I've found that when I delete cpp files from my project using cmake and ninja, I can't easily compile it without first completely deleting my build directory and starting from scratch. CMake and/or Ninja apparently squirrels away a number of references to all the cpp files that it compiles, even deleting the CMake cache before re-running CMake doesn't remove all the references.

When you run cmake -G Ninja.. it essentially means that you are using a build system namely Ninja. For better understanding this visual depiction will further clarify. Furthermore, the Ninja in cmake -G Ninja.. will generate Ninja build files.

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I am getting a The command line is too long. error when building on Windows using CMake 3.20.0 and Ninja 1.10.2.

I have tried the answer for cmake-command-line-too-long-windows, but it did not work.

The actual command that is failing is the archiver:

I have seen this issue, that seems to point to the fact that the GENERATED property is not needed, but I was wondering why the file is kept when using make clean and deleted when using ninja clean. Is there a reason behind this difference?

Ninja is build using Ninja with a technique known as bootstrapping. The bootstrapping step first builds an executable called ninja.bootstrap.exe and a build.ninja file. This bootstrapping executable is further used to build ninja.exe. The build is quite fast as the dependencies for Ninja itself are quite small. I generated the following graph of dependencies of Ninja using commands:

This should build Ninja using Ninja with a CMake Ninja backend. Ninja runs build commands in parallel by default, based on the number of available CPUs on the system. Let us modify the cmake build command to let Ninja display the build statistics.

In one of my previous blog, I had described Ninja as a small open-source build system with a focus on speed. In this blog post, we saw how small the entire Ninja source is (from the dependency diagram we created using ninja -t command), and how easy is it to set up and work with it. We also saw how CMake works great with Ninja as CMake has inbuilt generator support for Ninja. It is for these reasons that Visual Studio 2019 has the default generator as Ninja for WSL2 builds. If you want a clean and no-fuss build system for your project do consider a CMake and Ninja combo.

I have the exact same issue (also with libz.tbd), but after upgrading Xcode from 14 to 15 today. CMake and ninja are still referring to the 13.3 SDK, but this does not exist anymore. As a temporary fix, I removed Xcode and the command line tools completely and reinstalled Xcode 14 (before, I used Xcode from the App Store, which updated itself automatically). I can now compile my project again, but this does not feel like a fix for the problem.

I made a stackoverflow post a while back asking how to improve our Windows cpp desktop app build process and someone responded with the following assumption: "I assume your cmake system is already ninja'd". Would anyone mind elaborating on the implications behind such a statement?

According to this documentation, if no other generator is specified, Visual studio defaults to ninja already?? Considering the current iteration of our project does not have either of CMakePresets.json or CMakeUserPresets.json, does that mean the generator VS is using defaults to ninja? How do I verify which generator is being used?

When I try "echo $CMAKE_GENERATOR" it looks like the env variable is correctly set. However when I check cmake configuration using "cmake --help", I can see that the default generator is still set to "Unix Makefiles".

Hi all. I'm brand new to the Swift compiler and am running into some issues with building. I have successfully built a few times, and have compiled a helloworld.swift with the built compiler. But I am running into some issues with cmake that is preventing me from building both through the build-script and through ninja.

Some of this seems to be related to my environment setup. I upgraded cmake after encountering this issue. I may also not understand when to use the build-script vs ninja -- the error message for build-script mentions that an "uninstall procedure" may not have completed successfully.

Ok, there is any other error bellow that No such file or directory? Sometimes there is an earlier failure that end up causing those sort of error where cmake expects a file produced by an early stage that failed. So can you try spot any other suspect output in the logs? Kinda looking for the root =]

I am trying to write a batch script to update blender source code and compile it, and it is working fine with CMake only. But the issue comes up when I try to use Ninja to speedup the process, here is the command that fails :

cmake -GNinja -S D:/prog/blender_git/blender -B D:/prog/blender_git/branches/master_branch_ninja

As of Ninja version 1.11+, the ninja -t missingdeps tool can be used to find cases where generated source files (i.e. *.h.inc files produced by tablegen) were not added correctly to dependencies. Similar issues and tools for spotting them have been discussed on GitHub here: Method for detecting missing dependency graph edges  Issue #1660  ninja-build/ninja  GitHub.

Building with -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON in cmake produces shared library files instead of static libraries that enforce all link dependencies being explicitly/properly specified. There are also build bots that test this configuration I believe.

What "ninja" program is it referring to, and why wasn't this auto-installed by rosdep? There appears to be both an apt package and pip package called "ninja", which do very different things, so it's unclear which one it's expecting.

I still don't understand. Like I said in my question, it's outputting ninja, so I'm not sure why you're telling me to look for it. The problem is the ninja build script isn't being generated, so ninja is throwing an error. And yes, the first command I ran was rosinstall_generator.

Nowhere in ROS is the CMake generator being configured. Afaik, all catkin driven CMake activity uses the GNU Makefile generator. Something in your setup is forcing CMake to use the ninja generator. That is something to figure out. Who or what is making CMake use the ninja generator.

As to the output I'm asking for: CMake uses its generators at configuration time, not build time. I'm asking whether you see any output during initial configuration that states that CMake is using its ninja generator. Lines regarding that should appear before the lines you've copy/pasted.

Your source folder is in Program Files which makes me wonder if the dependencies are in folders named differently from in the install instructions, in which case it would also fail without you redirecting the cmake to the proper folders.

Building with CMake typically includes creating a build directory andspecifying a generator, aka a build tool. For example, to buildWireshark using Ninja in the directory wireshark-ninja you mightrun the following commands:

Depending on your needs, it might be useful to save your CMake configuration options in a file outside your build directory.CMake supports this via its presets option.For example, adding the following to CMakeUserPresets.json would let you build using Ninja in the build directory, enable ccache, and set a custom Qt directory by running cmake --preset mydev:

It is often necessary to restart from the beginning after an OS update, major Homebrew/Macport update and maybe after CMake updates. If there are issues after an update of one of these components I typically remove CMakeCache.txt and run cmake with all the necessary flags.

This all suggests you should remove CMakeCache.txt and re-run cmake with the proper install prefix and whatever options you need. CMake uses as much as possible absolute paths to binaries, headers and libraries. I guess they do so to make re-running independent from environment variables. The downside is that if tools and libraries get updated you typically have to re-run from scratch.

The Ninja Multi-Config generator generates .ninja files, just like the traditional single-config Ninja generator. However, it generates these files for multiple configurations, similar to the Visual Studio and XCode generators. This means that, for the first time ever, CMake supports multi-configuration builds on Linux and all other supported platforms. (Until the development of this feature, only Windows and MacOS could do multi-configuration builds using Visual Studio and XCode, respectively.)

When using the Ninja Multi-Config generator, multiple build-.ninja files are generated, one for each configuration in CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES. Select a configuration by running ninja -f build-.ninja , which will build in the selected configuration. And of course, you can also use cmake --build . --config to build instead.

For faster builds, the Ninja build system can be used. If ninja is installed and available in the path, it can be added to the make command when setting up the build folder. If there already exists a build folder with a different build system, the folder must be removed first. Example command to set up ninja build:

To try out the latest and greatest CMake features and give us some early feedback, please download and install the latest Visual Studio 2017 Preview. As always, we welcome your feedback. Feel free to send any comments through e-mail at cmake@microsoft.com, through Twitter @visualc, or Facebook at Microsoft Visual Cpp.

You can specify additional CMake options, such as --find-debug, --trace-expand, or --warn-uninitialized, in Additional CMake options. For more information about the options, click the link in the field name or see CMake: cmake(1).

Current Configuration lists the CMake variables in the cmake-file-api JSON export in the .cmake/api/v1/reply directory. It shows the variables that come from the initial configuration in italics and mismatched values in red.

After selecting the Run CMake button, you can view and change the actual values of the variables that Qt Creator passes to CMake. The Key column lists variable names, and the Value column lists their current values. For more information about the variables, select Help in the context menu or see CMake: cmake-variables(7). For more information about Qt-specific variables, see CMake Variable Reference. 2351a5e196

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