It seems I can go into each entry and delete the name field and this "fixes" the issue leaving me with the email address but is a second step for each entry that has a name assigned in my account smartsheet contacts.

Ideally it would be good to be able to use a contact list and specify the display format in the column type - otherwise I seem to have to enter the email address again next to the contact row and manage a separate column for Surname, First Name then email (for e.g.). Even then I seem to get results that convert the email to the name and others where it does not - especially if I have retyped the email.

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I believe I may have found a workaround for this. I often want to use an email column for automation contacts and to display to others outside our company and smartsheet system. The problem is that once a column is designated as a Contact column, only the person's name is displayed. That doesn't help when you want to list the person's email address in public-facing reports. Today I devised this solution.

My sheet is populated by form input. I ask people to input their email address in a Text/Number column named Email Address. On the sheet, I added a Contact column named Email Contact. In the Email Contact column I entered this simple column formula: =[Email Address]@row. The address is converted to a contact address.

The following table shows the 100 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the last 100 years, 1923-2022. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. These time-tested popular names were taken from a universe that includes 177,999,594 male births and 172,616,756 female births.

Please note that popular names listed below are not necessarily consistently popular in every year. For example, the name James, ranked as the most popular male name overthe last 100 years, has been ranked as low as number 19. Similarly, the most popular female name in the table, Mary, ranked as low as 136.

A by-name list is a comprehensive list of every person in a community experiencing homelessness, updated in real time. Using information collected and shared with their consent, each person on the list has a file that includes their name, homeless history, health, and housing needs.

By maintaining a by-name list, communities are able to track the ever changing size and composition of their homeless population. They know current and detailed information on every homeless person in a given subpopulation.

A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a database communities use to track how people experiencing homelessness interact with services. Communities incorporate this data into their by-name list.

Some communities start by creating a by-name list focused on a specific population, like single adults. Others create lists that account for all households experiencing homelessness in their community. The goal is that eventually communities will build one list accounting for all people experiencing homelessness.

On an individual level, by-name lists often form the basis for case conferencing meetings, where all the providers within a community meet to coordinate and drive forward with housing solutions for people.

On a systems level, teams use by-name list information represented in data visualizations to track homelessness across their entire community. Here, Co-Director of Built for Zero Beth Sandor shows data from Bakersfield, California, a community that has since ended chronic homelessness.

For example, in Lake County, Illinois, located north of Chicago, they noticed a strange pattern in their by-name list data. Veterans were living at one temporary housing provider for long periods of time. The team was surprised to learn that many of those veterans were not moving into permanent housing, because they needed to live at this facility to access dental care. In essence, veterans were remaining homeless in order to be able to go to the dentist. Once the team identified this issue, they found a way to fix it. Through this kind of continual problem-solving, informed by their by-name list, Lake County was able to end veteran homelessness in 2018.

The goal is to take the people on your by-name list and make sure each person gets connected to housing. So, we track how people move through the homeless response system. Everyone on the list is categorized according to where they are in the system.

No. But many communities, including more than 80 in Built for Zero, currently use a by-name list or are in the process of building one. Communities in Built for Zero make up roughly 20% of all Continuums of Care in the U.S.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) mandates an annual census of people experiencing homelessness, called the point-in-time count. By-name lists are updated more regularly to provide communities with more actionable information on homelessness.

In most communities, anyone on the by-name list will sign a consent form that stipulates who their data can be shared with. Community teams decide who this data will be shared with, and in most communities, this data is only used to help people connect with safe and stable long-term housing.

From there, we developed the idea of the by-name list to help communities account for everyone experiencing homelessness locally in partnership with local leaders in the field and federal partners at HUD and the VA.

I do need to create some keys/values for some geometries that I do have imported from Rhino into Grasshopper and I do need to sort the list of geometries by prefix number in the order 00, 01, 02 up to the end of the list and grup the items with the same prefix number by branches if there are more geometries sharing same prefix number.

I have spoken to multiple reps who tell me there is no better way to do this... I am stuck creating many workflows to do ONE simple thing I shouldn't even have to use a workflow for. I just want the name of a list to map to a contact property - that's it.... list name -> property value. But I am stuck spending 10 HOURS setting up 20 different if/then workflows each with 20 different branches to accomplish this because HS can't be bothered to allow for something so simple. This is such a waste of people's time and money to be forced to do this.

For contacts who were imported into HubSpot and which did not exist in HubSpot before the import, the import list name is stored in the property Original source drill-down 2. That's what we're going to leverage here.

You're saying you created many workflows and branches to send contacts into lists. This sounds like you want to automatically put contacts in lists based on certain criteria. For the sake of having an example, let's assume that's the case.

You want a contact to automatically be added to a list with the name 'Customers' if a dropdown property on the contact record has the value 'Customers'. You want the same to happen for a 'Vendors' list and the value 'Vendors' dynamically, without mapping every single value. Instead this should happen dynamically.

To achieve this, the list filters could updated to reference each value directly. Your list would filter for contacts with the value 'Customers', no need for a workflow. Yes, you would still have to create the filter criteria for each list but a workflow wouldn't be needed here.

I just finished setting up an extensive set of Lists on a Board. After doing so I was very surprised to discover that Lists cannot be search for by name. I was so surprised that I feel that I must be mistaken. Is it possible that a key component of the system can't be searched?

I did some digging around and it looks like Trello's Search feature works only for when you need to search for cards within a list. It doesn't actually display the list name in the results. Is the latter option what you were looking for?

There's a special operator where if you use list:name of list it'll pull up all of the cards within that specific list. I tried with one of my boards (list:Vintage Classics) and Trello did pull up the three cards under that list, even if it didn't have "Vintage Classics" in the card name. ?

Thank you for taking the time to research my issue. For some reason, I can't duplicate your results unless there is a card in the list containing the search phrases. If I could figure out what I'm doing wrong, your solution would be a good work around. Thanks again for the effort.

I tried searching with list:name with my other lists and their respective cards are showing up. Since I don't have access to your board, you can share a screen recording of how you use the search operator and that it doesn't show the cards within the list. I can then take a look. ?

One thing I noticed is if the list name has two or more words in it, and you search using the list:name operator, only some or none of the cards show up. For example, list:Roald Dahl only shows 2/5 cards, while list:Roald shows 5/5. Is your experience similar to this?

Attached is a screen shot of my search for list:Auto Repair As you can see, the list is there but I can't make it appear in my search. I have a (somewhat clumsy) work around by making the first card in my list have the same name as the list itself (in the attached screen shot there is an example of that just to the right of my "Auto Repair" list)

Oh, I see the problem now. The list Auto Repair is empty, and since Trello Search pulls up cards (it can't display lists alone), there wouldn't be any results to show since the list doesn't have any. If you add a couple of cards to it, and try the list:name operator again, cards should appear this time around. ?

since free Trello cannot have unlimited boards anymore, I needed to start using many lists instead. Is it really possible that search panel on system like this cannot find list names? Why is that so hard? If it can search all cards it surely could be searching lists too. And is it possible to sort those lists in alphabetical order? ff782bc1db

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