This topic covers how number matching in Microsoft Authenticator push notifications improves user sign-in security.Number matching is a key security upgrade to traditional second factor notifications in Authenticator.

Beginning May 8, 2023, number matching is enabled for all Authenticator push notifications.As relevant services deploy, users worldwide who are enabled for Authenticator push notifications will begin to see number matching in their approval requests.Users can be enabled for Authenticator push notifications either in the Authentication methods policy or the legacy multifactor authentication policy if Notifications through mobile app is enabled.

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Number matching isn't supported for push notifications for Apple Watch or Android wearable devices. Wearable device users need to use their phone to approve notifications when number matching is enabled.

When a user responds to an MFA push notification using Authenticator, they'll be presented with a number. They need to type that number into the app to complete the approval. For more information about how to set up MFA, see Tutorial: Secure user sign-in events with Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication.

Self-service password reset (SSPR) with Authenticator requires number matching when using Authenticator. During self-service password reset, the sign-in page shows a number that the user needs to type into the Authenticator notification. For more information about how to set up SSPR, see Tutorial: Enable users to unlock their account or reset passwords.

Combined registration with Authenticator requires number matching. When a user goes through combined registration to set up Authenticator, the user needs to approve a notification to add the account. This notification shows a number that they need to type into the Authenticator notification. For more information about how to set up combined registration, see Enable combined security information registration.

Unpatched versions of Windows Server don't support number matching. Users continue to see the Approve/Deny experience and don't see number matching unless these updates are applied.

Although NPS doesn't support number matching, the latest NPS extension does support time-based one-time password (TOTP) methods such as the TOTP available in Authenticator, other software tokens, and hardware FOBs. TOTP sign-in provides better security than the alternative Approve/Deny experience. Make sure you run the latest version of the NPS extension.

Relevant services will begin deploying these changes after May 8, 2023 and users will start to see number match in approval requests. As services deploy, some may see number match while others don't. To ensure consistent behavior for all users, we highly recommend you enable number match for Authenticator push notifications in advance.

Yes. If the user has a different default authentication method, there's no change to their default sign-in. If the default method is Authenticator push notifications, they get number matching. If the default method is anything else, such as TOTP in Authenticator or another provider, there's no change.

Users who are enabled for MFA push notifications in the legacy MFA policy will also see number match if the legacy MFA policy has enabled Notifications through mobile app. Users will see number matching regardless of whether they are enabled for Authenticator in the Authentication methods policy.

If a user is running an older version of Authenticator that doesn't support number matching, authentication won't work. Users need to upgrade to the latest version of Authenticator to use it for sign-in.

During mobile iOS broker flows, the number match request appears over the number after a two-second delay. To recheck the number, click Show me the number again. This action only occurs in mobile iOS broker flows.

"Make sure you run the latest version of the NPS extension. Until February 27, 2023, users are asked to enter a One-Time Passcode (OTP) for push notifications beginning with NPS extension 1.2.2131.2 only if number matching is enabled. After February 27, 2023, number matching will be enabled by default and all users with push notifications beginning with NPS extension 1.2.2131.2 will be asked to enter an OTP."

Source is -us/azure/active-directory/authentication/how-to-mfa-number-match

In summary the NPS extension will not give a number it can't do that. It can approve/deny and with the force OTP registry it will show a OTP input screen if you have an OTP registration active otherwise it will fallback to approve/deny again.

I bought an Oculus Quest 2 in late June just this vear. I used the device for a while until i noticed the device was not able to recognize the level of the floor properly. I took the initiative of returning the product to Target for this defect on the 26th day

after my first purchase date. Since Target's return policy is 30 days, I was safe on this end.

However, to my surprise, the associates there refused to take the return after they noticed the serial number from the device did not match the serial number from the box it belonged to. Now this would be a perfectly reasonable reason for any store to refuse a return, since the obvious assumption was that I placed another defective one I had laying somewhere and put it in the box that i purchased the good one from at target and

try to return it to get my money back. However, I can solemnly affirm under oath that I did not do that and tried to convince the associated of this fact. They of-course didn't believe me and continued to refuse the return. I went back home and thought what recourse I have. I decided to contact Meta's customer service about this issue of 2 different serial #s and they affirmed that the 2 different serial numbers is in fact how Meta makes all these devices and that it is not an anomaly. So all Oculus Quest 2's ever built will have a serial number different from the box it is placed in. Meta's customer service agent confirmed that the Oculus I bought from target indeed matched the box's

serial number I had bought it with through running the 2 serial numbers through their data base. So they advised that I can take a record of the chat with them to the Target associates so they may have primary evidence of this reality and that no fraud has taken place.

To my surprise, Target associates continued to refuse the return citing the same reason: that the serial numbers dont match, which means I committed the fraud mentioned above

hence they must refuse the return on that basis.

They refused to take my chat with Meta's agent as evidence of my sincerity. They further stated that it is Target's store policy to refuse any Oculus Quest 2 that have a difference in the two serial numbers. I asked where that policy is written and they

refused to provide it. The associate further even stated that he has returned Oculus's in the past that have 2 different serial numbers. I told him that that would mean that

the meta agent i spoke to would be lying since they are telling me all Oculus's are built with the 2 different serial numbers. So who's saying the truth here? is it the associate who returned oculus's with two different serial numbers (a reality that Meta

agent has confirmed doesnt exist anywhere) or the Meta agent who confirmed the Oculus I bought form Target was appropriately placed in its box.

I googled the serial number issue and found another review of a person who tried to return their's to Best Buy. The review was placed in an official Meta's Oculus community.

Best Buy, he stated also refused the return for the same reason. In that post, The Oculus agent who replied to the customer of Best Buy stated the same. That the Oculus is

supposed to have a different serial number from the box it is bought with.

To make matters worst, I bought an oculus from the same store back in ~April, after noticing a different defect, I tried returning. the associate then returned it after looking at the serial numbers. I didn't of course I would run into this issue today so back then, I assumed the serial numbers were the same and the associate happily returned it for a full refund. This time around however, they refused. This would mean that the associate back then understood the fact of 2 different serial numbers. The associates from my second experience did not.

In addition, the package has a separate serial number. There's a page somewhere on Meta's support section explaining this but that page has an incorrectly worded final sentence saying that the S/N on the box is where you find the headset number when it should say the package number... Meta needs to correct that if that's what Target are using to refuse your return.

I am enjoying the Estimates feature. I'd like to be able to create an Estimate which reserves the next available Invoice number. Is that an option? I get that you might skip some invoice numbers if the Estimate doesn't generate a closed deal. For my clients, they'd like to see the same number on the Estimate as the Invoice. Estimate #5017 = Invoice #5017. Most of my invoices are repeat clients and don't need an estimate. I thought about going in a just creating an invoice for that Estimate, but then it nullifies the benefit of auto-converting an Estimate to an Invoice.

Hey! Thanks for posting. Right now there is not a way to link the invoice number directly to the estimate number. You can always leave a note on your estimates letting customers know the invoice number will be different, but I do understand that this is not an ideal solution.

I use the INDEX/MATCH formula across many of my sheets for many years. This is the first year I've encountered this issue: my formula is indexing information referencing an auto-number system column type. We generate 3-digit "reference IDs" in this auto-number column to make it easy to index information for that respective row in the source sheet throughout multiple sheets. This year, we started the auto-number system with "001". What I'm finding is any "reference ID" that is above 099 results in a #NO MATCH error for my index/match formulas, i.e. "100" will populate "#NO MATCH". However, if I put an apostrophe before the "100", the formula works and pulls exactly what I need. 2351a5e196

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