I had tried installing the mysql-connector-odbc_8.0.22-1ubuntu18.04_amd64.deb package and it had complained about not finding the mysql-community-client-plugins package. I tried a few variations of apt-cache search mysql-community-client-plugins to locate this additional package but nothing came up.

I have done this exact thing previously but as RolfK suggested being aware of the variance between 32 and 64 bit odbc sources. I followed your instructions to the letter except using the 32 bit odbc, because I am running 32 bit LV as well as 32 bit Data Connectivity Toolkit. I was able to create the system DSN with a successful connection, although I had to create a new user name on my server side, because for whatever reason the access was denied to my previous login, even though all the same permissions are granted. Still however, the issues persist. When creating the UDL to put into the path for the data connect open in my VI. I select my newly created system DSN from the data source list, enter my credentials and receive the error.... "Test Connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Catastrophic failure"

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This is where some instructions change. Some say that there should be a file called mysql.sock or mysqld.sock in the directory /var/lib/mysql and this file should be set as the path for the SOCKET in the odbc.ini file. I have no mysql directory inside /var/lib and searching my machine for mysql.sock and mysqld.sock turns up blank. Some instructions do include the SOCKET field in the odbc.ini file.

All the instructions then say, test your connection with the command something like echo "select 1" | isql -v mysql-connector. I always get the same error of [S1000][unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111).

After a bit more searching, I found the answer was the MySQL setup. In the /etc/mysql/my.cnf, MySQL was only listening on port 3306 for local traffic. This was fixed by removing the line bind-address = in the my.cnf file.

I think I see the problem. In the included udf file, it doesn't just define functions, it also calls __mysql_odbc() looking for a MySQL installed driver and if none is found, it sits spinning in an endless loop. In my case here, I see that this machine doesn't currently have a MySQL ODBC driver installed.

I recently updated my third party module dynroute for odbc support. The code I modified was originally copied from cidlookup. I noticed that cidlookup does not have odbc support. It would not take much for me to back port the modifications to cidlookup to give it odbc support.

I opened a feature request to track the need. I would like to use only odbc and eliminate reliance on MYSQL dial plan application which is no longer the asterisk recommended way of interrogating a mysql database.

You say that asterisk does not use mysql. What you probably are missing is that asterisk can connect to a mysql database using the MYSQL dial plan application. Modules like cidlookup and also my own module dynroute use that dialplan application. However MYSQL dial plan application is now not the recommended way to interogate a mysql database from asterisk. That is why I am suggesting to add ODBC support which is the recommended way for asterisk to connect to a mysql database.

The point is that MYSQL dial plan application, while it may be working is no longer the recommended way to access a mysql database from the dial plan. The MYSQL dial plan application appears also to have some limitations.

Has anyone got any ideas on how to run the odbc connector on an Apple M1 chip? My father in law is running FileMaker on it, and wants to connect to a MySQL source to pull in data. The ODBC connector apparently needs to be on the same machine. Thoughts??

Yes, I am attempting to run the query in TDP. Yes, windows is a 64 bit version. I did uninstall the MySQL ODBC drivers, and installed the 64 bit MySQL ODBC drivers. The download file is entitled: mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.7-winx64. Do you think I need to reinstall using a different file?

When I linked to my exported MySQL table using MS Access as the front end and connect using MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver (32 bit) I found problems with the time format. Using Access tables my date format would look like 5/25/11 9:10:09 AM but the same record in the linked SQL table looks like '2011-05-25 09:10:09'. When trying to add a record that has time on it I get an error message. The Message box from Access says "ODBC call failed [MySQL][ODBC 8.0(a) driver][mysqld-8.0.28]Date overflow (#0). Similarly, when I try to delete a record I get the same error message. I can't put the time into the Access field in the same format as the SQL field as that creates an error. So it seems that the Access format has to be the same as the host computer format. Let me know if you have any suggestions how I can make this work.

You also have to install '''unixodbc-dev''', which by default depends on libodbcinstq1c2 which would install x11-common and other packages for GUI-Support. To avoid this, you have to create a fake libodbcinstq1c2-package, see instructions below. If you don't care, do ''apt-get install unixodbc-dev'' and continue with odbc-configuration.

If you don't want to install X11 on a headless server, create a fake-libodbcinstq1c2-package with equivs. Please read the documentation at -howto/ch-helpers.en.html to make sure you don't damage your system.

Note: If you are connecting your freeswitch server to a remote MySQL database, you can take out the last line from the above setting. Take off the "Socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" line.

Note: OPTION allows you to set client specific FLAGS, in the example 67108864 (FLAG_MULTI_STATEMENTS) is set - See [ -odbc-configuration-connection-parameters.html] for all flags. The number represents the addition of all flag numbers that you want enabled.

I'm having trouble with that ISE not sending the password to mysql. I have tried both mysql_native_password caching_sha2_password as the user to authenitcate. I can login from mysqlcli on a other machine with "mysql -h XXX -user dot1x -p".

To make a DSN-less connection, enter the following code at the command line. This example assumes that you are connecting to a database server dbtb04, the port number is 3306, toy_store is the database name, and driverLocation is the ODBC driver location. driverLocation = fullfile(matlabroot,"bin","maci64","libmaodbc.dylib")dsnless = strcat("Driver=",driverLocation,";Server=dbtb04;Port=3306;UID=username;PWD=password;Database=toy_store")conn = odbc(dsnless)

Download and install the MySQL ODBC driver from MySQL Community Downloads on the Oracle website. Verify the iODBC driver manager is installed at /usr/local/iODBC. If you need to install the iODBC driver manager, you can download it from the iodbc.org website.

Connect to the database using the DSN-less connection string and the driver with the odbc function. This example assumes that you are connecting to a database server dbtb04, the port number is 3306, toy_store is the database name, username is the user name, and password is the password. dsnless = "Driver=/usr/local/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.30-macos12-x86-64bit/lib/libmyodbc8w.so;Server=dbtb04;Port=3306;UID=username;PWD=password;Database=toy_store"conn = odbc(dsnless,"DriverManager","iODBC")

i am trying to speed up my moodle as much as possible and i am wondering if using ODBC mysql driver 3.51 will speed things up. unfortunatly i can find no documentation on it at this site. and i am wondering if php/mysql combo is designed so as to not use ODBC data sources i am running moodle on windows 2003 server and access is slow on network and internet i don't have the fastest internet connection just 300K upload but i am not getting heavy usage either and i am hoping to boost my internet performance. 17dc91bb1f

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