The message can also occur if you have our web site saved in your list of favorites/bookmarks and the favorite/bookmark has become damaged - in this case try going directly to (opens in a new window) instead of using your favorite/bookmark.

Anytime I try to pay for something on my phone using my NatWest bank card it asks me to approve the payment in the banking app. It never ever works. Every time I approve it, and then the purchase page on whatever website I'm trying to buy from has an error screen when I return to it. It doesn't matter how I navigate in and out of the app. However I do it it just ends in frustration. ? 

Tonight I've ended up powering up my years old laptop to buy some shoes from one site and a kids bed from another because I've been trying all week to buy these on my phone and every time I try it doesn't work. 

Has anyone else had this issue?

Is there a magic way to solve it? 

I am autistic and my eldest is too, we tend to avoid shopping in an actual shop whenever possible and so this is evoking a very frustrating and frequent problem.

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Even if I pull the notification down from the top of the screen it ends the same. It's so annoying. 

I have tried paying via PayPal but as my PayPal payment method is the same bank card it's doing it on that too! It never used to, it used to send me a text code from PayPal but now it wants app approval. 

I don't want to have to faff about on two devices, my laptop is ancient you can practically hear the cogs turning in it, I don't have a tablet, I don't have another payment card, etc. 

Someone has mentioned Barclays so I'm wondering if it's not just a NatWest specific problem. ? In which case moving banks wouldn't help. ? 

I just want to pay for things quickly and easily. Its like mission impossible.

I had this problem but found a solution (I use android) I open up the natwest app, then open up chrome and do my shopping. I use the three dashes on the left hand side of my phone ( contextual menu?) To switch between the app and the Web page so I'm not closing down or minimising the Web page. It did work beautifully until now....i have an issue with face recognition it never works?

A British data processing firm has launched an urgent review after a staff member sold a computer on eBay containing personal details of a million bank customers, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.

The computer was bought on the online auction site for 35 pounds (44 euros, 64 dollars) by Andrew Chapman, an IT manager from Oxford in central England, who found the information on the computer's hard drive.

It included bank account numbers, phone numbers, mothers' maiden names and signatures of one million customers of American Express, NatWest and the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), the Independent newspaper reported.

It had belonged to data processing company Mail Source which is part of Graphic Data, a company that holds financial information for banks and other organisations.

A spokeswoman for Mail Source said the employee who sold the computer had made an "honest mistake" but insisted it had been an "isolated incident".

She said: "The computer was removed from our secure storage facility in Essex and sold on eBay.

"We know which employee took the server and sold it, but we believe it was an honest mistake and it was not intentional to sell it without the server being cleared.

"This is a very unfortunate incident and we are taking measures to ensure it will never happen again."

An RBS spokeswoman said: "Graphic Data has confirmed to us that one of their machines appears to have been inappropriately sold on via a third party.

"As a result, historical data relating to credit card applications from some of our customers and data from other banks were not removed.

"We take this issue extremely seriously and are working to resolve this regrettable loss with Graphic Data as a matter of urgency."

EBay said such an item should never have been sold on its site.

There have been a series of data security blunders in Britain in the past year.

In two of the most serious cases, the government admitted in November it had lost confidential records for 25 million Britons who receive child benefit payments, and in January, the Ministry of Defence revealed that a laptop with details of some 600,000 people interested in joining the armed forces had been stolen from a naval officer.

Earlier this month, a new entrant, Samba, launched a service offering free on-the-go broadband for laptops, netbooks and iPads. Sounds too good to be true? Well, you're not going to get something for nothing, there is a trade-off, but one that should go down well with cost-conscious mobile web users. You pay a one-off, 5 fee for a SIM or 25 for a Dongle and SIM, and earn credit for watching video advertisements. 2351a5e196

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