The scope member is a string that defines the navigation scope of this web application's application context. It restricts what web pages can be viewed while the manifest is applied. If the user navigates outside the scope, it reverts to a normal web page inside a browser tab or window.

If your Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source installation has a hierarchy of websites, stores, or views, you can set the context, or scope of a configuration setting. The context of many database entities can also be assigned a specific scope to determine how it is used in the store hierarchy. To learn more, see Product scope and Price scope.

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Some configuration settings such as postal code, have a global scope because the same value is used throughout the system. The website scope applies to any stores below that level in the hierarchy, including all stores and their views. Any item with the scope of store view can be set differently for each store view, which is typically used to support multiple languages. To override the default values of configuration settings, see Set the scope.

Unless the store is running in single store mode, the scope of each configuration setting appears in small text below the field label. If your installation includes multiple websites, stores, or views, choose the store view where the settings apply before making any changes.

If your Commerce installation has only a single store and store view, you can simplify the display by turning off all store view options and scope indicators. Single store mode is overridden if you add more store views later.

Each template template parameter introduces a template parameter scope that includes the entire template parameter list and the require clauses(since C++20) of that template template parameter.

Each template declaration D introduces a template parameter scope S that extends from the beginning of the template parameter list of D to the end of D. Any declaration outside the template parameter list that would inhabit S instead inhabits the same scope as D.

The locus of a class or class template declaration is immediately after the identifier that names the class (or the template-id that names the template specialization) in its class-head. The class or class template name is already in scope in the list of base classes.

The Limited Scope Environmental Review Instructions provides guidance on how to complete a limited scope review, and the Limited Scope Environmental Review Format is the recommended format for completing limited scope environmental reviews when used in tandem with the Instructions. These documents were designed specifically for projects funded by the Continuum of Care (CoC) program.

That access token is also the one showed on , under that I can see scope: read, just like -discussions/authentication-scope/m-p/6357. In order to upload fit files I need a token with "activity:write", but I cannot find anywhere to change the scope of my access token.

The term "scope" is also used to refer to the set of all name bindings that are valid within a part of a program or at a given point in a program, which is more correctly referred to as context or environment.[a]

In most cases, name resolution based on lexical scope is relatively straightforward to use and to implement, as in use one can read backwards in the source code to determine to which entity a name refers, and in implementation one can maintain a list of names and contexts when compiling or interpreting a program. Difficulties arise in name masking, forward declarations, and hoisting, while considerably subtler ones arise with non-local variables, particularly in closures.

The strict definition of the (lexical) "scope" of a name (identifier) is unambiguous: lexical scope is "the portion of source code in which a binding of a name with an entity applies". This is virtually unchanged from its 1960 definition in the specification of ALGOL 60. Representative language specifications follow:

A fundamental distinction in scope is what "part of a program" means. In languages with lexical scope (also called static scope), name resolution depends on the location in the source code and the lexical context (also called static context), which is defined by where the named variable or function is defined. In contrast, in languages with dynamic scope the name resolution depends upon the program state when the name is encountered which is determined by the execution context (also called runtime context, calling context or dynamic context). In practice, with lexical scope a name is resolved by searching the local lexical context, then if that fails, by searching the outer lexical context, and so on; whereas with dynamic scope, a name is resolved by searching the local execution context, then if that fails, by searching the outer execution context, and so on, progressing up the call stack.[4]

Most modern languages use lexical scope for variables and functions, though dynamic scope is used in some languages, notably some dialects of Lisp, some "scripting" languages, and some template languages. [c] Perl 5 offers both lexical and dynamic scope. Even in lexically scoped languages, scope for closures can be confusing to the uninitiated,[citation needed] as these depend on the lexical context where the closure is defined, not where it is called.

In object-oriented programming, dynamic dispatch selects an object method at runtime, though whether the actual name binding is done at compile time or run time depends on the language. De facto dynamic scope is common in macro languages, which do not directly do name resolution, but instead expand in place.

Some programming frameworks like AngularJS use the term "scope" to mean something entirely different than how it is used in this article. In those frameworks the scope is just an object of the programming language that they use (JavaScript in case of AngularJS) that is used in certain ways by the framework to emulate dynamic scope in a language that uses lexical scope for its variables. Those AngularJS scopes can themselves be in context or not in context (using the usual meaning of the term) in any given part of the program, following the usual rules of variable scope of the language like any other object, and using their own inheritance and transclusion rules. In the context of AngularJS, sometimes the term "$scope" (with a dollar sign) is used to avoid confusion, but using the dollar sign in variable names is often discouraged by the style guides.[5]

Scope is an important component of name resolution,[d] which is in turn fundamental to language semantics. Name resolution (including scope) varies between programming languages, and within a programming language, varies by type of entity; the rules for scope are called scope rules (or scoping rules). Together with namespaces, scope rules are crucial in modular programming, so a change in one part of the program does not break an unrelated part.

When discussing scope, there are three basic concepts: scope, extent, and context. "Scope" and "context" in particular are frequently confused: scope is a property of a name binding, while context is a property of a part of a program, that is either a portion of source code (lexical context or static context) or a portion of run time (execution context, runtime context, calling context or dynamic context). Execution context consists of lexical context (at the current execution point) plus additional runtime state such as the call stack.[e] Strictly speaking, during execution a program enters and exits various name bindings' scopes, and at a point in execution name bindings are "in context" or "not in context", hence name bindings "come into context" or "go out of context" as the program execution enters or exits the scope.[f] However, in practice usage is much looser.

Various programming languages have various different scope rules for different kinds of declarations and names. Such scope rules have a large effect on language semantics and, consequently, on the behavior and correctness of programs. In languages like C++, accessing an unbound variable does not have well-defined semantics and may result in undefined behavior, similar to referring to a dangling pointer; and declarations or names used outside their scope will generate syntax errors.

A subtle issue is exactly when a scope begins and ends. In some languages, such as C, a name's scope begins at the name declaration, and thus different names declared within a given block can have different scopes. This requires declaring functions before use, though not necessarily defining them, and requires forward declaration in some cases, notably for mutual recursion. In other languages, such as Python, a name's scope begins at the start of the relevant block where the name is declared (such as the start of a function), regardless of where it is defined, so all names within a given block have the same scope. In JavaScript, the scope of a name declared with let or const begins at the name declaration, and the scope of a name declared with var begins at the start of the function where the name is declared, which is known as variable hoisting. Behavior of names in context that have undefined value differs: in Python use of undefined names yields a runtime error, while in JavaScript undefined names declared with var are usable throughout the function because they are implicitly bound to the value undefined.

The scope of a name binding is an expression, which is known as expression scope. Expression scope is available in many languages, especially functional languages which offer a feature called let-expressions allowing a declaration's scope to be a single expression. This is convenient if, for example, an intermediate value is needed for a computation. For example, in Standard ML, if f() returns 12, then let val x = f() in x * x end is an expression that evaluates to 144, using a temporary variable named x to avoid calling f() twice. Some languages with block scope approximate this functionality by offering syntax for a block to be embedded into an expression; for example, the aforementioned Standard ML expression could be written in Perl as do { my $x = f(); $x * $x }, or in GNU C as ({ int x = f(); x * x; }). e24fc04721

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