The only time people I work with run into trouble with this is when they attempt to put too much code into a notebook. However I consider this a feature not a bug as the advice then is to put that code in a .py file instead. This keeps the notebook focussed on explaining stuff and we get real IDE features for the code.

If you install the extension you will get a new upload button in your jupyter lab/notebook.

Then, whenever you decide to upload a snapshot you click that button (you can name the snapshot and add a description too).

Download Notebook Fan Control

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If you want to version your machine learning experiment runs inside of a versioned notebook (a lot of versioning I know), then those snapshots can be generated automatically whenever you run a cell with neptune.create_experiment() in it.

You can see an example of model training in notebook here.

Mathematica notebooks are, of course, plaintext files -- it seems reasonable to expect that they should play nice with a version-control system (git in my case, although I doubt the specific system matters). But the fact is that any .nb file is full of cache information, timestamps, and other assorted metadata. Scads of it.

Which means that limited version control is possible -- commits and rollbacks work fine. Merging, though, is a disaster. Mathematica won't open a file with merge markers in it, and a text editor is no way to go through a .nb file.

It's recommended to disable the file outline cache, which is the metadata you're referring to when you look at the notebook with a text editor. As you discovered, it can cause merge conflicts if multiple parties are editing the same notebook.

There is a nice set of recommendations for how to use Git to do version control with Mathematica at Mathematica Stack Exchange. In short, the philosophy is to minimize use of .nb notebooks, and try to do most of the version control with .m packages (similar to what xuhdev and MMA user say above). This seems quite sensible given the way notebooks are managed.

Not a solution to your merging problem exactly, but this is how we handle notebooks and source control in my team. Basically, we treat Mathematica notebooks the way we'd treat binary files. They're checked-in, but:

In the specific case of git, it is quite easy to integrate mathematica-notebook-filter so that git automatically cleans the output and metadata when calculating diffs through the use of gitattribute filters. You will need to have mathematica-notebook-filter filter installed and added to your path variable (or adapt the configuration below to point to the binary) and add the following line to your ~/.gitattributes file:

Along the lines of what Simon and Kena were saying, when I have had Mathematica .nb's under version control, I often create a plain-text version of only the input code and save it with the same name but a .txt extension. While this doesn't directly solve the merging problem, it does make diff-ing work in a reasonable way and makes manual merging more obvious when I go back to edit the .nb's later. There are still some idiosyncrasies in this format, but it is MUCH easier to read than the raw .nb format.

To generate the text file, I just copy the notebook into a new blank notebook (with shortcuts, Ctrl-A,C,N,V), select the menu Cell->Delete All Output, copy the result (Ctrl-A,C), and paste the result into a plain text editor to save it. It takes surprisingly little time once you get the hang of it.

Whenever you have a notebook, you can use the "save as..." menu to save the current file as a plain text file. When you need to load it, simply open it with Mahthematica. Tracking this file would be much nicer than tracking a Notebook file. I'm unsure about what features you may lose by using plain text format rather than the Mathematica Notebook, but I haven't found any defects so far.

The source control system adds markers to make if very clear where the conflicts are, and to force you to manually remove them (as you resolve each conflict). There is no way for a source control system to know how to do it automatically for you.

I took a look at this question and this question and came to the conclusion that LaTeX did not like something in my notebook. However, the errors were still different and not related to underscores or illegal calculations. What's 'missing'? What's an 'undefined control sequence'? Following one of the answers from the latter question, I ran the command

guys i downloaded notebookfan control to change my gpu fan speed. but then there was some issue due to which i wanted to reset it. no matter what i do the fan doesnt reset. i even reset my whole pc and the custom configuration that i had made before reset is still present. i can feel the fan go max speed and thats how i know it still has not changed. please help. i have acer aspire a315-41. ryzen 5 2500u vega 8

NoteBook FanControl gives comprehensive control over the fan speed settings of laptops. It comes with configuration settings of several popular laptop models and manufacturers. You can run this program under read-only mode to simply monitor the CPU temperature and fan speed, without changing the RPM.

This article explains how Git integration and deployment pipelines work for notebooks in Microsoft Fabric. Learn how to set up a connection to your repository, manage your notebooks, and deploy them across different environments.

Fabric notebooks offer Git integration for source control with Azure DevOps. With Git integration, you can back up and version your notebook, revert to previous stages as needed, collaborate or work alone using Git branches, and manage your notebook content lifecycle entirely within Fabric.

From your workspace settings, you can easily set up a connection to your repo to commit and sync changes. To set up the connection, see Get started with Git integration. Once connected, your items, including notebooks, appear in the Source control panel.

When you commit the notebook item to the Git repo, the notebook code is converted to a source code format, instead of a standard .ipynb file. For example, a PySpark notebook converts to a file. This approach allows for easier code reviews using built-in diff features.

You can also use Deployment pipeline to deploy your notebook code across different environments, such as development, test, and production. This feature can enable you to streamline your development process, ensure quality and consistency, and reduce manual errors with lightweight low-code operations. You can also use deployment rules to customize the behavior of your notebooks when they're deployed, such as changing the default lakehouse of a notebook.

Fabric supports parameterizing the default lakehouse for each notebook instance when deploying with deployment rules. Three options are available to specify the target default lakehouse: Same with source lakehouse, N/A, and other lakehouse.

The control plane includes the backend services that Databricks manages in your Databricks account. Notebook commands and many other workspace configurations are stored in the control plane and encrypted at rest.

For most Databricks computation, the compute resources are in your AWS account in what is called the classic compute plane. This refers to the network in your AWS account and its resources. Databricks uses the classic compute plane for your notebooks, jobs, and for pro and classic Databricks SQL warehouses.

Job results reside in storage in your AWS account. For interactive notebook results, storage is in a combination of the control plane (partial results for presentation in the UI) and your AWS storage. If you want interactive notebook results stored only in your AWS account, you can configure the storage location for interactive notebook results. See Configure the storage location for interactive notebook results. Note that some metadata about results, such as chart column names, continues to be stored in the control plane.

To train or host models from a notebook, you need internet access. To enable internet access, make sure that your VPC has a NAT gateway and your security group allows outbound connections. To learn more about how to connect a notebook instance to resources in a VPC, see Connect a notebook instance to resources in a VPC in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

This control checks if an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance is launched within a custom virtual private cloud (VPC). This control fails if a SageMaker notebook instance is not launched within a custom VPC or if it is launched in the SageMaker service VPC.

Subnets are a range of IP addresses within a VPC. We recommend keeping your resources inside a custom VPC whenever possible to ensure secure network protection of your infrastructure. An Amazon VPC is a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account. With an Amazon VPC, you can control the network access and internet connectivity of your SageMaker Studio and notebook instances.

You can't change the VPC setting after creating a notebook instance. Instead, you can stop, delete, and recreate the instance. For instructions, see Use notebook instances to build models: Clean up in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

First, why would you want to control your laptop fan speed? Well, because many OEMs like to throttle your cpu's and gpu frequencies under heavy load instead of cranking up the fan speed to deal with the high heat. Apple does this on their macs and so do many OEMs. Why is that you ask? well, its because at max fan speed, your laptop's cooling fan sounds like a jet engine. However, you know what's worse? Your game fps dips to the low 10s and your keyboard feels like a boiling pot whenever you touch it all because the OEM refuses to scale up the fans.

Well, today, I am gonna show you how to ignore whatever fan scaling profile your OEM sets for you and crank up your laptop's fan speed manually. On custom built computer, this is straight forward, you just go into the bios to set the cpu fan and then use something like afterburner to set your gpu fan speed if you happen to have discrete Nvidia cards, on laptop, no such thing. Your bios is locked or lack options and your gpu doesn't come with its own fan so out of control of both the nvidia driver and application like afterburner. Luckily there is software called notebook fan control that will allow us to do this regardless. ff782bc1db

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