information countries could request from the private sector, how countries would share such information, and how they could guarantee the confidentiality of sensitive and proprietary business information.

Individual countries have already started to undertake necessary mapping work in the critical minerals and material sector. For example, the U.S. Geological Survey included in its 2022 List of Critical Minerals 50 minerals selected based on multiple criteria related to economic and strategic importance and supply risk. Similarly, Japan designated 34 minerals and Korea 33 minerals, all of which included cobalt, nickel, and rare earth materials. Other IPEF participating countries should be encouraged to do the same, leading to the formulation of IPEF-wide supply chain mapping for this critical sector. The mapping would uncover where the supply chain is highly concentrated and where there are vulnerable nodes. If it is matched with potential sources of critical minerals and materials supplied by other IPEF members, opportunities for new development and diversification of the supply chains would be revealed. Such mapping cooperation could take various forms, whether in bilateral or groupings of certain IPEF members and does not necessarily have to be a hub-and-spoke system with one country at the center. This is a big task that would require significant time and energy, but it is important to identify and address vulnerabilities.

Founded in 1962 in Echo Park, Pioneer Chicken was one of several fried chicken chains that were once ubiquitous in L.A. It peaked in the late 1970s, when there were hundreds of locations throughout California, many of them in the greater L.A. area. It had the standard fast food chain look: lots of windows, small dining area, a drive-through, and a large sign depicting a chuck wagon driven by a jolly cook named Pioneer Pete. The fried chicken looked orange, it was greasy as hell, and when you bit in, there was a really loud crunch.

First of all is in the area of trade and investment. At this time, the United States is the trade partner number three for Indonesia, with $21 billion in 2008, and also investor number three for Indonesia. We hope that--and I personally expect that--once again, the investment and trade between our two countries can be increased significantly in the future, bearing in mind that the magnitude of the economies of the United States and also the economic growth that is occurring in Indonesia right now.

Ladies and gentlemen, we also discussed the issue of--global and regional issues of common concern. Among others, the future of the relations between ASEAN and the United States, the future of the East Asia summit, and also cooperation in regional--in the context of APEC, we both agreed to discuss efforts to ensure stability and security and peace in our region--specifically Asia-Pacific, including in the area of Asia, which currently is facing a lot of focus on many shifts in geopolitics in the recent times.

One example that I mentioned in our bilateral meeting was the issue of the South China Sea and how various maritime issues, conflicts, can get resolved in a peaceful fashion. I think that's something that everybody has an interest in, everybody has a concern in. But there may be a whole host of other issues like that in which the East Asia summit is probably the ideal venue.

In regards to Strengthening Maritime Dominance requires us to rapidly field the concepts and capabilities that create advantage relative to our pacing threat, and the pacing scenario, with the sustainment necessary to generate integrated, all-domain naval power.

There is no "typical day"on an SIT program. Activities may take place on any day of the week and at any time of day to be in accordance with local norms and to take advantage of once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunities. Thus, the schedule and structure of the program are likely very different from what students are used to on their home campuses. The summer progresses in phases:

835. Department anticipates that within immediate future several of our Embassies will be approached by principals in Indonesian- Malaysian dispute concerning U.S. position on settlements to be sought in forthcoming negotiations. Department does not want any of our Ambassadors take initiatives to impose U.S. ideas upon Asian principals themselves, but we do consider it important that there be consensus among Ambassadors as well as between Ambassadors and Department. Department's thoughts on optimum settlement which we could foresee are set forth below:

4. Security of SEA nations will depend on presence in area of sufficient Western power to contain Communist Bloc until such time as SEA nations are able provide their own defense, which still in remote future. No settlement which anticipates early departure U.S. or UK military presence or adds to difficulties we face in maintaining it would be acceptable or realistic. British military establishment in Malaysia must remain until such time as British and Malaysians themselves freely determine that its presence no longer necessary. U.S. bases in Philippines must be recognized as bilateral matter between U.S. and Philippines, not one of legitimate concerns to other two parties.

As you know, we would be reluctant to see the dispute brought before the Security Council at the present moment. Our delegations in New York have examined this possibility and concluded that a referral to Security Council at this time would not be in Malaysia's interest. We by no means preclude resort to the Security Council if all prospects for direct negotiations are foreclosed or if the Indonesians intensify the scale of their military activities, but we doubt that the time is yet ripe for this. I believe that the contingency planning carried out by our delegations in New York will permit us to move into the Security Council with minimum delay once the decision is taken. e24fc04721

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