Even before Covid-19 sent an unprecedented number of people to work from home, employers were ramping up their efforts to monitor employee productivity. A 2018 Gartner report revealed that of 239 large corporations, 50% were monitoring the content of employee emails and social media accounts, along with who they met with and how they utilized their workspaces. A year later an Accenture survey of C-suite executives reported that 62% of their organizations were leveraging new tools to collect data on their employees.

Whether your workforce is remote, hybrid, or office-first, employee monitoring is an empowering way to improve workforce productivity by providing greater insight into not only when employees are working, but how they are working.

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Progressive organizations understand that employee monitoring, is merely a collection method for highly influential productivity indicators that contribute to productivity, efficiency, and employee engagement. When used correctly and with transparency, employee monitoring can shed light on people, processes, and technology

Employee Monitoring refers to the tracking of employee activity data to help prevent and detect costly data breaches, boost employee engagement and optimize inefficient workflows. Recently, modern employee monitoring tools have shown greater potential for comprehensive workforce analytics and employee productivity coaching opportunities. These modern tools let businesses optimize employee performance, boost employee engagement and reduce process efficiencies. By monitoring and analyzing employee work behavior, organizations can increase workforce productivity and become more profitable.

Employee monitoring and workforce activity data gathered by this method can be analyzed to find trends, patterns and correlations across teams, groups and departments to gain insight into business processes and how to improve them. This activity data includes application use, time spent on unproductive tasks and what time of day each employee is most productive. Employee monitoring gives companies an overall picture of how work is done in and out of the office, putting workforce activity data in context and providing insights for employers and employees alike to boost personal, team and corporate productivity.

Similar to internet monitoring, some of these programs allow employers to monitor desktop application usage. Data collected can be presented in incredibly detailed reports, highlighting how much time people dedicated to productive work, when the computer was passive and which applications have the most usage.

With GPS Tracking, a company car is monitored when in use. It may be helpful for delivery, courier and postal companies to track vehicles, to help drivers travel the most efficient routes. It can also be used for delivery status confirmation, recovering missing property and overall safety.

Insights from gathered data will help you build a more efficient team by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of your employees. Seeing where people struggle and where people shine gives you the power to delegate tasks more efficiently. Matching the strengths and skills of your team members to the right job is incredibly vital and enables the team to produce their best work!

Some states have taken a step towards privacy, though. In Connecticut and Delaware, employers must provide notice to employees before monitoring them. Before you install a software, be sure to check for any state-specific laws.

Insurance companies, colleges, design firms, schools and large international corporations are just some examples of teams who chose to analyze behavior. Even restaurants use a form of software that monitors waitstaff, tracking every relevant activity. Companies of all types are successfully improving their business process from metrics gathered by employee monitoring software.

Employee monitoring software has been known to have complications with some anti-virus software. Prevent headaches. Ask a sales executive if there are any known complications with your anti-virus software.

With the right combinations of programs, the effectiveness of an employee monitoring system can be increased exponentially! Integrations with the software allow many apps to be automated or to talk to other apps. Find out if the system you are considering has this capability to make your life easier.

Arthur, the lead content creator on a marketing team, wants to cut down on the time the team sees and addresses comments on blog posts. The right activity tracking software can help with this! One solution is to create a webhook that delivers the comment to a Marketing channel on Slack. The comment is there for the whole team to see, dissect, discuss and decide what to do with it. Leave it alone? Respond? Use it for marketing purposes? Whatever they decide, their job of monitoring comments just got a whole lot easier!

And employees are noticing. Fifty-one percent say they are aware that their employer uses technology to monitor them while they are working, according to data from the American Psychological Association.

Almost one-third, 32%, of employees who know their bosses are using technology to monitor them reported their mental health as fair or poor, according to data from the APA. Only 24% of those not being monitored said the same. Almost half, 45%, of those being monitored say their workplaces have a negative effect on their mental health, versus the 29% of those not being monitored.

Pre-pandemic, the most common type of monitoring was badge swipes, Brian Kropp, vice president of human resources research firm Gartner Inc. told The Wall Street Journal. Now, employers are using technologies that track when workers are logging on and off, who they are communicating with and what they are saying.

Most Americans oppose this kind of tracking, according to data from the Pew Research Center. In fact, 81% of workers said that AI monitoring technology would lead them to feel like they are being inappropriately watched.

"When employees feel they are not cared for or trusted by their employers, they are likely to have lower levels of commitment to the organization and perceive lower levels of psychological safety and higher levels of stress, all negatively affecting the relationship between employees and their employers, and specifically their managers and supervisors," Hammer said.

Some employees did see a few potentially positive outcomes to AI monitoring, according to data from the Pew Research Center. Almost half, 49%, say workplace security would improve, and 46% said inappropriate behavior in the workplace would likely decrease.

"When comparing the stress, strain and burnout associated with electronic monitoring to the benefits, in most occupations, this is not warranted," Hammer told the APA. "It sends a message of distrust and creates a sense of anxiety that may in turn impact an employee's psychological health, physical health and job performance negatively."

These days, most remote employees are familiar with the idea of work being tracked. However, many are opposed to features that go beyond knowing that work is getting done, and cross over into what feels like micromanagement or an invasion of privacy.

URL-blocking and web-filtering are higher levels of monitoring for those who need it. Many employers will restrict their employees from visiting websites with wholly inappropriate content (for example, pornography).

A deeper level of monitoring might look like file tracking, transfers, and conversions. And also, the recording of USB and printer access and use. For example, managers can see which employees edited which files, when, and how.

Tracking the location of mobile employees is also on the rise. Using the GPS functionality in a company vehicle, work phone or personal device, managers can determine where their employees are at a given time. They can also review historical data, such as the routes taken between customer sites.

Remote workers rely on these tools to collaborate, send and receive data, and even socialize. As such, some employee monitoring tools enable managers to track how workers use the software either in real-time or by reviewing recorded information later.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras remain a useful way to monitor work locations, such as offices or construction sites. Beyond encouraging employees to behave and work efficiently, they are a deterrent for thieves.

Microsoft did this in 2018 after noticing widespread unhappiness within one division that included 700 employees. The employee data on workplace behavior and habits that they gathered changed how the team approached meetings, emails, and employee transfers to other departments.

Managers tracking emails and instant messages can flag employees sharing passwords without care. You can then arrange for better training or strengthen security protocols if the problem is widespread.

Corey Ciocchetti, associate professor of Business Ethics and Legal Studies at the University of Denver, said, "It is more efficient to monitor employee hours via software as opposed to on paper as it reduces hours inflation and human errors."

Security cameras are common in physical workspaces and pose no federal legal issues. Yet some states restrict the recording of employees, and cameras that record audio can run afoul of wiretapping/eavesdropping laws.

Of course, there is a difference between what employers can do legally and what you should do. It is possible to monitor workstations and track behavior within the confines of the law and still damage trust and morale.

If you use information about an event that took place outside of work hours to incriminate someone, other employees and perhaps your clients will frown upon it. It is precise because this is unethical that it could hurt your reputation and ability to retain team members.

Will it help with issue prevention? Yes, because if a problem crops up with an employee, whoever manages that person will know immediately. It also enables employees to take control of their own data and set productivity benchmarks for themselves. 2351a5e196

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