I want a necromancer story were the mc is an honest to god genuine necromancer, anti-social, solo army builder, who stays on the back line as much as possible and doesn't form parties because he has to keep his power a secret or because he doesn't need to. Like my necromancer class for example.

This story is definitely more "story" than "game", however there are two distinct paths that can be followed, each with their own pitfalls and additional choices. There is also "one true" ending in which can be considered a "win" (You'll know if you got it, because you'll get an epilogue)

Download Necromancer Story

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This story can get long, and assuming you're surviving, years do pass in it and you and your environment will change. There are a few points in the story where there are links that lead to more background information on various people and things. While not completely necessary to understand the story, they do give you more insight into it. The text that accompanies some of the pics are also done for similar purposes (Your journal entries, personal thoughts, letters written to you, etc)

Like @SpiderZ.9146 observed, necromancers among the charr are actually most common among the Ash Legion, to the point where one of the generic Ash Legion NPC types is a necromancer. This probably goes back to GW1, where charr necromancers generally had Ash as part of their name.

That's what I was going for, essentially. I like to think they were the type who were into both magical and mechanical tinkering and got assigned to ghosts as a result, working mainly in ghost trapping devices, combining magic and tech in his line of work. And I think Harbinger ties well into the overall story.

So does it work well? Ghostbore Musket being magical in nature? The Asura in the ghost trapping event mentions Iron's magical properties, so I think a Necromancer could take advantage of those two aspects. And there are the steam weapons of which are magical ones (Game mechanic, yeah, but still, given Iron does have magic properties...)

For years I worked forward on all fronts. I became a gravekeeper, overseeing the rites and care of the graves. I awkwardly courted my love in what time we had, bumbling along as youths do. I studied dark texts hidden in the catacombs and gathered all the knowledge of those who prayed to the Glory. It was in this time I performed my first magic, a mage's hand. Devout as I was, I refused to call upon the Glory for her strength. My actions would be my own, and powered by my own ability and my own hands. It became clear early on that Morden would not be able to help me progress further of his own ability, no fault of his own but that of his divine power rather than arcane. He did however continue to assist me with the location of a new potential teacher. A dark group devoted to Orcus the Demonic Lord of Undeath hid away in the forests outside of the city. They had contact through their shared affiliation with the undead, but there was no love between the cults. Thus I set out, hunting down any trace of the demonic sect. I was not long in finding them, but it took weeks of observation and study before I could safely approach. I did not shy from their undead, using my spellwork to bypass them without harm. This impressed the head priest, a truly evil man who refused to be referred to as anything but Lord Goge. My story captured him further, my hatred for the north and my desire for revenge upon them by any means. It was not a false tale, I spoke with certainty and a cold anger I did not know I possessed. I had the ability and potential, but he wanted a show of dedication. I was to take the Evil Brand as he had, a tattoo showing allegiance to a dark master. To show what I was willing to lose in my pursuit, I told him to make the normally small mark across my entire back. He took to me like an artist who had finally been given a canvas. I cannot speak of how he did it, but the pain was the worst I had ever felt. It was as if a full lifetime had passed before he finally took his magics away from me. It was a piece of the most depraved art, etched forever to my back. I cared not. The only regret I had was that eventually Alfhilda would see it.

Unless explicitly stated, this story remains the property of (and under copyright to) All Things DnD & FelixLaVulpe and are not supposed to be narrated or performed, or adapted into a film, television, audiobooks, animation, republished, reposted or media of any kind without our consent.

At this point in the story, Saul is still in disguise, and the woman does not know who he is. The fact that he swears by the name of Yahweh to her safety and she accepts it suggests that both are pious Yahweh followers.

It should be obvious, but it bears mentioning that nothing in the story hints even in the slightest that Saul is conversing with anyone other than the real ghost of Samuel. Since the early church fathers, however, Christians have been disturbed enough by the passage to insist that it was really a demon masquerading as Samuel. (Accepting the implications that necromancy really works is out of the question, apparently.) In my experience, this is still the standard explanation trotted out in church and Sunday school. We can safely discard such interpretations as the attempts of fundamentalists and biblical inerrantists to get out of a tight spot.

After this brief pronouncement, the encounter ends. The medium shows great kindness toward Saul, baking bread and butchering her own calf to feed him and restore the strength that he has lost from his fast. The reader may be surprised that contrary to what we might expect from a witch or necromancer according to other Bible passages, this woman is not only competent, but kind and generous. No hint of criticism toward her or her craft can be found in this story.

Other tales include one, told by Herodotus (Histories 5.92), of Perlander, the king of Corinth, who by necromancy consults his deceased wife to learn the location of a treasure; and a story from the Odyssey (11.23-43) in which Odysseus conjures up the spirits of his mother and Elpenor with the help of the seer Teiresias. (Blenkinsopp 2002: 59, Wajdenbaum 251-252)

The Necromancer is a reanimator of the undead, a lord of abomination and black death. They often work as loners, and their only companions are usually the zombies they raise from certain death. Necromancers have varied beginnings - they could be a mage who became obsessed with forbidden magick, a gravedigger who practices macabre rituals that one day go too far or they might have a history in medicine and experiment on cadavers. Whatever their backstory, Necromancers raise the undead to fight for them. They reanimate corpses, spread plague and disease and some even build their own personal skeleton army.

The Death Knight is an infected fighter, a plague of death and pure might. They may be a cursed mortal or a full blown lich, depending on your backstory. The Death Knight approaches his playthrough with any spells that reanimate corpses or raise up zombies. They cannot help it, the undead will flock to their aid. It goes without saying that the Ritual Stone is a must for ANY of these sub-classes, and the Death Knight is no exception.

The necromancer recited his cryptic words with the same mechanical murmur as he always did, directing the processor, weaving his science of life and death. He had taken with him the skull from my treasure box, my skull, and held it in his lap, idly caressing its crown while he intoned his Medieval secrets. Was he working harder, more earnestly, because he knew I loved this woman? I doubted it, because I perceived him as a monster, but it seemed that perhaps indeed he cared.

At the industrial park the sky was turning blue with the approaching sun. For the first time, I saw the processor rush, throwing Imogen over his shoulder and racing into the laboratory. The necromancer led me inside, and I averted my gaze from the steel surgical tables, I refused to glance at the labels on the shelves of plastic bins, my eyes did not linger on the tall translucent vats filled with human bodies suspended in viscous blue. Ascending a metal stairway, we emerged on the roof as the first dawn light was breaking in the east.

Herman and Hellfried, two former university classmates and friends, reunite on a stormy night after thirty years of separation due to employment that forced them to travel. While recounting their past travels, the conversation quickly turns to the supernatural, and the two begin to relate a series of wondrous adventures. Hellfried begins the narrative with a story about a mysterious English lord who is lodging in the same inn as he. During his stay there, Hellfried is plagued by nightmares and apparitions, and loses several valuables and all of his money. The lord inexplicably returns several of his belongings and provides a loan. Hellfried, seeking an explanation to the series of events that have befallen him, meets an unknown figure in a late night rendezvous that claims to have the answers he seeks. The meeting ends in disaster, as Hellfried somehow fractures his leg and is bedridden for months. The story concludes with Hellfried returning to the inn and continuing on his travels. 17dc91bb1f

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