We are in the process of upgrading our servers and I was asked about the version of mysql we have currently (as we would like to stick with the same type, just upgrade the version). I need to know which edition I have installed. Here's the information I got when I ran SHOW VARIABLES;

If you just install it without any payment and contract you have community edition. If you have some contract with mysql or oracle, look into that papers and you should see it. More info about mysql editions can be found at

Download Mysql Standard Edition

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The Enterprise Edition builds on the Standard Edition with features specific to the enterprise. For example, you get router services, partitioning capabilities and the NDB storage engine all standard in the Community Edition, but not in the Standard Edition. Plus, Oracle makes the MySQL Workbench Enterprise Edition tool available in the Enterprise Edition. This edition of the tool offers more features than either MySQL Workbench Community or MySQL Workbench Standard Edition.

I'm doing some MYSQL work for a company, and I need to know if they have an ENTERPRISE or COMMUNITY edition. I researched this, and according to the mysql reference pages, I should be able to use the "status" command. According to that reference, the "Server Version" should say "Community", or "enterprise". Ours says neither (figures, right?), just "5.0.77 Source Distribution". Is there another way to tell?

Using a command client (mysql), the server version of the MySQL server to which you are connected is shown once you are connected. The server version information includes community or enterprise accordingly.

MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition meets this standard by offering real-time responsiveness, 99.999% availability, and linear scalability. It is designed to handle massive data volumes and millions of users or devices, making it an ideal choice for mission-critical applications.

MySQL standard edition ensures that user delivers high-performance and provides scalability on OLTP applications (Online Transaction Processing). It is easy to use, since it is reliable and gives industrial strength performance.

The standard edition comes with InnoDB, which is the engine used while working with databases. This makes it a fully integrated software, which is transaction safe, and ACID compliant database. ACID refers to Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

Most cloud providers will charge for the amount of information transported from the cloud network to other networks or the internet regarding network egress. This can involve data transmitted from a MySQL database to other cloud resources or queries made to the database by customers. The cost of network egress varies according to the quantity of data sent, the cloud location or on-premises, and the kind of data transfer (e.g., standard or high-performance).

The MySQL community edition is the no cost GPL version, the MySQL 

standard edition is the lowest cost ($2,000) of the paid versions.Please point me to some documentation showing the differences between the 

two.I am developing an application for a client where the community edition 

works fine and am wondering what benefit there would be to upgrade to a 

paid version.Thank you,


RDS for MySQL major versions are available under standard support at least until community end of life for the corresponding community version. You can continue running a major version past its RDS end of standard support date for a fee. For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Extended Support and Amazon RDS for MySQL pricing.

When using some storage engines other than the default of InnoDB, MySQL does not comply with the full SQL standard for some of the implemented functionality, including foreign key references.[96] Check constraints are parsed but ignored by all storage engines before MySQL version 8.0.15.[97][98]

A command-line interface is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program by typing in successive lines of text (command lines). MySQL ships with many command line tools, from which the main interface is the mysql client.[112][113]

The standard edition, in addition to the offerings of the community edition, offers several other add-on high-performance features. Unlike the MySQL workbench community edition, you get a MySQL workbench standard edition that supports more features such as automation of database documentation and MySQL router.

The RDS Extended Support price you are charged depends on the MySQL version, AWS Region, and the number of calendar years since standard support expired for that version. To learn more about when year 1 and 2 or year 3 pricing begins for a specific MySQL major version, go to the Amazon RDS for MySQL documentation.

If you are running a DB instance on RDS for MySQL 5.7, this version reaches end of standard support on February 29, 2024. If you are deployed in US East (Ohio), you will be charged $0.100 per vCPU-hr between March 1, 2024 to February 28, 2026. Starting March 1, 2026, you will be charged $0.200 per vCPU-hr.

Amazon RDS Extended Support charges depend on three factors: 1. number of vCPUs running on the instance, 2. AWS Region, and 3. number of years past end of standard support. To estimate your charges, determine the number of vCPUs on your instance and the appropriate calendar year pricing for your engine version. If your version is within the year 1 or year 2 pricing, you will be charged #vCPUs x year 1 and 2 pricing per hour of usage for your chosen Region. If your version is on year 3 pricing, you will be charged #vCPUs x year 3 pricing per hour of usage for your chosen Region.

You will begin to receive charges for Amazon RDS Extended Support the day after the MySQL major version end of standard support date. This will be in addition to the instance, storage, backup, and/or data transfer charges incurred for the life of the instance.

For example, RDS for MySQL 5.7 standard support ends on February 29, 2024. If you run a RDS for MySQL 5.7 instance on or after March 1, 2024 you will be charged for RDS Extended Support on that instance.

No, you will not be charged RDS Extended Support pricing on DB snapshots. However, when you restore a DB snapshot to a new DB instance after end of standard support, you will be charged RDS Extended Support pricing for that instance.

The RDS Extended Support price you are charged depends on the AWS Region, engine version, and the number of calendar years since standard support expired for that version. You will be charged year 1 and year 2 pricing in your chosen Region per vCPU-hr for the first two years after the end of standard support. For year 3, you will be charged year 3 pricing for your chosen Region per vCPU-hr starting on the first day of the third year.

For example, RDS for MySQL 5.7 reaches end of standard support on February 29, 2024. If you are deployed in US East (Ohio), you will be charged $0.100 per vCPU-hr between March 1, 2024 to February 28, 2026. Starting March 1, 2026, you will be charged $0.200 per vCPU-hr.

Yes, if you create an instance or restore a DB snapshot to an instance running on a version that has reached its end of standard support date, you will be charged for RDS Extended Support pricing in addition to the instance, storage, backup, and data transfer charges.

SQL is the standard language used to manage and manipulate data in relational databases. MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that supports SQL. To use SQL with MySQL, you need to have the MySQL software installed on your system and a client application that supports SQL.

SQL is a standard language used to communicate with relational databases. While it was originally developed for use with the widely popular RDBMS known as MySQL, it is now supported by a vast array of other database management systems as well. Some of them include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and IBM DB2. Moreover, many NoSQL databases such as Apache Cassandra and MongoDB also provide support for SQL-like query languages. Therefore, it is possible to use SQL with a wide range of databases, both relational and non-relational

When it comes to choosing between SQL and MySQL, it's important to understand that MySQL is actually a specific implementation of SQL. SQL is a standardized language used for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. MySQL is a relational database management system that uses SQL as its query language.

Both MariaDB and MySQL support standard SQL, but MariaDB has developed and implemented a bit more here. For example, when it comes to database objects, MariaDB supports sequences, which are not available in MySQL.

One of the key strengths of RDBMS is its ability to establish relationships between tables using primary and foreign keys. This feature enables complex data manipulation and retrieval using the Structured Query Language (SQL), a standardized language designed specifically for managing relational databases.

As currently I have developed inventory system, clinic system, an backend application for a private company to manage huge no of memberships and ads, and a UK company for manage Business Name , Limited company, trademark and domain registrations and renewals. All of these used with mysql its those are running smoothly. Never had any headaches as through sql queries can manipulate easily and had fast responses for even complex queries and for huge no of data Frameworks used are spring boot and laravel.

There a whole world of documentation, best practice, books on mysql. It can be found on nearly any cloud, system, paas. 

It is really fast (on MyISAM), support transactions (InnoDB), may perform as in-memory cache (memory), or even CSV (never use this one except for testing or reports). 

Deploy and set up takes next to no time, it consumes very little resources. 

Actually I feel it is hard to write a review on MySql because over decades of extensive usage it become the standard de-facto, even LAMP has (M) for MySQL. 

It is a mature if, well known RDBMS with tons of extensions and forks (not sure I may name them here). 

It is worth to mention though that MySQL is a default backend storage for a whole number of software. 2351a5e196

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