The newest server (#3) generates web pages noticeably slower than the others and I've narrowed the problem to MySQL. The newest server (#3), equals or dramatically surpasses the other machines in pretty much every benchmark I've run.

A few weeks ago, a patch/service pack was released for windows server. After applying the updates, mysql magically started performing similar to or better than the older server rather than being much slower. I don't exactly know what patch it was since there were several, but I noticed an immediate improvement.

Download Mysql Benchmark For Windows

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On windows with similar configuration it takes 10-15 seconds. The windows machine has a lot more ram (16gb) and similar hard drive. I installed MySQL 5.6 and made no configuration changes. This is on windows server 2012.

That is why we call it LAMP stack and no doubt why it is so popular mysql on windows vs Linux. But that has more to do more with stability and safety. Performance wise the difference should be minimal. While a Microsoft Professional can best tune the Windows Server explicitly for MySQL by enabling and disabling the services, but we would rather be interested to see the configuration of your my.ini. So what could be the contributing factors w.r.t Windows on MySQL that we should consider

If the mysqldump (.sql) file is not residing in the same host where you are importing, performance will be slow. Consider to copy the (.sql) file exactly in the server where you need to import the database, then try importing without --host option.

I've used MySQL extensively on Linux and Windows 10, both 64-bit. An Apple-user friend made a comment about how much better MySQL development is on MacOS because performance is greater than Windows and often above Linux for development. This seemed like typical Mac user nonsense, so I'm asking on here is there any truth to it. Are there any benchmarks around that show OS-based performance and not just CPU based? The benchmarks of MySQL make no mention of OS.

As part of our commitment to ensuring that Microsoft Azure is the best place to run MySQL workloads, Microsoft is excited to announce that Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server just achieved a new, faster performance benchmark.

We've recently completed a migration the other way, from linux to windows 2k8 however that was for some 3rd party app that would only run on windows SQL. The database was converted from MySQL to MSSQL and nothing was noticed really in terms of slowness. They probably work with about 10x the number of transactions, there are at least a few million records.

As for security, on the whole linux might be generally safer but as always if you are a proactive sysadmin windows is fine (think of the millions of DB servers out there). Performance footprint isn't going to be much different, in terms of the DB, though obviously server 2k8 uses more ram than linux but not significantly.

Enhance business continuity for your mission-critical applications running enterprise-grade application services on Azure. Take advantage of new flexible server features, including user-controlled maintenance windows, server parameter configuration, and IOPS provisioning. Choose the Business Critical pricing tier for high-performance transactional or analytical applications, and get up to a 99.99 percent service-level agreement (SLA) for same-zone or zone-redundant high availability.

It takes about 2000ms for every page load. It seems that problem is somewhere in mysql config probably. I've tried to change entries in windows hosts file, I have switched off ipv6 on every network adapter and still nothing. I've read that skip_name_resolve position my be helpfull but I dont know how to use it.

One question , and it is one that I cannot seem to get a clear answer to. If I install MySql workbench on a windows client can I do a remote connection to a backend MySql database sitting on a Linux RedHat Server ??

MySQL Workbench can be installed using the Windows Installer (.msi) installation package. The MSI package bears the name mysql-workbench-version-win32.msi, where version indicates the MySQL Workbench version number.

If you are having problems running the installer, as an alternative, you can download a ZIP file without an installer. That file is called Using a ZIP utility, unpack it to the directory of your choice. You may also want to create a shortcut on your desktop or the quick launch bar.

I am currently building a dataflow and trying to get the best out of both sql dialect. I use Mysql to order my data (because redshift doesnt order properly) and then use another datflow in the redshift dialect to be able to use window function. What I am curious about is to know why Mysql does not support window function, specifically lag in dataflows? I have been googling and it seems that you are suppose to be able to use window functions with mysql: -function-descriptions.html

Please make sure you are not mounting folders from the windows host into the container, as it will slow down file access. Use named volumes (that will be stored inside WSL and therefor on a linux ext4 filesystem).

You can still access the files from windows using \\WSL$\docker-desktop-data (works for Win10/Win11) or \\wsl.localhost\docker-desktop-data (works on Win11).

Within the docker-desktop-data wsl-distribution you have to find the rest of the path, people reported different folders inside the distribution to be correct.

It depends on what you want. On your machine during development, you can have multiple mysql servers, one for each project since they will probably not run all the time, but it is much easier to have everything in one place suring development and make sure that one single project would work and you can worry about compatibility with a central database later. If you discover an issue, you can test different configurations and create a readme file to describe the required parameters in different cases.

You can connect to a MySQL DB instance by using tools like the MySQL command-line client. For more information on using the MySQL command-line client, see mysql - the MySQL command-line client in the MySQL documentation. One GUI-based application you can use to connect is MySQL Workbench. For more information, see the Download MySQL Workbench page. For information about installing MySQL (including the MySQL command-line client), see Installing and upgrading MySQL.

The driver is drop-in compatible with the MySQL Connector/J driver. To install or upgrade your connector, replace the MySQL connector .jar file (located in the application CLASSPATH) with the AWS JDBC Driver for MySQL .jar file, and update the connection URL prefix from jdbc:mysql:// to jdbc:mysql:aws://.

Always check the result of your optimization efforts on a testing environment Never optimize without benchmarking Optimize tables Only change one thing at a time Add performance monitoring to your daily routine Document the resultsĀ 

This issue usually results from an incorrect service name reference. This arises when the MySQL Workbench contains a reference to an older service name (e.g. mysql), whereas MySQL Server 8.0.x uses the service name MySQL80.

Also, the user I used here does not conform to the new authentication of MySQL 8.0 which uses caching_sha2_password. Instead, both server versions uses mysql_native_password plus innodb_dedicated_server variable is OFF (default), which is a new feature of MySQL 8.0.

So the script simply prepares the sbtest schema and populates tables and records. Then it performs read/write load tests using /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua script. The script dumps global status and MySQL variables, collects CPU utilization, and parses InnoDB row operations handled by script The scripts then generates *.csv files based on the dumped logs that were collected during the benchmark, then I used an Excel spreadsheet here to generate the graph from *.csv files. Please check the code here in this github repository.

The variables with its values are left by its default values for this benchmark. The first three variables handles CPU for redo logging, which in MySQL 8.0 has been an improvement due to re-designing how InnoDB writes to the REDO log. The variable innodb_log_spin_cpu_pct_hwm has CPU affinity, which means it would ignore other CPU cores if mysqld is pinned only to 4 cores, for instance. For parallel read threads, in MySQL 8.0, it adds a new variable for which you can tune how many threads to used.

There are tons of improvements that are present in MySQL 8.0. The benchmark results reveals that there has been an impressive improvement, not only on managing read workloads, but also on a high read/write workload comparing to MySQL 5.7.

If you need to back up or restore your data for any purpose (development, transference from production to test, etc.), you should take advantage of the functionality and tools that MySQL Workbench offers (for example, mysqldump or Data Export and Import Wizard).

Before attempting any optimization, you should obtain a baseline benchmark of the component of the system you are trying to improve. For Linux try LBS (Note: Last updated May 2002) and for Windows use the Performance Monitor. Once you have quantitative data about how your system is performing currently, you'll be able to determine if the change you have made has had any real impact.

(min). The table cache is used by all threads (connections), so monitor the value of opened_tables to further adjust - if opened_tables > 3 * table_cache(table_open_cache in MySQL > 5.1.2) then increase table_cache up to your OS limit. Note also that the figure for table_cache will also change depending on the number of modules and plugins you have installed. Find the number for your server by executing the mysql statement below. Look at the number returned and set table_cache to this value.

TL;DR: Make sure that the version of mysqldump that your MySQL client (MySQL Workbench in my case) points to is the same as the DB version as what is used by the server. (You know, like the warning message suggests when you try and do otherwise.) Use MySQL v5.7 or v8 when setting up a site in Local by Flywheel rather than using Maria DB. e24fc04721

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