I have Bitdefender installed and running on two of my three Macs with the Ventura OS. It was running on the third Mac with Ventura, until during a renewal hiccup it was uninstalled, and now cannot be re-installed. I was told by Bitdefender Tech that it is a known issue, with the Vebtura OS and Bitdefender is not planning on fixing it since it is an OS issue.

So let me get this straight... No other software I have has had an issue installing on the Ventura OS besides Bitdefender, yet Bitdefender has no plans to fix their installer? That sounds crazy to me.

Cannot Download Bitdefender

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It was the BitDefender support team that remoted in to my computer for over 30 minutes to try and fix the installation error, gave up, and said it was the Ventura OS and not thier responsibility. I am open to suggestions, and asked the issue be elevated, but have not heard back.

Should you wish to proceed with your refund request, please confirm this and our commercial representatives will initiate the process on their end. In the event you wish to continue with Bitdefender, you can follow up on your initial request and ask for an update.

I regret the inconvenience. We have a pinned discussion on this topic and this is indeed a bug yet to be fixed by Apple. The workaround should overcome this issue, but apparently it didn't work in your case and I'm very sorry to hear this.

Method: Hit Protection, Antivirus open, Settings, Manage Exceptions, + Add an Exception, click and browse to the folder or exe, hit OK, see the path, Antivirus turned on, and enable On-access scan (and the other two), hit Save. At this point I would expect to see my exception in the list, but the list is empty, it says that I have not set up any antivirus exceptions.

The reason I need the exception is that I am developing a C++ application using Visual Studio, and Bitdefender insists that one of my debug exe's contains a virus (Gen: Variant.Lazy.185809), which I think is a false positive (I am definitely not writing a virus :-)). But every time I build it, Bitdefender quarantine's it, which makes the build fail so I can't continue with running unit tests etc. (I have seen outside Bitdefender's site that people have complained about this same problem, haven't found a solution though.)

I am using Bitdefender Free, Build, on Windows. I have started with the free one to see what it is like. (Apparent lack of being able to create an antivirus exception is not giving me a good impression.)

Summary of the below is that while I can't create an Antivirus exception, I can create an Advanced Threat Defense exception, but it seems to me that this exception is not doing what it is supposed to.

As I had explained in the original post, I hit Protection, Antivirus/Open, Settings, Manage Exceptions, (current exception list shows as empty for All, Antivirus, ATD and OTP), hit "+ Add an Exception", added (in my case) the path E:\Dev, with "Antivirus" ticked and "On-access scan", "On-demand scan" and "Embedded scripts" all ticked, hit Save where it now shows me the Antivirus exception list which I would have thought should now contain my new exception, but the list is empty. I can't seem to create an Antivirus exception.

Did that and I have an exception there, but not an Antivirus exception. If I try to turn this exception into an Antivirus exception, it disappears. (Recreated the exception.) The exception under Advanced Threat Defense has the path:

I have done that with the above file. It is a (debug version) command line utility I wrote, built in Visual Studio. With virus scanning now reenabled, Visual Studio now simply cannot write to ...\debug\Console6809.exe. The file doesn't appear in Bitdefender's quarantine either. Something seems to be blocking access to a file of this name. The new exception to this file under Advanced Threat Defense doesn't seem to be doing what it is supposed to ie allowing this file to be created.

I have exactly the same problem when Bitdefender prevents me from building my projects in Visual Studio. More than that. More than that. It worked fine for at least 6 months and suddenly today started to complain about files being build by VC. Even if you just create basic "hello world" project. Also:

I am asking simply because because I have mentioned that this is very common issue with people who are using Visual Studio... so I am after the generic solution which should be known by now as it was reported by many people over at least a few years back.

Having said that, I still did not come across the solution as yet. Most responses are the same or similar as in this thread: send files, etc... I am sure there is already an explanation how to make Bitdefender and Visual Studio to work together... I do not think developers would stop using Bitdefender...

This situation should be brought into the attention of our malware researchers for further investigation. My recommendation would also be to get in touch with the Support Teams, as they will be able to advise on the next steps to follow.

I also found running another application which uses HTTPS to connect to our server that the connection was blocked, and I had to ALLOW the application to access the internet from the Bitdefender interface, although the application itself had built and run without issue.

It's a little while since I can't hide the file extensions from the File Manager. I know, 'cause I've read something in this forum, that it's a security feature of the antivirus to prevent the that an exe could mimic another file (like a PDF in example). But I consider myself a power user and I'm pretty aware of this problem, but I prefer to use my system with the file extensions hidden. But has been a while since I can't hide them anymore. As I un-thick the option, immediately it goes back to the thick version.

Another thing that I've noticed is that I can't replace the standard Task Manager with the trusted Process Explorer (from the SysInternals Suite). Again if I try to replace the Task Manager, a message prompts me that I can't do that. Something like: "Can't replace Task Manager: Access Denied".

Kindly post your question in microsoft community ( -us) or contact microsoft support ( -us) since this issue is not related to bitdefender. Also, the SysInternals Suite is developed by microsoft, hence they are the only ones who will be able to help you.

Right after installing Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64bit on my laptop, i unticked the option for showing the file extensions. But, after every System Scan, the extensions for known file types will suddenly show. Then, i again i was unticking the option to show the extension, but without any success. After 1 or 2 minutes the option was automatically ticked, without me doing it manually and again the extensions were shown.

Wow, the efforts to ignore this problem are outrageous. This issue has cropped up all over the interwebs since 2011 and the common concensus has always been "its bitdefender related"...maybe BitDefender knows this, does not have a solution, and thinks if they ignore us, the problem will go away? LOL sorry, still here!

I contacted Support Chat (another nightmare experience) and got no where. I was first directed to reveal what other "Security Solutions" I was using...I assume that means "antivirus"?...of which I have no other. Then I was given directions to instructions on how to turn off every aspect of my bitdefender (took me forever!) only to find, it did not fix the problem. So, I turned everything back on (what a pain) and then got told I would have to submit some sort of report...I'm actually still waiting for the email (with the report form) I was promised immediately after the chat session.

Honestly, this is pathetic. The Bitdefender website is so slow and troublesome to navigate...the solutions are not there...Chat is an absolute joke (slow, pointless)...and the bitdefender denial knob is turned up to 11. I am really seeing no reason to sign up for a second year of this antivirus.

Therefore, if the Hidden files settings are no longer available after a scan, please restart your PC, after which they will be available once again. If, for some reason, the reboot does not fix the problem, follow the instructions presented below to show hidden files:

Checking if another antivirus is installed along Bitdefender on the devices is standard procedure for the Support Teams when troubleshooting, because having two or more security solutions installed at the same time can have a negative impact on your computer. The symptoms may include but are not limited to degraded performance, system crashes, and software errors.

To speed up a System Scan, if system resources are not a concern, the following solution may be considered: run the scan in high priority mode. This will instruct Bitdefender to compete for system resources on equal terms to other programs and decrease the time needed for the scan process to finish.

I could not reproduce any slowdown on the Bitdefender website. If the internet connection is not a concern, the main causes of browsing slowdowns are toolbars, different add-ons and plug-ins, adware and list goes on. Are you also encountering a general slowdown of the machine and can you reproduce this behavior on any other websites?

I urgently needed multiple licenses for a bunch of elderly & inexperienced PC users so I focused primarily on products rated as offering the highest levels of reliable malware prevention as well as a simple enough interface to not intimidate a novice user.

Yet I also experience this problem with Bitdefender repeatedly modifying my folder preferences and although I understand that hiding file extensions "may" present a vulnerability I cannot understand how you can possibly neglect adding "Manage Exclusions" to the "Vulnerability Scan" settings.

Bitdefender generates an endless list of repetitive & irrelevant "notifications" for the most inconsequential of actions yet not about changing our operating system settings or asking what action we prefer.

I used to have issues with Bitdefender updating on my Macs at home. That has worked fine once I got past the initial download (I had to exempt my computer from scanning the Bitdefender installation file). 152ee80cbc

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