So I'm currently writing my first book, and I'm almost done with my first draft. My MC often "pfft" when he disapproves of something. However, I have no clue what word to use to describe a "pfft." I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions

Wiktionary doesn't have anything on the etymology of 'pfft'; I assume it comes from an onomatopoeia imitative of a fart. When used to signal a dismissive attitude toward what someone said, it's like comparing their words to a fart, or saying, The proper response to that is a fart.

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The pfft~ object is designed to simplify spectral audio processing using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). In addition to performing the FFT and the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT), pfft~ (with the help of its companion fftin~ and fftout~ objects) manages the necessary signal windowing, overlapping and adding needed to create a real-time Short Term Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis/resynthesis system.

The number of inlets on the pfft~ object is determined by the number of fftin~ and/or in objects in the enclosed subpatch. Patchers loaded into a pfft~ object can only be given signal inlets by fftin~ objects within the patch. See fftin~ and in for details.

If you ask me, "pfft" is what he/she says, and it seems to convey the meaning directly to anyone who understands that sound. I'd be inclined to consider "Pfft" a word, on that basis. So, if it's a word, and your character says it, why not include it in the dialogue? 2351a5e196

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