Visitors who arrive before 9 p.m. but who wish to stay after 9 p.m. may also be asked to register at the front desk to receive a badge. All visitors are encouraged to discuss their requests with the nurse who is caring for their friend or family member.

Last Friday I received a 10 p.m. phone call from one of my work colleagues. She and her husband live near Eld Inlet in western Thurston County. As they were closing their home for the evening, they noticed that they had an avian visitor on their porch. The initial description was that it could hardly walk and looked like a robin-sized penguin.

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Late night visitor. A woman house sitting for a resident in the 30000 block of Rand Road in Confier called police on June 30 to report that she arrived at the house at 1 a.m. and saw the TV was on and a light was on. She claimed she had turned everything off when she had left. She was nervous and left. When she returned a few hours later, the light and TV were off, and the doors were locked. When police checked the home, nothing appeared to be missing, and nobody was inside. It was listed as a suspicious incident.

UPDATE: Nighttime traffic delays on the Carl Hayden Bridge over the Colorado River near Page, Arizona will not be occurring June 4 through 7, as previously announced. 

Visitors to Glen Canyon National Recreation are advised to expect nighttime traffic delays on the Glen Canyon Bridge beginning at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4 and each night through the morning of Friday, June 7, 2019. The Glen Canyon Bridge is located on Highway 89 and crosses the Colorado River between Page, Arizona and the Carl Hayden Visitor Center. During the nighttime closure, traffic on the bridge will be restricted to one lane and drivers are advised to plan for approximately ten-minute traffic delays. During peak travel times between 5 and 8 p.m., delays may be longer. Traffic controls will be in place to ensure an orderly flow of traffic. Drivers and pedestrians are urged to practice caution when approaching and crossing the bridge.

The nighttime delays are due to a project to make repairs to a failing inner pipe that crosses the bridge, connecting the Wahweap District of the park to the Page wastewater treatment plant. The need for repairs was diagnosed as a result of inspections conducted during the May 6 through 10 scoping work that included night time closures. Once all the repairs are made on the sewer line, repairs at the Wahweap Fish Cleaning Station can begin and that work is expected to take approximately a week. The park apologizes for any inconvenience the maintenance project may cause and thanks all users for their attention to safety.

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. -- As of January 15, officials with California State Parks and the National Park Service will lift the nighttime closures imposed after last year's Springs Fire. The restriction to official roads and trails remains in place.

Officials with both agencies chose not to renew the emergency closure that expired at the end of last year for Point Mugu State Park and Rancho Sierra Vista. After daylight saving time, it became increasingly difficult for visitors to participate in recreational activities after work and before the sunset closure.

California State Parks is composed of 279 units on nearly 1.5 million acres of land. State Parks is responsible for nearly one-third of the coastline of California, with more than 3,000 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian trails. State Parks receives more than 65 million visitors yearly, making it the single largest visitor destination in the state and second only to the National Park system for the nation. For more information, visit

At another pedestrian street about 1 kilometer from Qingniwa, the Carnival of Tianjin Street has been attracting nighttime visitors since it opened on June 18. According to the organizers, the average daily visitor flow exceeds 200,000, with some 600,000 arrivals reported on one day.

We are requesting a ruling about how occupants should be calculated in SSc4.2 for our project, which is a professional hockey arena. A previous CIR Ruling (9/14/2006) established that "Excluding a certain type of transient occupants from the required bicycle stall and shower calculations is permissible per previous v2.1 CIR Rulings dated 6/4/2003 and 8/7/2002. Please include a short narrative indicating the number of visitors who have been excluded from these calculations and an explanation of why this type of visitor cannot reasonably be expected to arrive at this destination on or with a bicycle that would benefit from onsite storage facilities." These CIRs related to projects which were destination resorts and airline terminals. Our project, a professional hockey arena, has similar occupancy concerns that make it impractical to provide bicycle racks for all transient occupants. Because the largest events (hockey games) are held late at night and because many event attendees are coming from far away, it is much more likely for attendees to carpool and use public transit than to ride a bicycle. The project anticipates achieving SSc4.1 (numerous bus lines within 1/4 mile and a rail line within 1/2 mile) and SSc4.3 and 4.4 (preferred parking for carpools and efficient vehicles). In addition, for SSc4.2, the project will be building a new bike path to encourage bicycle use, especially during daytime events. Thus, we have developed ways to address both daytime and nighttime events, as described below: For daytime events, our project team has identified two options to address the intent of SSc4.2 that we would like to get direction from the USGBC on: 1. Provide 100 secure bike racks for 5% of the FTE staff plus 5% of the transient occupants who attend daytime events. Peak occupancy during daytime events is expected to be for tradeshows that occupy the main hockey floor space. For this use, occupancy is expected to be about 2000 people for the peak event time. This figure represents about 300 operation/vendors, 1685 attendees and 15 staff. Thus 100 bike racks represent 5% of this occupancy to satisfy the intent of credit SSc4.2. OR 2. Provide 50 secure bike racks for general-use occupancy and require the Events Operator to set up a secure bike corral for at least 50 additional bike racks for any event that anticipates attendance in excess of 1000 people for its peak occupancy time. Nighttime events will be larger, up to 6000 people (peak concert); but as noted above, late egress will discourage bicycle ridership such that peak use will be less than daytime events. For nighttime events, we feel it is only reasonable to expect attendees to ride a bicycle if they live within 5 miles of the arena. The website notes that the average bicycle commute in the US is about 2 miles, so we feel that this allowance of a 5 mile bicycle commute to the arena at night is an aggressive expectation. Our transportation consultant has estimated that about 7% of attendees live within 5 miles of the arena. Thus, for the maximum event of 6000 people, the number of attendees living within 5 miles of the arena would be 420 people. Staff/vendors at this event would be 315, making a total of 735. The 100 or 50 bike racks that would be provided for the project thus represent respectively 13% and 7% of the nighttime occupants who might be expected to commute by bicycle to the event. Showers will be provided to meet the requirement of 0.5% of FTE staff for all events (both daytime and nighttime). The project team feels that this night-time approach and both the daytime options meet the intent of SSc4.2 for this type of facility. We request that the USGBC either confirm that our approach is valid for both daytime event options and nighttime events, or provide clear guidance on how our assumptions should be modified to meet the intent of SSc4.2.

HWACHEON, South Korea, Jan. 11 (Yonhap) -- As South Korea's famous ice-fishing festival kicked off its 23-day run in the northern town of Hwacheon on Saturday, the county's mayor Choi Moon-soon said he prepared diverse nighttime events for visitors to comfortably stay and enjoy.

"With an aim of 200,000 visitors who would enjoy the winter festival programs in the daytime and stay overnight, (I) will make sure the festival is a practical help to boost the local economy," Choi told Yonhap News Agency.

Named South Korea's representative festival for three consecutive years now, the festival has put a lot of emphasis on nighttime events this year so that visitors can stay overnight to enjoy not only the festival but also the city, Choi said.

"The most important thing is to vitalize the regional economy," he said, introducing various performances and foods to enjoy in the car-free streets of the city center. "The whole city community prepared the festival together to welcome the visitors."

It is not clear who is responsible for the killings or whether the park is, in fact, attracting gangs, Boyd said. But state police announced that they would soon begin a random series of nighttime sweeps through the park in an effort to discourage illegal activity.

Night fairs in east and north China's municipalities of Shanghai and Tianjin have reopened amid strict anti-epidemic measures. Visitors must show their health codes and have temperatures taken before entering. Over 50 stalls are selling more than 150 distinctive delicacies to visitors. Staff have to get their temperatures checked three times a day and each stall must be disinfected at least twice a day. The fair is also controlling visitor flows.

Cemeteries have less need to get rid of water fast, water providing a relaxing and calming vista for those visiting the deceased, and with few nighttime visitors, less of an urgency to remove any place mosquitos might breed, especially as this also provides habitat for mosquito predators, which will keep mosquito populations in check most years. 2351a5e196

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