RSF has talked to owners and managers of affected radio stations, some of whom have appealed to the authorities to reduce the licence fees and say it is unfair to demand payment for five years in advance. Others, such as Raypower Networks, the owner Ray Power FM, have opted to enter into negotiations with the NBC.

Expansion of the AM or FM radio bands is Unlikely. The FM band is constrained from expanding above 107.9 MHz by the presence of aeronautical operations on 108 MHz to 136 MHz, and is also prevented from expanding below 88.1 MHz by Channel 6 television operations on 82.0 through 88.0 MHz. The AM band was expanded from 1600 to 1700 kHz in the 1990s after years of international negotiations. However, those frequencies are reserved for existing stations that were causing significant interference in the lower part of the band.

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Unlicensed Operation is Prohibited. A very common question asked of the FCC is whether broadcasting at very low power requires a license. Please be aware that unlicensed operation of radio broadcast stations is prohibited, even at low powers such as 1 watt or less. The only unlicensed operation that is permitted on the AM and FM broadcast bands is covered under Part 15 of the FCC's rules, and is limited to a coverage radius of approximately 200 feet. (See the Commission's July 24, 1991 Public Notice, which is still in effect.) Unlicensed operation is not permitted in the television bands (including 87.9 MHz, which falls within the 82.0 to 88.0 Channel 6 television band). Fines and/or criminal prosecution may result from illegal operation of an unlicensed station (see a sampling of recent enforcement actions).

FCC Rules. FCC rules pertaining to radio and television broadcast stations are contained in Parts 73 and 74 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The CFR is available through the Government Printing Office both online and in book form. For your convenience, here is a link to the Part 73 radio broadcast station rules. These rule lists are updated once a year, after the Code of Federal Regulations website is updated to reflect rule changes from the previous year.

Mutually Exclusive Noncommercial Educational Applications. Noncommercial educational station conflicts with other timely filed noncommercial educational applicants (i.e., where interference would be created between stations if all applications were to be granted) will be resolved through a point system. The point system is described in the Report and Order in MM Docket 95-31, FCC 00-120 (2000) [ PDF | Word ]. See also the Memorandum Opinion and Order, MM Docket 95-31, FCC 01-64 (2001) [ PDF | Word ], and see also Sections 73.7000 through 73.7005 of the FCC's rules.

AM Stations. AM stations occupy the frequencies of 540 kHz to 1700 kHz. These stations are allocated on a non-interference basis. To be acceptable, an application for a new AM broadcast station must show that no interference will be caused to other U.S. and foreign AM stations on the same frequency, or on the adjacent channels (out to 30 kHz above or below the desired frequency (see 47 CFR 73.37)). Applications must also consider the second harmonic frequency and intermediate frequency relationships per 47 CFR Section 73.182(s) (for example 2 x 800 kHz = 1600 kHz for the second harmonic relationship; or 800 kHz + 455 kHz I.F. frequency could affect reception on 1250 and 1260 kHz). In general, these complex engineering analyses require specialized knowledge and software, and are best performed by broadcast engineering consultants.

Form to Use, Application Filing Fee. Construction permit applications for new AM broadcast stations must be electronically filed on FCC Form 301 during a specified application window period. Noncommercial educational applicants should also use FCC Form 301. Commercial applicants must include the new station application filing fee listed in the Media Bureau Fee Filing Guide as well as FCC Form 159 with the fee payment and application. Please note that payments for commercial applications not paid online must be directed to the lockbox address and NOT the FCC in Washington, D.C.

FM commercial stations may be authorized on 92.1 MHz to 107.9 MHz, corresponding to Channels 221 through 300. Noncommercial educational FM stations may also be authorized in this band but these applications must meet the spacing, 70 dBu city coverage and other technical criteria applicable to commercial stations.

FM noncommercial commercial (NCE) stations may be authorized on 88.1 MHz to 91.9 MHz, corresponding to Channels 201 through 220 (sometimes referred to as the "reserved band"). No commercial operation is permitted on these frequencies. FM noncommercial educational stations may also be authorized in the commercial FM band under the technical rules applying to that service (see the preceding section). Contour protection is used in the reserved band to determine if interference will exist to other stations (see 47 CFR Section 73.509).

Rules. FM noncommercial educational station rules include 47 CFR 73.501 through 73.599, and 73.1001 through 73.4280. A number of rules also refer to sections in the commercial FM rules (47 CFR 73.201 to 73.333). For FM NCE stations on Channels 201 through 220, no allotment will be established. Allocation is made via an on-demand system, with applicants receiving construction permits for facilities that will not cause interference to other stations. Interference calculations are made using specified signal strength contours. The protected service contour of a station (think of a rough circle at some distance from the transmitter site) for one station generally cannot overlap an interfering contour from another station. See rule section 47 CFR Section 73.509. Applicants must also protect pending applications that were filed before the announcement of the application filing window. Future filing window announcements will be made via Public Notice and posted at several locations on the Commission's website.

Construction Costs. The FCC does not collect data concerning the costs of construction and equipment for noncommercial educational FM stations. Costs can vary enormously depending on how the station is constructed. Applicants and potential applicants should not purchase equipment before receiving a construction permit from the FCC, because they may not be able to use or resell it if the application is not approved.

Form to Use. FCC Form 340 for noncommercial educational stations must be used to apply for this type of FM station. Applicants for noncommercial educational stations pay no application filing fee. Applications for new noncommercial educational stations must be electronically filed only during the announced application filing window period. No paper filings will be accepted.

NOTICE: THE FCC IS NOT ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW FM NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL BROADCAST STATIONS AT THE PRESENT TIME. --> Low Power FM (LPFM) Noncommercial Educational Radio Broadcast StationsLow power FM (LPFM stations operate with 1 to 100 watts of power and cover a radius up to approximately 5.6 km (3.5 miles). Current information about the low power FM filing service is maintained on the LPFM page. The Audio Division has also assembled a program to help find potentially available FM channels for LPFM stations.

Construction Costs.The FCC does not collect data concerning the costs of construction and equipment for low power FM stations. Costs can vary enormously depending on how the station is constructed. Applicants and potential applicants should not purchase equipment before receiving a construction permit from the FCC, because they may not be able to use or resell it if the application is not approved.

Forms to Use. Applications for new LPFM stations can only be filed electronically on FCC Form 318 during the dates specified for an application filing window. Applications received at other times will be returned without consideration. We cannot provide advance information as to when the next application filing window period may be, but when that information is announced, it will be in the form of a Public Notice and posted at several places on the FCC's website.

FM translator stations rebroadcast existing AM and FM stations to small areas. Noncommercial educational FM translators may be authorized on any frequency, while FM translators rebroadcasting commercial stations must stay on frequencies from 92.1 MHz to 107.9 MHz (Channels 221 to 300). Translator stations are prohibited from transmitting any programming not also transmitted on the originating or primary station at the same time.

Forms to Use, Application Filing Fee. FCC Form 345 for translator stations must be used to apply for this type of FM station. All translator applications must be electronically filed. Commercial applicants must include the new station application filing fee listed in the Media Bureau Fee Filing Guide as well as FCC Form 159 with the fee payment and application. Noncommercial applicants are not required to submit the application filing fee. Competing applications will be set for auction, with the highest bidder receiving the construction permit for that allotment. (See the general information about auctions.)

Construction Costs. The FCC does not collect data concerning the costs of construction and equipment for television stations. Costs can vary enormously depending on how the station is constructed. Applicants and potential applicants should not purchase equipment before receiving a construction permit from the FCC, because they may not be able to use or resell it if the application is not approved.

A low power television station operates with less than 150 kW of power on Channels 14 through 36, or 3 kW on Channels 2 through 13.  An LPTV station may broadcast material independent of any television station.  A television translator station rebroadcasts the programming of an existing television station, and does not originate programming.  Television translator and low power TV (LPTV) stations were required to transition from analog to digital operation by July 31, 2021. 2351a5e196

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