I just yesterday managed to make a connection to the SQL Server with some very fine assistance by a few MS MVP's (In another Forum) but the ADO.NET 2.0, Microsoft Press, author Rebecca M. Riordan uses the Northwind and the Pubs databases in the exercises throughout the book so I need to add these two databases to the Server so that I can continue my study of this very fine text. I have the Northwind Database in my Microsoft Access but I do not want to try to create such a hugh database in the SQL Server on my own. I have created two of the Tables to the Pubs DB and it was quite a bit of work and subject to my errors. MS furnishes text so that I can build these two databases in my SQL Server but that is a hugh task for this newbie. Any suggestions on how or where I can download the databases and add them to the Server? Thank you and have a good day. JRichards54 ?

Luis C.

General Disclaimer:

Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

Download Northwind Database For Sql Server 2014

Download 🔥 https://fancli.com/2yGbNe 🔥

I printed "Northwind Database Installation" and "Installing the Northwind Sample Database", both from Microsoft webpages. I just noticed that the latter is for VS 2012 and I need to go back and click on "Other Versions" to get specific instructions on how to install to SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.

Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance) that I am studying uses that DB in their exercises. Right now I want to continue my studies in this text and I will get back to installing the Northwind DB when I am ready to study "Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0".

BTW, I am not fluent in Spanish. I know about 9000 words but I do not converse well, everyone (even 6 year old children) know more Spanish than I do. He estudiado mucho pero aprendido un poco. Thanks again. JRichards54 ?

I wonder how did you know that I'm a native spanish speaker (maybe my accent :-P) as there's no information of that on my profile. BTW, 9000 words is a great vocabulary for someone who "has learned just a few".

Yes, I certainly have had more success installing the Northwind and pubs databases. I ran the SQL Script files (.sql) from my VS 2005 Query Editor and when I clicked on "Execute" there it was. I then ran it again for the other one and both are now in my Server along with the Adventureworks and the System Databases (which I do not mess with).

Thanks for replyingI found the database sample on Microsoft ;displaylang=enJustSomeGuy thanks for the script but I not familiar with sql server need to learn. I have worked with MySQL toad and SQL I Oracle

For example. Diference is in table Customers, where in Tutorial table have columns CustomerID, CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode and Country. And table Customer in almost all Northwind database wich I find have columns CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax. Also, in tutorial table Customers CustomerID is number, and in my database, in table Customers CustomerID is string of five letters.

I love working with databases, but I hate having to share them. I'm extremely selfish in that regard. There's an extent to which it may be a character flaw, but here's the deal: I don't want to impact other folks' workflows. That's it. That's the whole deal. A lot of times when I'm working with a database, I'm trying to load data or transform data. I don't like sharing because I can't stand the idea of targeting the wrong table. Trust me, I've done this before, you make a mistake and suddenly a table is just....gone. And you're not getting it back because you didn't add a rollback. And someone is working with pushing test data around in your application and now they're panicked because they just saw that table was out and they're calling the database person, and if you just dropped the table there's a chance that's you. You have a backup?

There's a handful of ways to get around this, one I'll follow this up with later. it's way more chic and won't have the limitations this option will, but I don't see this option used that often despite how handy it is. There's an option available right out of the box from Visual Studio, even the community option has it. SqlLocalDB is a developer tool that is essentially a stripped down version of SQL Server Express available for development. Why would you use this instead of SQL Server Express? Well, ya got me there. I like using localdb because it's much easier to setup and is inherently locked by Windows to my user account. SQL Local DB is also incredibly easy to setup when compared to other options, and given how much it can accomplish for you, it will probably solve most of your needs for database work locally.

Do you have a flavor of Visual Studio installed? Congrats! You probably have it, if not loads the data work work load using the Visual Studio installer. If not, Microsoft has a really solid walk through here: -us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/sql-server-express-localdb?view=sql-server-ver15

From here, you can navigate and work with this database locally with nearly the same amount of tooling you're used to having. there are plenty of things that Local DB does not have, like the ability to install an SSISDB, but I've found it to handle so much of my day to day, it really is a tool I wish someone tapped me on the shoulder and said "hey, you should know about this" when I was getting started.

This is another tool I wish someone, ANYONE would have told me existed when I was learning anything related to SQL. I needed something to practice with desperately, learning SQL in production is not a good thing to do, but I couldn't figure out where to find or get this down, so I'm going to spend a little extra time here. If you're familiar with git, feel free to skip ahead.

This is to SQL Server Management Studio what Visual Studio Code is to Visual Studio. It's lighter, has a different feature set, but has most of everything you'll want on the day to day. (It's also available on Mac, which is a huge plus for me because it means less context switching).

Now that we're in, pull the Northwind files and let's walk through how to use this setup to setup the Northwind database. First, fork the repo into you're git (so you're not working out of their branches). Next, clone them locally and open the instnwnd.sql and instpub.sql files in Azure data studio. They should automatically connect to the database you just connected to. After you have them open, all you need to do is run them, and you will have a functional local db loaded with the Northwind databases.

But yeah, this probably isn't what you have lying around. You probably do, however, either have or have the capability of having a .bak to restore a database from. If not, and with your DBA's permission, here's how you can get one. Log into that server with Azure Data studio. We're going to stick with the Northwind as it's what we have right now.

In the topmost dropdown, select "Backup File" from the "Restore From" dropdown. Select the "Backup File path" as the backup you just made. The rest should fill out itself from those backup files. When I did this, I needed to go to the "Options" tab and select "Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE)" to manage the restore. And now, congratulations, you have a local database that you can run riot in and not really have any major risks associated with. You have isolation from your fellow testers and have the capability to just restore from a good backups in the event that things go completely sideways.

It will be interesting to see what happens next year. Not a lot of new work on SSAS multidimensional models (re: none) and some of the sheen is off the tabular model as its limitations are more and more known and not all that acceptable in some key places. Where is SQL Server 2016(?) going? There has been no word on it. Count on Microsoft to continue to empower the power user.

We find that the most utility is trending for the last quarter and then keeping the snapshot as of the last day of a month or the week end (this depends on whether a business measures itself weekly or monthly). Thus, you keep every day for up to three or four months and then only keep the snapshot as of the period you measure. This balances storage v. utility.

Having trouble attaching northwind database to your SQL Server 2012? Well you are not alone! Northwind is the name of the sample database for SQL Server 2000, that later got replaced with the AdventureWorks sample database in SQL Server 2005. However, it is still used in e.g. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database Development Training Kit so may still be relevant for users trying to learn SQL essentials.

Whenever I give a talk at a meetup or teach at a course or just want to try a demo about a data driven technology, my biggest problem (and the biggest nag) is always to get some real(istic) sample data. Thankfully there are sample databases available on the internet that eerybody can download and use. Microsoft has a lot of them: you might have seen AdventureWorks (that's the latest one), but before that there was Northwind, and you might also have heard about Contoso.

I started out a very long time ago (I'm getting old fast), and when I did, the most popular of these databases was the Northwind-sample. So I got used to it; I know the structure and I also know the data. Don't get me wrong, I like new stuff (live on the bleeding edge), but for sample data, this doesn't seem that important. I mean, products are products and users are users, right? 152ee80cbc

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