I'm in the market to buy 3 streaming devices and I'd like to buy something that has storage for downloading movies and shows for offline viewing. My 3 TVs are in a camper and it gets used in rural areas with limited to no internet signal sometimes. Do any Roku devices have the ability to store movies and shows for offline viewing, and if so, what should I look for when purchasing?

To my knowledge there is no streaming player that offers the ability to download content for later viewing. Some service providers, such as Prime Video and Netflix do offer an ability to download content for offline viewing, but that is only available on devices such as a computer, phone or tablet. No streaming player has the internal storage capability to support downloading content. That simply isn't what they are designed for.

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I see a lot of excuses in that reply. Devices have had the ability to not only use MicroSD cards for quite some time, but the ability to have large amounts of internal storage. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks there's merit to devices, like Roku sticks, offering one or both of these options. People should be able to (and strongly encouraged to) download entire seasons or series of shows, as well as music playlists, for offline use. Not only are internet speed slow in many areas, requiring all users stream their videos as they're watching them makes the situation much worse (because you get the entire block streaming at the same time every day, thus slowing down the internet for others), when they could have downloaded non-live shows and movies in the middle of the night automatically if companies like Roku implemented this relatively basic features. Offline viewing and listing has been around elsewhere for years and there's no legit reason your company, and companies like yours, couldn't "design" devices that do operate that way. Just because you haven't "designed" or "manufacturered" such a product yet, doesn't mean it's not the better idea. I was selling DVRs with large internal storage drives, capable of storing a ton of footage, back in the early 2000's. Why everyone these days seems to think streaming everything is the greatest idea since sliced bread should take a few more computer classes and realize that in most cases, offline data storage has many huge advantages over streaming. Not least of which is freeing up bandwidth so that other in your household, as well as others in your neighborhood, can do things that actually require streaming (especially during peak hours), like gaming, video conferencing, and watching live TV. Requiring that everyone streams everything only drives up internet prices (because of higher demand for faster speeds), but often times completely surely screwes up incredibly important video calls between family and/or friends world-wide because you're not offering solutions that are half as efficient as they should be. Not only should the norm be that you can download media offline (music and video) but that you can download it to a network storage drive where you can everything stored on it to any of your devices at any time. The only reason it's is not the must-have tech device of the year this holiday season is because companies like yours refuse to make it, for no good reason!

That's not an excuse, it's a business decision. If you want offline playback, then you use a device that is designed for such use, like a laptop or tablet. Providers like Netflix and Prime video permit download for offline viewing on things like an iPad or Android tablet.

@Toby5 There's no such thing as you claim. No Roku has the ability to download media for offline viewing. Yes, devices with USB ports (such as the Ultra or a Roku TV) can play media directly from an attached USB drive without a network connection. But that's not the same as downloading content to the Roku.

I have read all sorts of things and followed a lot of links yet still can not download the vudutogo app. I have also looked in the mac app store. Can someone please help me find how to download this app so I can watch my movies offline.

When I power on my PPM without a network connection, the date is set to 2006. This means that trying to play downloaded movies in Netflix gives an error. If I then connect to a network, the time is set correctly and the movies can be played.

I used to always download movies from iTunes to my laptop watch on airline flight...no problem. Now I downloaded three for two recently long flights and none would play without an internet connection. What has changed and why?? What do I need to do? It seems much easier to just download from Amazon to my Kindle now!! But this should not be this hard.

Checking with About renting movies from the iTunes Store - Apple Support it would seem that as long as the whole renal download has completed to the device then you should be able to watch it when your device is offline. I suspect that idea of starting playback at the airport (assuming free Wi-Fi) just before the flight is that at least you might have a chance of resolving any authorization issue there, when it will be too late once you're aloft.

I've downloaded a lot of rental movies from iTunes to watch on airplane flights. They usually work off-line just fine, but occasionally they will not play. Now I know that sometimes you need an Internet connection to get the movie opened, and I will start the movie at home before I leave for the airport. I had one rental that, after two weeks since the downloading, give me a message that the movie had expired. I'm wondering if, somehow, the movie had been opened without my realizing it. I bought a pair of comfortable foldable headphones, and I keep them in my carry bag for airplane movie viewing. I jack them into my iPad with a cord, which avoids any Bluetooth problems. So much better than earbuds!

Well I sort of understand this and could do this but i usually download movies to watch on the over and return trips and by the time I return the movies have expired or if I don't get right back to the one I have opened it's again too late. But I think I did try this and it still did not play once on the airplane. I guess I will just have to try again. BUT I also don't know why this has changed. We never had to start them before what I imagine was one of the updates. It was much simpler before. Bummer. Now I just either rent the airline movie player or use my Kindle and Amazon movies with no problem at all.

Using ios 11.2.5 Movies I have downloaded, or ripped myself and have watched for years are suddenly unplayable without a wifi or cellular connection. Can find no setting to change, these are my movies and have nothing to do with icloud, streaming or my apple account, why can't i watch them now?

I think you misunderstood my post (my poor phrasing). It is illogical at best and stupid at worst for Apple to prevent me from watching home movies of my children on my phone because of some new misguided attempt at copyright protections.

1. I own both paid for (as in artists got paid) copyrighted content, AND uncopyrighted, self-created content that is now (since Apple's last update) unplayable due to either a technical bug, or an ill-thought decision by Apple. Even home movies do not play anymore, can you not understand this fact?

Since Apple decided to replace the Videos app with the TV app, I have seen a number of users describing this same behavior that is giving you fits. I have three purchased movies from iTunes in my TV app on my iPad Air 2 running iOS 11.2.5 that I can play with absolutely no issues at all WITHOUT being connected to WiFi. You should be able to play fully downloaded movies in the TV app whether you are connected to WiFi or not. Movies that you shot yourself would not need a WiFi connection in order to play them. That would make no sense at all.

If you put the phone into airplane mode, videos will not be able to be played. I did this to simulate not having a viable connection. *** now anyone on a plane that wants to watch videos bought from itunes, ripped legally (remember the Rip. Mix. Burn campaign by Apple?) or home-created movies cannot watch them. ***

At the sake of being redundant, I am going to state again, that I have no problems whatsoever playing already downloaded movies on my iPad, in the TV app, without using or needing WiFi. However, as I stated earlier, there have been a number of users over the past year that have been experiencing this very same behavior that lunatic fridge is describing.

According to lunatic fridge, these are movies that he has been able to play without issue even without WiFi, up until the latest update to iOS 11.2.5. Home movies that he shot on his own and synced to his device have nothing to do with streaming or downloading.

What I've noticed is when the iphone TV app launches it takes f o r e v e r till a screen comes up. I'd assumed that this was Apple trying to connect to the itunes store to offer me lots of things to buy which was ok, yet mildly annoying since most of my content are movies not downloaded through itunes (yet amazingly legal) and self made videos from my own library. The delay in the screen loading was manageable but I think it is taking even longer and longer to load since yesterday's update. Good internet connection, fast router, Is 23 seconds a long time for my library (loaded on phone) to load one single movie as a test?

Some Apple TV channels might have limits for how many titles can be downloaded simultaneously and the number of devices you can download content on. If you reach the limit, the Apple TV app alerts you. If you want to download more titles, delete TV episodes or movies that you already downloaded from one of your (or your family's) devices.

We will buy either a Playstation or a Xbox for my elder sister's daughter, most probably tomorrow.I have always wanted to have a Playstation so I prefer buying a Ps5. YesterdayI started researching Playstation and Xbox, and unfortunately there is an important problem.I've read that PS Store doesn't offer movies anymore, we can't buy movies from PS Store.Are there other options for buying movies for Ps5?(we don't live in USA so for example Vudu is out of question).We don't want to subscribe to a movie-streaming service because it's important that my elder sister's daughter must not be able to connect to internet using the console.So we should be able to buy a movie or game using internet but after buying complete we need to shut off the internet connection. ff782bc1db

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