Use the desktop clients to keep your files synchronized between your Nextcloud server and your desktop. Select one or more directories on your local machine and always have access to your latest files wherever you are. Learn more about our clients here.

Installation on Mac OS X and Windows is the same as for any softwareapplication: download the program and then double-click it to launch theinstallation, and then follow the installation wizard. After it is installed andconfigured the sync client will automatically keep itself updated; seeThe Automatic Updater for more information.

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Linux users must follow the instructions on the download page to add theappropriate repository for their Linux distribution, install the signing key,and then use their package managers to install the desktop sync client. Linuxusers will also update their sync clients via package manager, and the clientwill display a notification when an update is available.

On the local folder options screen, you may sync all of your files onthe Nextcloud server, or select individual folders. The default localsync folder is Nextcloud, in your home directory. You may changethis as well.

When you have completed selecting your sync folders, click the Connectbutton at the bottom right. The client will attempt to connect to yourNextcloud server, and when it is successful, the wizard closesitself. You can now observe the sync activity if you open the maindialogue by clicking on the tray icon.

The electron based desktop client for linux takes 450 MB ram on my machine. ATM Firefox is using 750 MB and Thunderbird is using 430 MB with Plasma itself using 400 MB. A lighter weight CLI sync client that runs in the background would be great if anyone knows of one?

My wife had the unpleasant experience of seeing all the contents of a local directory disappear after a Synology server crash with which it was bidirectionally synchronized. I am trying to find a way to avoid this kind of setback with my new Nextcloud server, but I cannot find a solution.

The desktop software does not seem to allow for one-way synchronization, nor does it issue warnings during downward deletions.

Using software like Rsync could do the job, but the fact that it does not elegantly handle file renaming, folder renaming, or changes in directory structure is a major disadvantage.

Do you have any other ideas?

Nextcloud clients developers just ignore the simple which for the one way sync option.

I just want to have my data available in the cloud and can access it from all devices everywhere. 99.9% no need to edit or change them so no need for bi directional sync.

I just found out this thread opened in a similar call to mine. Seeing as the response to a specific use case is probably too heated, perhaps it is a matter of opening a feature request in github issue section for the nextcloud client?

it is really annoying seems it used to work perfectly in the past. But since my last HDD crash, I had to rebuild everything and install this new Nextcloud client AppImage (didn't use the AppImage before).

I'm running an in-home Nextcloud server with around a terabyte of data. I'm mostly using it to store all of my photos, documents, videos, etc., and I've been using the linux desktop sync client to keep some of that content accessible on my laptop -- usually just stuff from the most recent year or two so I don't blow out my storage. I'm also using the android client to auto-upload photos from my phone and to access my photo archives when I'm on the go. Lately I've been considering ditching the sync client and using rclone's mount feature to just mount the network files on my laptop instead of going through the sync client.

But my main concern is whether changes on my laptop will propagate correctly to the mobile client/web interface correctly, or if there are any extra steps taken by the sync client that would be skipped. Is anyone else using rclone this way? Have you run into any issues getting data synced correctly?

I found a workaround for this. Not sure if it was the ideal way to accomplish what I wanted, but I simply did a .jex export of all of my notes, removed the failsafe to delete everything (ie, sync with the deleted files on the server). Then reimported my .jex file and synced again to push everything back to the server.

That's a reasonable solution. JEX files don't include any sync state so when you import them it's like new notes, which in this case is what you needed. Currently we don't have any good way to clear local state or clear a sync target, but there are plans for it.

I tried to move the already synchronized directory from one hard drive to another new hard drive without downloading all the data from the server from the beginning, so I followed step by step as described here and still there were a few directories that must be downloaded from the server from the start, and it took a long time

You can add additional folders to the synchronisation in the settings of the client. But note that synchronisation is not a backup. If you delete something on your Mac inside of one of these folders, it also gets deleted on your Nextcloud server and vice versa.

You cannot add more folders to the synchronistaion because it already syncs everything on your Nextcloud to the Nextcloud folder on your computer. If you want to have diffrent synchronisation targets on your computer for diffrent folders on your Nextcloud, you should remove the already existing synchronisation of the root folder and then add every folder you want to sync one by one.


I am a techy music producer with a previous files sharing challenge. I have multiple computers on which I make music. I have one hard drive with all my audio and plugins files and was fed up to unplug and replug that drive so I decided to work with clouds. My goal: have all my audio and plugin files on my nextcloud. Read the files and edit the files on my cloud without necessarily syncing those files.

Its not that bad for the small projects but for the bigger ones, its a bit slow. I wanted to setup nextcloud cause on some PCs I need to access the same files but I dont necessarily have my SSH key to use Winscp and SFTP for example.

Dear nextcloud community,

a few days ago, my windows desktop sync stopped working after working like a charm for months. It is user specific, the other users do not have any problems when synchronizing with their clients.

Perhaps i need to mention that those files are located on an external share which is mounted using nextcloud mount option. I did run this command on the fileserver itself where the files are based and no files with this timestamp located.

So, ignoring the WebDAV for a moment, I cannot use the desktop app to view contents of folders without also syncing them. If I want to see them, I have to sync/download the contents to my computer. Am I understanding that correctly?

Open the nextcloud log. This is mostly in the data folder of Nextclouds installation. The format is JSON. So make sure you can read it. It might give a clue.

The sync still did not work, due to the error!

The problem occurred after I changed my Active Directory password (I have LDAP integration). I use an external storage SMB for which I use my AD credentials. After I gave in my new credentials in Nextcloud (in the browser), the error in the sync client was gone.

Just installed the AppImage from the official repo, after purging the install and removing the repo.

I now have a completely different-looking desktop client, the left-click works and also have an update-button under the General settings.

Only some files get sent up, I have folders with inconsistent content etc which is - of course - a horrifying concept, the whole point of storing stuff in Nextcloud is to store everything, not 70%. This stuff - these literal files - synced just fine against my previous version 20 install, with this client.

Even locally, some folders (when looking in the 3.4.1 interface of folders, selected manually for sync) the folder can say 0 bytes, but right-clicking on it via Explorer and choosing properties it says 10 megabytes.

I mean i have files and directories in my Desktop computer. I sync them with the server. Then i enable Virtual Files, and all directories and files would be replaced by virtual files/folders while keeping the originals in the server? If so, could I then add new real files and folders and the Desktop Client would sync them with the server? How then would I convert those real files/folders into virtual files and folders?

Hi, this sounds like a bug. Please open a new issue for this in the desktop client repository after making sure that no such bug report already exists. GitHub - nextcloud/desktop: ? Desktop sync client for Nextcloud

Afterwards, please post the link of the issue here that covers this bug, either way.

I just run the tests now on 3 computers having the 3.2.0 client installed as 32bit and 64bit version:

The syncronization never finishes when enabling Virtual Drive Support. When disabling it, it goes through all the folder, and finally tells me: Syncronized.

Is there any known bug that a folder with 60.000 files in several subfoldes will cause Nextcloud to abort the sync? It seems that the client is running into a timeout, because in the client logfile I can find:

Had the same problem yesterday with a 21.0.1 installation and 3.2.2 client - in total 60.000 files in 20 mainfolder (photos sorted by year) cannot be syncronized. Workaround was to select only maybe 3 or 4 mainfolder, do the local sync, when done add the next folders. When selecting the mainfolder with all files and subfolders the client will abort. So it could be a problem with an internal buffer overrun or whatever - the amount of files seems to be too huge - no matter if I use VFS or not.

I get network timout notifications instead of operation canceledl, but everything else seems the same: VFS sync never finishes, network connection times outĀ  Issue #3720Ā  nextcloud/desktopĀ  GitHub ff782bc1db

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