On Windows, MySQL checks in order the values of the TMPDIR, TEMP, and TMP environment variables. For the first one found to be set, MySQL uses it and does not check those remaining. If none of TMPDIR, TEMP, or TMP are set, MySQL uses the Windows system default, which is usually C:\windows\temp.

Typically, the binaries for MySQL server for Windows that you can download from the MySQL website, have been compiled with SSL support. To double check that this is the case, we can connect to our instance via mysql -uroot -p (in Windows, mysql.exe is located in C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin) and run:

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Note: If you have \s in your path, you will need to replace it with \\s because mysqld will substitue the \s for a whitespace character which will break the path to your key. The extra backslash escapes the original backslash, leaving your path intact.

I just finished it tonight.

first download a mysql connecter from : -connector-c/mysql-connector-c-6.1.11-winx64.zip

second unzip and find mysqlclient.lib in mysql-connector-c-6.1.11-winx64\lib\vs14

third set env variable MYSQLCLIENT_LIB_DIR to point to it

then you will be install ok

Yes, it works but with some quirks. MySQL uses the same fileformats across platforms so all you need is to share the data directory. One problem is that the data directory need to have mysql as owner and group in ubuntu. And Windows is case-insensitive and Linux is case-sensitive so keep all names uniform: either the whole name lowercase or uppercase but do not mix them.

In order to get around innodb's log size checking, you'll need to move the innodb logs for the ubuntu partition. In my.cnf, add innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/log/mysql so that the logs go next to the mysql error log.

The ODBC drivers didn't show on the list of choices in the windows "ODBC Data Source Administrator" dialog (I'm running Vista x64... not sure if I have to do something special to make them show), so I entered the connection string directly instead of using a DSN.

I am currently building a dataflow and trying to get the best out of both sql dialect. I use Mysql to order my data (because redshift doesnt order properly) and then use another datflow in the redshift dialect to be able to use window function. What I am curious about is to know why Mysql does not support window function, specifically lag in dataflows? I have been googling and it seems that you are suppose to be able to use window functions with mysql: -function-descriptions.html

I had this problem with windows 7 . I have solved this problem with select run as administrator. right click on xampp control panel icon than check

run as administrator in compatibility section. Now every things work fine.

I have tried to connect local NIFI to Local mysql, I have been getting an error on the processor "cannot create poolableconnectionfactory communications link failure nifi". JDBC Url and Driver are correct. i assume there may be an error while connecting with Mysql.

2. Stop the running MySQL server before uninstalling it. The easiest way to stop it is by using the mysqladmin command which was installed automatically during the MySQL installation. In the command prompt, navigate to the bin folder of the MySQL installation directory. For example, the default path is:

You opt into maintenance notifications for all Cloud SQL instances thathave maintenance windows in a given project. You receive one notification perinstance. Upcoming maintenance notifications are not sent out for read replicas. 17dc91bb1f

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