In pursuit of solving another problem, I've tried to use two different USB-6509 devices on three different computers using windows XP having three different NI-DAQmx drivers (9.3.0f2, 9.0.2f0, and 8.8.0f2) installed. None of these computers was able to recognize the USB-6509 and the computer simply tried unsuccessfully to find a new driver. Online, it is stated that for NI-DAQmx 8.8 the USB-6509 is supported. Anything newer than this is also purportedly supported. I've checked to see that the "NI Device Loader" is running and that it is set to retry should it ever find it necessary to restart. Although I have a copy of NI-DAQmx 9.4, I do not want to install this because it is incompatible with Labview 8.2.1 which we are currently using to run programs. Is there some trick for having a computer recognize this card in the measurement and automation explorer or is NI-DAQmx 9.4 the only choice? Finally, if I install NI-DAQmx 9.4 for test purposes is there any way to uninstall it to recover usability of LabView 8.2 or do I have to do a complete re-installation of both?

A: Possibly. The DAK measures the complex reflection coefficient, S11, and calculates the permittivity. The S11 phase is sensitive to cable movements. In case the cable was only slightly touched, the "Refresh" function may be sufficient. In general, it is recommended to perform a new calibration (Open/Short/Load) and perform a new measurement.

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A: It depends on the position of the scratches. If they are close to the perimeter the effect is probably negligible. Take well known reference liquids (ethanol, methanol or water) and perform a measurement. If your measurement reproduces the target values, the effect of the scratch is negligible. The shorting block can scratch the probe flange. If the scratch is on dielectric bead then the performance is most likely influenced. Use reference liquids to verify it. If the probe performance is influenced, please contact us to arrange the repair. We polish the surface and control the performance. The probe is then sent back to you with a new calibration certificate.

A: Always use pure and uncontaminated liquids e.g. freshly open methanol or de-ionized water. Maintain a stable temperature in the room where the DAK is set up. Measure precisely the temperatures of the liquids. Clean the probe flange before the measurement run, and clean it after each immersion. Keep the coaxial cable in a fixed position. For more detail please refer to Section 4.2 in the DAK Professional Handbook.

A: The complex dielectric constant is temperature dependent. Let us have an example. The complex dielectric constant of water at 900 MHz at 20 C and 25 C are 80.00 + j*3.94 and 78.20 + j*3.41, respectively. The imaginary part changes more than 10 % between 20 and 25 C. 1 C uncertainty in the temperature measurement results alone 3 % measurement uncertainty in the dielectric constant. For more detail please refer to Section in the DAK Professional Handbook.

A: A good measurement practice is to use such a Load material with similar dielectric properties to the sample. In that way we have a well determined curve on the Smith chart, close to the material under test. You can define your own targets in the Dielectric Media menu. Be aware that the precision of the target influences the measurement. The higher uncertainty is in the Load permittivity the lower precision is in the measurement. For more detail please refer to Section in the DAK Professional Handbook.

This question will come up when you are setting up a computer with dual test and measurement vendor connectivity software.

Keysight IO Libraries Suite (IOLS) is developed by Keysight Technologies, Inc.

NI-MAX or National Instruments Measurement and Automation Explorer is developed by National Instruments, Inc.

These are the two most popular connectivity software suites and the best order in which to install these two software suites are: shown below saves time t, input signal u and measured response y on the spreadsheet file logfile1. t, u, and y are columns in this file. The sampling time is h = 0.02s which is used both for analog output (control signal) and analog input (measurement signal) throughout this application.

Automation Explorer will bring confidence to both new and experienced users of automation that their process is being optimized to its full potential. Whether investigating automation possibilities for the first time, or re-deploying automation equipment for a new task, Automation Explorer brings a major opportunity for understanding automation process potential while also digitalizing and simplifying deployment tasks," said Milton Guerry, president of Schunk USA.

The Performance View document can be added using the Add Document button in the menu bar. The performance plugin will be displayed in the center pane and consists of three major groups, the Configuration, the list of used nodes and the results showing the measurement in a graphical view.

First you need to select the UA Nodes that should be used for testing (they all must have proper accessrights for write tests and they should move - automonously change data - for subscription tests). You can (multi-) select the nodes in the AddressSpace browser and drag-and-drop them into the centerlist of nodes. All nodes must be from the same UA Server and should have the same data type for easier interpretation of the results. Now the performance measurement must be configured, you need to select the UA services you want to measure and you must configure the number of nodes used for the set of measurements. The number of cycles gives you the number of calls performed for each measurement (high number will give acurate average measurement, but may take long time). The UaExpert will call the UA Service and measure the duration of each call. Alternatively you can choose the Duration option instead. Here the UaExpert will call the UA service as fast as possible in that time span and count how many calls could be performed (this option should be used on very fast operation to give an accurate result).

The results will be displayed in the lower graphical pane. The cumulative graphic shows the comparison between different UA services (comparing calculated average values). In addition every individual UA service measurement is displayed separately to validate constancy and trustability of the measurement.

Reset the instrument to a known state and automatically configure the measurement parameters. The scope is configured using auto setup which automatically sets the vertical range, sample rate, trigger level, and a few other settings.

N2 - In this paper, we propose a method for selecting the optimal footholds for legged systems. The goal of the proposed method is to find the best foothold for the swing leg on a local elevation map. First, we evaluate the geometrical characteristics of each cell on the elevation map, checks kinematic constraints and collisions. Then, we apply the Convolutional Neural Network to learn the relationship between the local elevation map and the quality of potential footholds. During execution time, the controller obtains the qualitative measurement of each potential foothold from the neural model. This method evaluates hundreds of potentialfootholds and checks multiple constraints in a single step which takes 10 ms on a standard computer without GPU. The experiments were carried out on a quadruped robot walking over rough terrain in both simulation and real robotic platforms.

AB - In this paper, we propose a method for selecting the optimal footholds for legged systems. The goal of the proposed method is to find the best foothold for the swing leg on a local elevation map. First, we evaluate the geometrical characteristics of each cell on the elevation map, checks kinematic constraints and collisions. Then, we apply the Convolutional Neural Network to learn the relationship between the local elevation map and the quality of potential footholds. During execution time, the controller obtains the qualitative measurement of each potential foothold from the neural model. This method evaluates hundreds of potentialfootholds and checks multiple constraints in a single step which takes 10 ms on a standard computer without GPU. The experiments were carried out on a quadruped robot walking over rough terrain in both simulation and real robotic platforms.

As the pressure continues to grow on Diamond and the world's synchrotrons for higher throughput of diffraction experiments, new and novel techniques are required for presenting micron dimension crystals to the X ray beam. Currently this task is both labour intensive and primarily a serial process. Diffraction measurements typically take milliseconds but sample preparation and presentation can reduce throughput down to 4 measurements an hour. With beamline waiting times as long as two years it is of key importance for researchers to capitalize on available beam time, generating as much data as possible. Other approaches detailed in the literature [1] [2] [3] are very much skewed towards automating, with robotics, the actions of a human protocols. The work detailed here is the development and discussion of a bottom up approach relying on SSAW self assembly, including material selection, microfluidic integration and tuning of the acoustic cavity to order the protein crystals.

N2 - As the pressure continues to grow on Diamond and the world's synchrotrons for higher throughput of diffraction experiments, new and novel techniques are required for presenting micron dimension crystals to the X ray beam. Currently this task is both labour intensive and primarily a serial process. Diffraction measurements typically take milliseconds but sample preparation and presentation can reduce throughput down to 4 measurements an hour. With beamline waiting times as long as two years it is of key importance for researchers to capitalize on available beam time, generating as much data as possible. Other approaches detailed in the literature [1] [2] [3] are very much skewed towards automating, with robotics, the actions of a human protocols. The work detailed here is the development and discussion of a bottom up approach relying on SSAW self assembly, including material selection, microfluidic integration and tuning of the acoustic cavity to order the protein crystals. ff782bc1db

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