Additionally, for more advanced use cases, the Holoviz module can be used to create application specific visualization operators. The Holoviz module provides a C++ API and is also used by the Holoviz operator.

The priority determines the rendering order of the layers. Before rendering the layers they are sorted by priority, the layers with the lowest priority are rendered first so that the layer with the highest priority is rendered on top of all other layers. If layers have the same priority then the render order of these layers is undefined.

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The example below draws a transparent geometry layer on top of an image layer (geometry data and image data creation is omitted in the code). Although the geometry layer is specified first, it is drawn last because it has a higher priority (1) than the image layer (0).

The start of a layer definition is resetting the layer attributes like priority and opacity to their defaults. So for the image layer, there is no need to set the opacity to 1.0 since the default is already 1.0.

Calls to the Dear ImGui API are allowed between viz::BeginImGuiLayer() and viz::EndImGuiLayer() are used to draw to the ImGui layer. The ImGui layer behaves like other layers and is rendered with the layer opacity and priority.

ImGUI is a static library and has no stable API. Therefore the application and Holoviz have to use the same ImGUI version. Therefore the link target holoscan::viz::imgui is exported, make sure to link your app against that target.

A depth map is a single channel 2d array where each element represents a depth value. The data is rendered as a 3d object using points, lines or triangles. The color for the elements can also be specified.

Usually Holoviz opens a normal window on the Linux desktop. In that case the desktop compositor is combining the Holoviz image with all other elements on the desktop. To avoid this extra compositing step, Holoviz can render to a display directly.

The display to be used in exclusive mode needs to be disabled in the NVIDIA Settings application (nvidia-settings): open the X Server Display Configuration tab, select the display and under Configuration select Disabled. Press Apply.

When providing CUDA resources to Holoviz through e.g. viz::ImageCudaDevice() Holoviz is using CUDA operations to use that memory. The CUDA stream used by these operations can be set by calling viz::SetCudaStream(). The stream can be changed at any time.

The Holoviz module uses the concept of the immediate mode design pattern for its API, inspired by the Dear ImGui library. The difference to the retained mode, for which most APIs are designed for, is, that there are no objects created and stored by the application. This makes it fast and easy to make visualization changes in a Holoscan application.

The Holoviz module uses a thread-local instance object to store its internal state. The instance object is created when calling the Holoviz module is first called from a thread. All Holoviz module functions called from that thread use this instance.

When calling into the Holoviz module from other threads other than the thread from which the Holoviz module functions were first called, make sure to call viz::GetCurrent() and viz::SetCurrent() in the respective threads.

There are usage cases where multiple instances are needed, for example, to open multiple windows. Instances can be created by calling viz::Create(). Call viz::SetCurrent() to make the instance current before calling the Holoviz module function to be executed for the window the instance belongs to.

It is now possible to edit HLSL shader code directly inside PIX, and immediately see the effect of your changes on rendering results or performance. This can be useful for prototyping and optimizing shaders, as it can greatly reduce the turnaround time when trying out different ideas.

Other views (such as OM RTV 0) will update to show the effect of your change. You may find it useful to dock more than one instance of the Pipeline view next to each other in order to view rendertarget results at the same time as editing shader code.

The new Pixel Cost visualizer colors the scene according to the approximate rendering cost of each pixel. The brightest areas of the resulting image indicate which parts were the most expensive to render.

Pixel cost is estimated by dividing the Execution Duration of each draw call by the number of resulting pixel shader invocations, and accumulating that average each time a pixel is written. This includes the cost of other pipeline stages, but it is divided evenly across all pixel shader invocations in the draw without accounting for varying vertex density, etc.

I'm having a problem with the bed visualizer plugin. It's generating an error when attempting to generate a mesh...

I have installed it on two different Raspberry Pi computers with 2 different installations of Octoprint. It worked when I last used it with my laptop using Google Chrome as my browser.

Now, I'm trying to access it with my desktop computer and it generates the error:

As to the uninstall, the plugin is working as expected but the plotly library is choking up on the visualization side so don't think it's necessary for you to uninstall/reinstall. Not sure why it's still showing up after uninstall though, possibly a force refresh of your browser by holding down the CTRL key and pressing F5.

The browser on my laptop was Google Chrome and it worked fine. The browser on my desktop is Google Chrome as well. As far as I know the graphics drivers on my desktop are up to date, but I'll check them tonight. The video card is an NVidia card and the computer is only about 3 years old, so it's not something that is out of date. OS is Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, same as the laptop. I have gone through the Uninstall process for the bed visualizer plug in, but now I cannot RE-INSTALL it. It still shows up in the list of installed plug-ins and this is an issue on 2 different Octoprint installations in 2 separate Raspberry Pi computers.

This could be related to a pip issue I've seen in the OctoPrint issue tracker floating around. Seems a certain version of OctoPi was released with an upgraded PIP that caused problems. You'll probably have to manually go through the process of cleaning it out unless @OutsourcedGuru has a better idea. First SSH to your pi and then run the following commands.

I am trying to get an element to connect and work with the capture visualizer file that was included on the ETC CUE thumb drive. I am running the visualizer on a windows 7 PC with the firewall and antivirus software turned off and can successfully ping from the PC to the Element and vice versa. However the Capture program does not update. I have checked the enable output in offline mode box in the networking and have booted in offline mode. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

You may need to add capture.exe to your list of programs that are allowed through the firewall. Turning off the the Windows firewall doesn't really turn off everything. This is done through Control Panel/Security/Allow program through Windows Firewall.

It's pretty much impossible to turn off the Windows 7 firewall.

You'll need to add the Capture executable to the exceptions list for the 'type' of network (Home, Work, Public) in use - or just all of them.

If you are using the standalone compiled Capture project included with the Teabreak Tutorials, you'll need to install the Demo of Capture Polar to select the network card, though it doesn't need to stay installed if you don't want to try it out.

The Capture Polar demo/trial edition can be downloaded for free from Capture Sweden's website.

Hardwired I was fine. Wireless not so. Using wireless I was not communicating over Address 1/ and 2/. I had to download Polar Capture and in it's connectivity settings: Tools Menu -> Options -> Connectivity and then select my wireless network IP block for ETC Net2. I'd then quit Capture Polar and relaunch the Capture Polar Presenter file from ETC Cue sessions in order to have connectivity over Address 1/ and 2/. 152ee80cbc

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