At Opera, we're passionate about building exceptional online experiences that empower and enthrall users worldwide. Our team is made up of exceptional international talent, including developers, coders, researchers, marketers, and support staff, all working together to create the best online experience on any device.

To keep up with the fast-paced and ever-changing world of online tools and services, we work quickly and efficiently. We're agile, adaptable, and collaborative, always challenging convention and striving for innovation. Most importantly, we put our users at the center of everything we do, seeking to understand and empathize with their needs and preferences.

Our team is made up of ambitious people who are comfortable with change and thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. We keep an independent mind, think hard, and share our ideas and insights with one another. Above all, we're committed to being good human beings and supporting one another as part of a tight-knit and supportive team.

A few weeks ago my Opera GX was working just fine. I decided to take a trip down memory lane and install Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch. After closing the game my computer was acting kinda fucky, so I restarted it. Everything was working fine except for Opera. It opens, but it won't actually go into it. When I hover my mouse over the little popup box it shows that it's open, but it won't let me in no matter how many times I click it. I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling it multiple times, but it didn't work. I've been using Google Chrome ever since and I still miss the video popout feature with Youtube. Has anyone else experienced this before? How do I fix it?

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Type [*.] before the domain name to create an exception for an entire domain name. Creating an [*.] cookie exception will apply to pages such as and IP addresses can also be added as exceptions.

I noticed that autofill doesn't work when I use opera browser on android. When I tried it on chrome, it was making suggestions on the pages I entered. but when I tried opera, a screen called "suggestions for opera" was opened and it didn't bring up any of my saved passwords (twitter, facebook, etc.). My device brand is oppo reno 2z, the keyboard I use is gboard. The fact that it works in Chrome without any problems and does not work in Opera made me think of the possibility that opera is not specified as a browser on 1password. I'm waiting for your help.

Chrome(its working fine): 

Opera (doesnt work):

the opera screenshot definitely looks anti-aliased. I even zoomed in the shot on gimp to confirm it is even subpixel antialised.

your chromium screenshot looks super blurry on browser, but again opening it with gimp it looks ok.

Ok, then i guess i was wrong about anti-aliasing but there is something else. Why are fonts looks different? In chromium font looks smother and nicer. 

Also noticed that only fonts between 12px-16px looks ugly, other sizes is ok, like in chromium. So when i zoom in or out some page in opera font quality is changes.

Also changing font didn't fixed this.

And also in Google Chrome and Vivaldi fonts are ok (like in chromium).

Thank you for explanation. And sorry for my ignorance. My resolution is 1366x768.

I figured out that opera has separate zoom setting for every page, so i just can just zoom in some most used pages like new tab.

So i think that problem is "solved".

Benefits include low premium medical, dental and vision insurance; short and long-term disability, life insurance and long-term care paid fully by the opera; Employee Assistance Program; immediate eligibi","salaryLow":"70000","salaryHigh":"80000","salaryDesc":"Annual","howToApply":"Please send your current resume and cover letter.

Thanks, I tried that, but no change. In fact, i am questioning whether the nytimes login is even bitwarden, as the account password manager prompt does not match the emails i have set up in bitwarden. I have disabled the opera password autofill. Any other ideas?

bwitem779907 56.5 KB

I can confirm the popup window with accounts is coming from opera password - that little window is the action when you have disabled password autofill.

Thanks, I would like to get it working. What is mis-configured? They were .csv imported from opera password manager (a limited set of 4 for testing.)

Regarding a previous reply, I tried changing match to host, and also changing the URI to neither made a difference.

It appears BW is not running at all in the browser.

Ok, seems to be working. Thanks for the clarifications.

I had disabled both pw autofill and offer to save.

Does BW always require the sidebar icon to be clicked and username selected? i.e. it cannot autofill the moment a web page login is loaded? (especially if there is only 1 username associated) or prompt you directly from the web page login?

Arg, autofill has stopped working for any websites that I have multiple accounts for. Badge# shows the correct number of accounts, but autofill does nothing. Clicking in the userid box also does nothing. Clicking from the sidebar, then selecting an account manually does work as does cntl-shift-l.

Any ideas?

Well, Ctrl+Shift+L is auto-fill, so if that works, then it seems that what is not working is just the Auto-fill on page load. Have you double-checked the setting of that option under Settings > Options?

[Commenting on the suggested codecs] Additionally you should know, that every time the Opera will be updated to the next major version (or it will be based on a significantly higher version of Chromium), you will have to update the lib accordingly. In other case, the lib may be not working in the Opera or even may cause crash of the browser.The same goes for the glibc version, if your OS will use a lower version than the one with which the FFMPEG will be compiled, it will not work and will cause the browser to not launch at all.


Working on the assumption that the hecuba version of opera-beta-81.0.4196.11-1 was packaged with the codecs you suggest, I extracted the file to /home/azed/Downloads/CodecsOpera80/opera-beta-81.0.4196.11-1-x86_64.pkg/usr/lib/opera-beta/

Hello. I am using Opera browser, and own a Kaspersky Internet Security copy. I installed the official Kaspersky Protection extension from Chrome Store, but now it is gray, and not working, showing the image below. How can I fix this? Thanks.

Heralded for her rich, satiny voice as much as her impeccable characterizations, mezzo-soprano Cindy Sadler is a force to be reckoned with on the operatic scene. Anthony Tommasini of the New York Timescalled her \"wonderful\" as Baba the Turk where she \"made every phrase count\", and the press raved about her standout performance in which she \"surpassed expectations\" (NJ Star-Ledger), \"made you forget she was a bearded lady ... you loved her from the first note\" (Philadelphia Inquirer), and \"took this role to the bank, to several financial institutions, and then to various jewelers\" (Princeton Packet).

Wow. What a great response from singers, teachers, colleagues, people who were in the business and left, people who studied and then decided not to go into the business ... so many thoughtful and valuable comments on Part 1. I am both thrilled and humbled to see the dialogue that is resulting from my thoughts set down in the previous blog post. Thank you to everyone who commented here, on Reddit, on FaceBook, or in private messages to me ... and as people who all love singing and opera, let's keep the dialogue going.

Many people eloquently expressed that they felt the article didn't cover all the bases; and they're right. It wasn't intended to. It is directed primarily towards singers in the their studies or the very beginning of their careers and was inspired by many, many conversations with working singers, teachers, opera company administrators, and other industry professionals. It is also directed very specifically to those singers who want the all-singing, all-the-time career path ... which is but one of many valid choices.

I don't write these things to be mean or hurtful. I believe in tough love with the emphasis on love. I also believe in humor, compassion, and lending a helping hand to anyone who wants to enjoy opera at any level of participation. I want to get people's attention and make them think. I want young people who are going into this business to make the very most of their time, money, and other resources and get a good start so they have the best possible chance at being successful --- however they define that.

It's not exclusive to the opera business, but especially when you are trying to establish yourself, you have to put in a great deal of effort. I'm not saying you can never again take the time to go to a friend's wedding or be there for your kid's Easter pageant. However, when it comes down to a choice between a gig which pays the rent, puts a needed credit on your resume, and/or provides a stepping stone to the next level and something else, you have to make a difficult choice.

Of course career isn't the end all be all, but when you're getting started, you need to prioritize career, especially when you're working freelance. That doesn't mean never, ever choosing personal life over career, but you are going to have to miss out on some things in lieu of career-building opportunities. Sometimes you will choose your personal life, and if that means you miss an opportunity you just have to work a little harder and get the next one. It happened to me early on --- my grandmother was in the hospital and she clearly wasn't going to be coming out, and I passed on the opportunity to sing a small solo on a broadcast so that I could go home and be with her. It had its repercussions, but I don't regret my decision and I did eventually recover from it, professionally. 2351a5e196

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