I have a project(s) that I'm writing NUnit tests for (for example). I want to commit the code to git, but I also feel it's bad practice to commit the NuGet packages (NUnit and NUnit.Runner) to the repo. However, I don't want to also turn on Package restore either since I believe it's a user setting and not a project setting (IIRC).

What is the right way to add .NET project with NuGet dependencies to a git repo? I assume it would be something that would happily grab the Packages but one that requires developer intervention. Perhaps just expect other developers to know to add those missing packages back into the project? (It also seems like we'd end up resolving .csproj conflicts all the time too).

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My problem is: this .NET solution uses the Microservices approach, so I have ~50 Web API projects and each time I need to debug a specific API, I need to open the .vscode/launch.json file and replace the project name in 4 different places.

2) After the error occur , I have to go to Visual Studio->open the project->Application->Output type and change the value either Class Library or Windows Application (depending on where it was set) and then rebuild then error is gone, any idea why?

I have a .net project (windows forms) of framework 4.0 @ visual studio 2010. how can i create an .exe file to invoke this project in a PC(of my friend) where i dont have .net visual studio. i want to use this exe file in that pc to use the windows forms there. Looking forward towards your reply.

If you build the project in release mode and then look in the projects bin folder you will see a release folder. Your exe will be in here after building. Your exe file should run on your friends computer if they are running windows and have the .NET Framework installed.

I have a WPF/ASP.NET project which I haven't worked on for a while (ResourceBlender.NET - ). The project contains a DataLayer and a Core layer, these are both used by the WPF application and ASP.NET project in the solution.

If the WPF project is set as the startup project and I try to build the application, I get "The type or namespace name 'whatever' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)".

There are actually a few limitation to using C# 8 in non-.NET Core 3/.NET Standard 2.1 projects. A few of the features such and indexes & ranges are runtime features, which means they will not be available. That is alright though because if you try to use them, they wont compile! If you need them then you will actually need to upgrade, however there are very few limitations.

One last thing that I should mention is that Xamarin apps already support all C# 8 features as of Visual Studio 16.3. This means if you turn on C# 8 in a Xamarin iOS or Android projects all of the features should be available to you. In a future update the default will be updated to 8.0 so you won't have to worry about this.

Since you are learning ASP.NET, developing projects give hands-on practice and confidence in any technology. So, we are going to discuss some of the great projects that you can make if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced ASP.NET programmer.

Project Description: This is a web-based project and allows the users to log in to the web page. After logging in, the users can add, edit or even delete the appointment schedules. The feature of SMS sending should be a must in this project to remind the user of an upcoming appointment with its date and time. In order to make this more complete and advanced, authentication while logging in should be added to make it more secure. Some of the key features of this project are

Project Description: This project is a web-based application to handle a variety of branches and departmental work for a particular car agency. The aim of the project is to provide the best car services to the clients of the car agency. The following are the functionalities of the project (project modules):

Project Description: So, our mailing system provides the same. Also, when a client of the consultancy service is mailed about such a job posting, the client can upload his/her resume and send it to the consultancy service. The user will be emailed back with further notifications if he/she is suitable for the job. There are 2 basic modules in this project:

Project Description: Our online help desk web portal will help in transferring complaints or requests from one department to the other easily. The following are the modules of the project:

Basic Idea behind the Project: For the successful completion of a project on time in the software industry, it is very important for the administration, project leaders, and team members, i.e. the programmers should have smooth and regular communication among themselves. So, it becomes really important to have a platform to do so. Hence we have our Client-Server Communication System.

Project Description: A web-based project developed in ASP.NET, allows the administrator to communicate between the project leaders and programmers and allows them to maintain the login and logout time. The project also maintains offline messages, i.e. the messages that were sent online, can be viewed even when you are offline, but obviously, you cannot send any message when you are offline. The main features of the Client-Server Communication system are

Basic Idea behind the Project: Security is a major concern nowadays. We see some security breaches daily in big companies during the file-sharing process. Secured and fast file sharing from one department of a company to another is very important because of the simple fact that it is essential for the smooth working of the organization. The traditional file-sharing methods can be slow because of the slow downloading and can have limited access to say one user at a time. So, we have our file-sharing system project.

Project Description: This is not a very difficult project but it is kept in advanced projects because of the high usage that this project can get. The project will require the user just to log in and then the user can create, edit and delete documents just like they can do in Google Docs. The important thing to note here is that one can download their own document too from anywhere if they simply log in to the application.

The Link for a sample text-editor Project along with its source code is given below. Please refer to the same and try to create your project based on the above ideas and taking inspiration from the below project.

These were the 9 project ideas that we had for you. However, creativity, imagination, and skills have no limits. You can try to get some more ideas like you may make your own virus detector using ASP.NET, or your own mobile recharge application and whatnot. So, keep trying and learning.

Now you can upgrade any .NET application to the latest version of .NET inside of Visual Studio! We are happy to introduce it as a Visual Studio extension and will upgrade your .NET Framework or .NET Core web- and desktop apps. Some project types are in development and coming soon, see the details below.

Upgrading your application, especially from .NET Framework, was a complicated process. We kept prototyping and improving in this area to simplify your upgrades. In the past, you might have used the Upgrade Assistant CLI tool or Microsoft Project Migrations. We have collected your feedback, big thanks to everyone who filled in our survey or left us comments, created issues and feature requests! To address your feedback, we concluded that we needed to provide a unified upgrade experience for every project type inside of Visual Studio.

We have a goal to support every .NET project type. Also, we think of this tool not just as a one-time upgrade from .NET Framework to .NET 6/7, but as the way to upgrade your application to the latest .NET in the future as well. Besides changing the target framework version, the tool will be able to modify your code to fix breaking changes. These are our plans for the future, and currently here is what the tool supports in the latest version:

My read was that the Visual Studio extension is now enabled for all application types. Previously, the tooling was restricted to web projects. The later text qualifies what is delivered today vs what will come later.

I have port a WPF .NET Framework 4.7.2 project to .NET 6 that is distributed through ClickOnce. The ClickOnce configuration now is in independent files so you can have different profiles to different types of distribution.

In-place. In this case your original project will be upgraded all at once. If you are using source control and prefer to manage the copies yourself, for example, by using branches, this option is for you.

Side-by-side. With this option your original project will be untouched, and a copy of it will be added to the solution which will contain the upgraded code. This type can be handy if your application has many dependencies that might be broken after the upgrade. This way you can check-in your progress and not worry about the application not building.

An alternative approach is to run the upgrade assistant side-by-side to have it produce the new SDK project, then throw out the new project it generated and use the generated SDK project file for the old project.

Yes to everything that Michael Taylor said and also you can run Upgrade Assistant and then switch back your project to target .NET Framework, for some cases it would work. You can do it by simply replacing net6.0 to net48 in TargetFramework attribute in your project file.

I originally wanted to have a separate directory which is parallel to bin called lib which will contain all third party Dll's , but this needs changes to the applications config file so that the lib directory is picked up by the run time. My idea over here is that lib will contain third party dll's while bin will contain the projects Binary (could be Dll or Exe) 2351a5e196

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