Before installing my windows service in production, I was looking for reliable tests that I can perform to make sure my code doesn't contain memory leaks.However, All what I can find on the net was using task manager to look at used memory or some paid memory profiler tools.

Just one of many examples: wrong usage of disposable classes can result in a lot of instances claiming memory. For a windows service, a slow but steady increase of instances can eventually result in to much memory usage.

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Unless you're dealing with unmanaged code, i would be so bold to say you don't have to worry about memory leaks. Any unreferenced object in managed code will be removed by the garbage collector, and the possibility in finding a memory leak within the .net framework i would say you should be considered very lucky (well, unlucky). You don't have to worry about memory leak.

HI All,

I am using .net framework 4.7 . I created GRPC server using console application. but it does not run on container . i f i run it manually its working .

So how can i run it with container on kubarnetes window server?

Please help me!

You will need to make sure that the service .EXE is deep instrumented and if no services are detected out of the box, you will have to create custom services by defining the entry point class/method for transactions into the windows service. See link on how to set this up.

I don't know/understand much about this, but I believe mono is an open-source alternative to .NET... But whatever its actual niche is, I really don't know the best way to go about trying to get my windows app to work in wine .. I'm getting a bit fed-up with running a Vista VM just for this one app; I'd much rather see it in wine

I tried installing 'mono for windows' in wine, but my app didn't run, but I really don't have a handle on wine yet, to know if I did something wrong, or it just doesn't work.. I've read reports of success and failure using mono in wine...

Internet works perfectly on host (Ubuntu 13.04, 32 bit, fully updated) but cannot connect to internet on guest Windows 7 (under Virtualbox 4.2).Have tried NAT and Bridge Network - none worked. I had internet connection in the guest OS a couple of months ago, but I haven't tried the virtualbox since and now it's gone for some reason. I would be grateful if someone could help me re-connect the windows OS back online (without the need to format my computer or to uninstall and re-install the guest OS).Thanks!

Another solution: If you are on windows Host, Go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections right click any of the Virtualbox adapter and select Diagnose, let it do its thing and if it finds some anomaly with the adapter it will give you a prompt to reset the adapter by Apply the recommended solution/changes , you opt in for that, after its done, you most probably should have the network back to normal in your virtual machine.

BITS gives you control over transfer operations. You can specify what your cost requirements are to enable transfers on expensive (roaming) networks and the priority of each download or upload. You can set a transfer to be a foreground priority transfer and have the transfer happen right away or set your transfer to be a low priority transfer and be extra nice to your user. See -us/windows/desktop/Bits/best-practices-when-using-bits for BITS best practices.

An enterprise IT department might have a preference about how much bandwidth to allocate to background transfers at different times of the day or might want to control how long a transfer is allowed to take. BITS has rich Group Policy and MDM policies for just these scenarios. See -us/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-bits for more details on controlling BITS with MDM and -us/windows/desktop/Bits/group-policies for the available Group Policies.

You have to resume the job at the start because all jobs start off suspended, and you have to complete the job so that BITS removes it from its internal database of jobs. The full life cycle of a BITS job is explained at -us/windows/desktop/Bits/life-cycle-of-a-bits-job.

In this sample, the .NET code uses .NET wrappers for the BITS COM interfaces. The wrappers are in the generated BITSReference DLL files. The BITSReference DLL files are created using the MIDL and TLBIMP tools on the BITS IDL (Interface Definition Language) files. The IDL files, MIDL and TLBIMP are all part of the Windows SDK. The steps are fully defined in the BITS documentation at -us/windows/desktop/Bits/bits-dot-net.

If you are still using windows 10, then just open "Microsoft Store" from Start Menu. Find the app named as "Hotspot Lite" from there and just install it. Now open the app and configure the settings if you want or not. Done!! e24fc04721

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