Restart your Node-RED instance and you should have UI nodes available in the palette and a new dashboard tab in theright side panel. The UI interface is available at :1880/ui (if the default settings are used).

The layout algorithm of the dashboard always tries to place items as high and to the left as they can within their container - this applies to how groups are positioned on the page, as well as how widgets are positioned in a group.

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Sizes - sets the basic geometry of the grid layout in pixels. The width and height of widgets can be set, as can the width of groups. These are the basic definitions of the "units' used elsewhere within the dashboard.

Template - the template node allows the user to specify and create their own widgets within the framework using HTML, Javascript. This is an Angular.js widget. You may also use this to override the built in CSS styles.

Again note you have to add iconify- to the icon name in the icon set of your choice. You may also optionally specify a size in standard px or em notation. Default is 24px. You must also add a ui_template node that loads the necessary iconify library into the header of the dashboard. It should contain

Due to the size of the dashboard libraries it can take a long time to load if you are running on wireless network. It is possible add a custom loading page if you wish. To do so add a file called loading.html to the node_modules/node-red-dashboard/dist/ folder. A simple example could be

You can use the httpNodeAuth property in your Node-RED settings.js file to secure the Dashboard as it iscreated the same way as other HTTP nodes are. The details can be found at the bottom of this page in thedocs

Messages coming from the dashboard do have a msg.socketid, and updates like change of tab,notifications, and audio alerts will be directed only to that session. Delete the msg.sessionid to sendto all sessions.

This seems appear when you use an info command to generate an API key for some reason.

You can try several times (each time it generates a new IP) and pass it to the multinode dashboard. Or you can add manually via UI or with add command too.

You may also try to generate an API key with the issue-apikey command (it requires to specify an --identity-dir location).

We have a number of grouped nodes within our standard/legacy dashboard view providing us the overall status of that group/service. Some of these are SQL servers, UPS etc and show the RAG status but we are moving to the modern dashboard and i would like to create a service dashboard with these groups/services for a NOC wall screen so a more appropriate view.

I have tried to make a simple display with big boxes one for each group but i haven't found a way to reference these groups to display it. Ive tried in the SWQL builder but not had any luck, even the usual google search have come up with nothing including some example don't appear to have node groups.

I guess this is now old but I have the same issue with a table. If the table is loaded into the template node the only shows the first line after moving to another page and the back it resizes to the full length of the table.

Any help ?

Sorry to be dim, but what are you feeding in to those 2x delay nodes? What actually triggers them? I tried adding a UI Control Node to trigger them as well, but it gets stuck in a loop that changes the tab continuously.

hello all !

do i have the ability of using html and css to change the default dashboard of node red to somthing better ?

if yes i want to use websites templates to make the node red dashbord more beautiful.

wich websites can help me ?

no - uibulder is a completely separate dashboard. How you build it is up to you.There are quite a few examples in that project wiki.

The existing dashboard can be changed a little by either using the themes, or by overriding the css using a ui_template - but I thought you wanted more than that.

Here's my home automation dashboard just to prove that it is possible to achieve "something better" this way. It is of course up to you to decide is it better enough or not. And there is no limit if you are good artist to figure out much better looking solution. I am far from good at art. But anyway - it is done by customizing Node-RED dashboard elements with CSS overriding and creating some custom elements for it.

If you need more control that is easily available in Dashboard (which of course is excellently designed to be able to very quickly create simple to medium complexity dashboards with minimal to no web development knowledge), maybe you should be questioning whether Dashboard is the right tool for the job?

@hotNipi, I have glanced over the structure that is hidden in the node-red CSS and tried to cross reference. My limited knowledge prevents me to comprehend what the link is as it does not match what I find. Can you give me some guidance how to "trial and error" this?

I'm also working on node-red-contrib-infocache which will provide a comprehensive message caching and replay node that will, of course, integrate with uibuilder but also be usable independently. If you want to see the design doc for that, it is here. As always, feedback is most welcome.


For about 1 year now I used your "Master style override", I really love it. However since I updated several nodes in my palette yesterday I does not work anymore. Probably you faced the same in your application and maybe already some time ago. Do you mind to share your update of "Master style override" in this topic? Thank you!

First off I am very new at this. So please be kind. I had Node Red running on a Raspberry Pi and had a isssue so I did a clean install of the PI and Node Red. After that when I tried to launch the Node Red dashboard from my home PC like before I get the error Cannot GET /ui. I can get on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:1880 site.

I have spent hours searching for help online but nothing has helped.


2022-02-03 13_52_14-Select Command Prompt734269 7.02 KB

I am using version 2.2.0 of Node-Red

Have you installed the node-red-dashboard - node-red-dashboard (node) - Node-RED

and added some of the dashboard nodes to a flow?

If not, go to the palette, and you'll find it in the Install tab.

I recommend watching this playlist: Node-RED Essentials. The videos are done by the developers of node-red. They're nice & short and to the point. You will understand a whole lot more in about 1 hour. A small investment for a lot of gain.

As @Colin has said, you really need to spend a little time watching the Node-RED Essentials playlist to get a better understanding how node-RED works.

After that, if you have a problem, please start a new topic, and fully describe what the problem is, and what you have tried to solve it.

If I open the Trap Viewer or Syslog Viewer under Alerts and Activity I can see the received syslog and traps, and if I click on the hostname it is linking the traps/syslog too it takes me to the correct node dashboard but the traps/syslogs don't show.

I have Node-RED running on my Cerbo GX. I have a Node-RED dashboard where I set some numerical parameters for the flows (as flow variables). Recently I had to reboot my GX due to connectivity issues and after rebooting, as you might expect, all the dashboard values change (seem to either not be set or go to their range extremes).

Use an inject node set to inject once then not repeat. Set the inject node payload to whatever value you want as default upon system reboot. This will send the payload message to the dashboard switch only once upon flow deployment.

There is an option in the settings.js to enable local storage and node red will take care of it automatically without any additional steps or added nodes or variables. With this option enabled node red automatically writes the variables data to storage every 30 seconds and upon reboot automatically loads the last stored information for all variables.

Node-RED is a programming tool built on top of Node.js that provides a way to create automation with minimal code. It wires different nodes together, with each node carrying a specific function linking them to create a flow that carries out an automation task (e.g., switching off the light in a room or closing a door).

After successful installation, all the dashboard nodes will appear in the palate section. Each dashboard node provides a widget that you can display on a user interface (UI) (e.g., gauge, chart, button, etc.).

We use tabs and groups to arrange the UI in the Node-RED dashboard. Tabs in the Node-RED dashboard are pages that hold or display different groups, which separate a tab into several sections. In each group is where you organize your node widgets (buttons, texts, charts, etc). Below is a walkthrough on how to create tabs and groups.

Drag any dashboard node (in my case, a button node) into the flow and double-click on the node. A window where you can edit the node will appear. Where it says Group, click on the pencil icon next to it to add a new group. The window in the picture above will appear. Give the group a Name of your choice and click the pencil icon next to where it says Tab to add a new tab. Give the Tab a name of your choosing and click Add.

The aim of this guide was to provide basic knowledge of how the Node-RED dashboard works on Raspberry Pi. I believe with all the examples we covered in this post, you should have an idea of the next thing you want to do with the Node-RED dashboard in your journey to an automated life.

I believe this is possible with the dashboard template node. Can someone help me get started with this node? Here's what I have so far, to dynamically generate x number of buttons depending on how many objects there are:

I'm new to node-red. I have just started using node-red/node-red-dashboard and when I install other packages, for some reason node-red-dashboard gets removed. I'm in the .node-red dir when I run npm install. e24fc04721

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