The best way to is to go straight to the folder in which Notepad++ is installed (Program Files for 32 bit Windows and Program Files(x86) for 64 bit Windows), there, find the Notepad++ executable, right-click on it, and select Compatibility, and at the bottom check the box for Run as administrator.

As an improvement over @Askeli's answer, you can first make a copy of the notepad++ executable (Name it something like NotepadUAC). Then set the compatibility mode in the properties of your copy to require administrator mode as suggested by Askeli. Now you should also be able to set your .config files to open up using the copy rather than the original.

Download Notepad Administrator

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This plugin allows you to save any file as administrator. Just press "Save" in Notepad++ and if you are not allowed to change this file as user, Notepad++ will save it as administrator. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 are supported.

The best way is to set Notepad++ to run as administrator. The problem with that is it breaks the Right Click option. So I made a replacement to the right click option that removes the old one. The nice part of my fix is I added it to the Directory setting in the Registry. So now you can right click on a folder and pick Edit with Notepad++ and it will open all the files in Notepad++ :). I do a lot of VBScript programming. That makes it easy for me to edit all my files making global changes when I come up with a new method of doing something or change an object.

My VBScript backs up the registry keys before it changes them. It does not set Notepad++ as administrator so you have to do that by right clicking on the Notepad++ executable and changing it to run as administrator. I'm starting to research on how to make this a Run as Administrator. When I come up with that I'll edit my post so it gives you the option to edit as Admin or edit normally.

When the User Account Control dialog appears, click Yes. It will launch Notepad as administrator rights.Method 2: Create a Desktop Shortcut to Always Open Notepad as Administrator

If the first instance is not in administrator's mode I get an option to open a new instance in administrator's mode if I need to save a file that needs it, but if the first instance is in administrator's mode how can I open a second instance of notepad++ not in administrator mode?

I was able to get the behavior you describe by going to Settings -> Preferences -> Multi-Instance and choosing Always in multi-instance mode. Then, opening N++ as administrator, launching it again opened a new instance as a regular user.

Be sure to change COMPUTERNAME to your machine name. If you rename the default local administrator account, you will need change Administrator as well. Finally, be sure that the local administrator account is enabled.

You can now edit and save that file in the same folder without any issues. To recap, the trick is that instead of directly opening a protected file in the associated application, you run the application first as an administrator and then open the file inside it.

Why am I not able to modify my /etc/hosts file in Ubuntu through WSL? But if I try to run Notepad as an administrator and name the file as c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, I am able to modify the /etc/host file.

After you have Notepad up and running as administrator, you can then locate your hosts file and open it. While not all Windows versions store it in the same place, it is typically located within c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and the filename is: hosts. If you do not see it there, other possibilities are as follows:

UAC allows for users, even administrators, to run as standard users most of the time, while giving them the ability to run executables with administrator rights when necessary. There are several mechanisms by which executables can trigger a request for administrator rights: 

Working for a web hosting company I edit my hosts file a LOT. And forever I did it the hard way, right click on notepad and then open as administrator then open the hosts file. Unacceptable! I need my hosts file open and ready in a split second. Time is money, money is time, time is infinite, money is power, power corrupts, illuminati! But I digress. Here are the steps.

I think there is something about if my account is a member of the local administrators group this happens because some local admin filtering stuff. And the way to go around it is to add my user or a security group to the folder permissions.

So since i am not going to remove my admin account from domain admins, so it will always be a member of the local administrators group.

I would think that there is something wrong with your DCs or that server ? By right when joining a Domain, Domain admins should be in the local administrators group already (unless I am wrong or they changed it) ?

Maybe take a close look at the folder advanced properties of C:\Windows\System32\Logfiles\Firewall to see whats going on ? Else use the Domain admin to take ownership (but remember to give full rights to local administrator and the local administrators group).

I use Notepad++ quite a bit for opening files/modifying files in this scenario. If you need to elevate, notepad++ will prompt you and will relaunch itself in admin mode. You could even change the compatibility mode with apps like notepad or notepad++ to always launch as an administrator too.

The problem is that you're trying to run the tasks from the server. With UAC, even though the account may be a member of the local/domain administrator group, your processes won't have admin access by default. This is UAC doing exactly what it is designed to do.

I tried that you did with notepad++. I opened the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts as a normal user, then it prompted to open as administrator, but it was different than Sublime Text do in Linux, as it opened a new notepad++ window, instead of reuse the current window. So you still need to copy the changes from one window to the other.

That's your problem. When you click a .txt file, windows tries to run the associated program - in your case Notepad++.exe - with the name of the file as an argument. When Notepad++ is started with a filename argument, it checks to see if there is another N++ open, if there is it sends a message to the open N++ with the name of the file to open. So, briefly, you have 2 notepad++.exe's running. In your case, because you've configured it to run as admin, when windows starts the second process, it fires a UAC prompt, you say yes, then the second process requests that the first open the file, and then the second process quits.

So, to get round it, you need to reconfigure your notepad++.exe not to start automatically as admin. However, note that at the moment, a non-admin notepad++.exe cannot request an admin notepad++.exe to open a file, so if your first process is running as admin, and notepad++.exe is not configured to start as admin, then when you double click a .txt file, it will look like nothing has happened (other than maybe bringing the existing notepad++ to the foreground), without opening the file.

Also when launching the notepad as an administrator it loads almost instantly (2-3 Seconds), but when trying to load the app as a non-admin it getting stuck for a few seconds (15-20 sec) at "please wait for the user profile service".

Windows 11 comes with many default apps like Notepad, Paint, etc. However, these apps are not much useful when you want to create professional work like creating a Word document or connecting to a VPN. Standard users can install programs that is only available for them and do not modify system files. For example, all Microsoft Store apps do not need admin access. However, most of the desktop apps from third-party websites need administrator access to install them for all users on your computer.

This is not recommended as the apps can harm your computer by modifying files without any notification. However, if you are sure what you are doing then enable this option to get rid of the UAC pop-up that you need to confirm every time. Now, you will see a warning message when opening apps like Edge browser. It will show you to open the app in non-administrator mode for better performance. You can either ignore the message or close and disable the settings ion the properties to open it in normal mode.


This is strange. Problem started when I upgraded notepad++ from version 7.5.9 and to version 7.6. When I double click on a txt file, no matter what the file name, notepad++ opens with an empty file named "new1.txt". Thus the file I clicked may have the name hello.txt and have lots of text in the file, but when I double click the file, notepad++ opens with a blank file "new1.txt".

Note that I have two accounts - Administrator & Standard user. Double clicking on a txt file in the Administrator account works correctly - notepad++ opens with that file.!! But this does NOT work in the Standard user account.

If I right click the file hello.txt & choose Open with --> Notepad++, notepad++ again opens with the blank new1.txt. But only in my Standard user account. In the Administrator account, this right click works correctly - notepad++ opens with that file.

What I may try next: Uninstall notepad++; create restore point; delete all references to notepad++ in the registry; reinstall notepad++ 7.5.6. I don't have high hopes that this will work, but maybe worth a try.

Thank you, I just saw that in your reply. Unfortunately when I right click on the Notepad app from my start menu and click run as administrator - it only loads a blank screen (a fresh screen to type). There is no option to open the i18n file in Notepad as an administrator so I can save my changes.

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