We shorten the imported name to np for better readability of code usingNumPy. This is a widely adopted convention that makes your code more readablefor everyone working on it. We recommend to always use import numpy as np.

Using NumPy in Python gives functionality comparable to MATLAB since they are both interpreted,[18] and they both allow the user to write fast programs as long as most operations work on arrays or matrices instead of scalars. In comparison, MATLAB boasts a large number of additional toolboxes, notably Simulink, whereas NumPy is intrinsically integrated with Python, a more modern and complete programming language. Moreover, complementary Python packages are available; SciPy is a library that adds more MATLAB-like functionality and Matplotlib is a plotting package that provides MATLAB-like plotting functionality. Although matlab can perform sparse matrix operations, numpy alone cannot perform such operations and requires the use of the scipy.sparse library. Internally, both MATLAB and NumPy rely on BLAS and LAPACK for efficient linear algebra computations.

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I am working in Rhino 7 (64 bit) and using a lot of Python scripting. It would be generally really useful to be able to use numpy and scipy for some of their built-in algorithms. I have found this guide Numpy and Scipy in Rhinopython and I have tried to follow it, but it seems that this only works in Rhino 5 (32-bit).

I was able to install Ironpython and numpy and scipy (using the .egg files) but I was not able to install Rhino 5 (32-bit) and Rhino 7 does not seem to recognize this.

Is this method still a feasible option and if yes, where would I find Rhino 5 (32-bit)? Or is there now a better way to use rhinopython/rhinoscriptsyntax together with Rhino 7 (64-bit)? Also, some collaborators are using Mac OS, is there a way to use scipy/numpy with Ironpython in Rhino 7 that works for Windows and Mac?

Hi @Tim_Buktu ,

you data contains, for every event, collections of possibly different sizes. That cannot be described by numpy arrays, which must be rectangular, so we return a numpy array of RVecs instead.

What I want to do:

Read data from my hard drive which contains batch data (in numpy .npz format) and output a numpy array which I want to input into a neural network executor node. The network is a very sophisticated named entity recognition deep learning model, composed of a BILSTM and a CNN (the model works perfectly fine in plane python and produces state of the art results).

I know what the code does and no it does not contain 1 and 0 

Like I said, it works perfectly fine if I run it in pure python. I think it is more likely that the Python Source node is bugged. Here is the .npz file (zipped because it is now allowed to upload numpy files):

Thank you for your efforts!

The .npz files are the standard format of saved numpy arrays, so yes, they should not be an issue.

Unfortunately this is the exact data structure I need for the neural network as input (the complex array structure).

Yes, I am using the same versions in- and outside of KNIME.

I have a custom script tool in an ArcToolbox. I can run this python script in PyCharm IDE and it works great. When I try to run it from ArcMap, it tries to import the numpy module but fails as it can't seem to find it. While I don't use numpy in my script tool, I understand that the arcpy __init__.py script is where it is being imported. When I look in PyCharm, the Python interpreter shows numpy version 1.9.3 as part of the modules available, so I know it's there (and it's obviously there since the script works fine in PyCharm).

We will use the Python programming language for all assignments in this course.Python is a great general-purpose programming language on its own, but with thehelp of a few popular libraries (numpy, scipy, matplotlib) it becomes a powerfulenvironment for scientific computing.

A numpy array is a grid of values, all of the same type, and is indexed by a tuple ofnonnegative integers. The number of dimensions is the rank of the array; the shapeof an array is a tuple of integers giving the size of the array along each dimension.

Integer array indexing:When you index into numpy arrays using slicing, the resulting array viewwill always be a subarray of the original array. In contrast, integer arrayindexing allows you to construct arbitrary arrays using the data from anotherarray. Here is an example:

Every numpy array is a grid of elements of the same type.Numpy provides a large set of numeric datatypes that you can use to construct arrays.Numpy tries to guess a datatype when you create an array, but functions that constructarrays usually also include an optional argument to explicitly specify the datatype.Here is an example:

Note that unlike MATLAB, * is elementwise multiplication, not matrixmultiplication. We instead use the dot function to compute innerproducts of vectors, to multiply a vector by a matrix, and tomultiply matrices. dot is available both as a function in the numpymodule and as an instance method of array objects:

Broadcasting is a powerful mechanism that allows numpy to work with arrays of differentshapes when performing arithmetic operations. Frequently we have a smaller array and alarger array, and we want to use the smaller array multiple times to perform some operationon the larger array.

Numpy provides a high-performance multidimensional array and basic tools tocompute with and manipulate these arrays.SciPybuilds on this, and providesa large number of functions that operate on numpy arrays and are useful fordifferent types of scientific and engineering applications.

SciPy provides some basic functions to work with images.For example, it has functions to read images from disk into numpy arrays,to write numpy arrays to disk as images, and to resize images.Here is a simple example that showcases these functions:

The reason for requiring explicit .cpu() is that CPU tensors and the converted numpy arrays share memory. If a .cpu() is implicitly done, the operation will be different for CUDA and CPU tensors, and we wanted to be explicit to avoid bugs.

NumPy, SciPy, and the scikits follow a common convention fordocstrings that provides for consistency, while also allowing ourtoolchain to produce well-formatted reference guides. This documentdescribes the current community consensus for such a standard. If youhave suggestions for improvements, post them on the numpy-discussionlist.

It is not necessary to use the doctest markup toindicate empty lines in the output. Note that the option to runthe examples through numpy.test is provided for checking if theexamples work, not for making the examples part of the testing framework.

The examples may assume that import numpy as np is executed beforethe example code in numpy. Additional examples may make use ofmatplotlib for plotting, but should import it explicitly, e.g.,import matplotlib.pyplot as plt. All other imports, including thedemonstrated function, must be explicit.

Generators should be documented just as functions are documented. Theonly difference is that one should use the Yields sectioninstead of the Returns section.Support for the Yields section was added innumpydoc version 0.6.

Links : If you need to include hyperlinks in your docstring, note thatsome docstring sections are not parsed as standard reST, and in thesesections, numpydoc may become confused by hyperlink targets such as:

Accessing the array Index

In a numpy array, indexing or accessing the array index can be done in multiple ways. To print a range of an array, slicing is done. Slicing of an array is defining a range in a new array which is used to print a range of elements from the original array. Since, sliced array holds a range of elements of the original array, modifying content with the help of sliced array modifies the original array content.

Basic Array Operations

In numpy, arrays allow a wide range of operations which can be performed on a particular array or a combination of Arrays. These operation include some basic Mathematical operation as well as Unary and Binary operations.

numpy.select() (only using homogeneous lists or tuples for the firsttwo arguments, condlist and choicelist). Additionally, these two argumentscan only contain arrays (unlike NumPy that also accepts tuples).

Numba supports numpy.random.Generator() objects. As of version 0.56, users can passindividual NumPy Generator objects into Numba functions and use theirmethods inside the functions. The same algorithms are used as NumPy forrandom number generation hence maintaining parity between the randomnumber generated using NumPy and Numba under identical arguments(also the same documentation notes as NumPy Generator methods apply).The current Numba support for Generator is not thread-safe, hence wedo not recommend using Generator methods in methods with parallelexecution logic.

Calling numpy.random.seed() from interpreted code (including from object modecode) will seed the NumPy random generator, not the Numba random generator.To seed the Numba random generator, see the example below.

The fundamental object of NumPy is its ndarray (or numpy.array), an n-dimensional array that is also present in some form in array-oriented languages such as Fortran 90, R, and MATLAB, as well as predecessors APL and J.

@Nikoleta I think @Aguisande and @JarrodT discussed this recently and it was an issue with numpy being updated past the version that alteryx ships with. I'm not sure what version of alteryx you have, but their suggestion was to revert numpy back to 1.19.1: Package.installPackages(['numpy==1.19.1']).

Also, not supported, not recommneded, but I did change line 571 in C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\DesignerBaseTools_vEnv\Lib\site-packages\ayx\Datafiles.py and worked too, allowing me to keep the updated numpy package operational.

In the reverse direction, it is possible to produce a view of an Arrow Arrayfor use with NumPy using the to_numpy() method.This is limited to primitive types for which NumPy has the same physicalrepresentation as Arrow, and assuming the Arrow data has no nulls. e24fc04721

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