We know Spotify playlisting is important to you and that you have a ton of questions around the song pitching process, what goes on behind the scenes, and general best practices. And we want to make sure to get you the answers. To that end we recently reached out to our followers on Instagram, asking you what you want to know. We then sent a selection off to some of our playlist editors to get you the answers straight from the source.

All artists have equal opportunities to pitch their music via our playlist pitching tool within Spotify for Artists and we consider all artists for playlisting. Many of our playlists support a wide variety of artists, regardless of whether they are signed or unsigned. In addition, we also have playlists, such as Fresh Finds, specifically aimed at supporting unsigned artists.

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Absolutely. Music speaks to us in more ways than numbers. We put listening first. And, we also look at what is happening in culture, artists pushing the boundaries, and always consider a myriad of music characteristics when curating (from bpm and tempo to song structure and key signature). For instance for Juneteenth our regular New Music Friday playlist was made up of entirely Black artists and we feature local artists in our New York City playlists.

We always try and tag when a song is explicit within a playlist. There are also some playlists and audiences where we won't include explicit tracks such as the Coffee Shop Vibes playlist, such as in our Spotify Kids programming, and so forth.

Each of our editors are unique and work differently, but they all constantly seek inspiration from different music publications and cultural moments as well as what artists are highlighting on their own artist pages and playlists.

something like that should definitely not happen. Could it be that you've set the playlist as a collaborative one? Check it by right-clicking on the playlist in the sidebar. I'd also suggest to push the "log out everywhere" button at the bottom of your account overview - it might be that you forgot to sign out somewhere. Or a friend wanted to play a trick on you?

Yeah it started to happend to me too a few weeks ago... I thought my spotify went crazy, but today it happend once again -.- it's irritating... I've changed the password 'coz I thought that someone broke into my account...

It is very frustrating as i like to make genre specific playlists and songs keeps getting added that don't even fit the genre. Spotify, if you are going to do this then at least provide us with an option to turn it off!

This has been happening to me as well but I find that it only happens on mobile, when I'm playing my music from my laptop I can go through whole playlists and listen to exactly what is on that playlist without out any problem so i don't understand why it can't do the same thing for Mobile. Spotify you're not making a very good first impression

I have found a solution. This problem seems to only happen to free tier mobile users. Solution: Add at least a total of 15 songs to that playlist. For an extra measure, turn off autoplay by going to settings -> playback, then make sure On this Device and on other devices is off.

I found a lil trick to it now. if ur trying to memorize a song, put 14 other songs in that playlist. With each song added, it will cut off one of their randoms. Once you have 15 or more they no longer add them.

Yeah this is not the solution because we have been premium members for a long time and it's now happening to us too. Really really annoying. When my playlist is over I want it to stop, just stop. I don't want it to add more songs. I have all the auto play etc stuff off.

I've been put into an extremely frustrating situation that some of you may have also had problems with. Someone is falsely reporting my playlists, and there's nothing I can do about it. When someone reports your playlist, Spotify will automatically remove the playlist title, playlist bio, and playlist avatar, even if there is nothing that is breaking the rules of the user agreement policy.

I run a rather large Indie/Alternative music blog, and my most recent Spotify playlist quickly gained traction and was starting to build a pretty decent sized following. However, I woke up two days after creating it to find that playlist title was blank and there was no bio. Thinking this was an error or glitch in the system, I changed it back. Not more than 30 minutes later, everything went blank again. After 5 more times of this happening, I contacted Spotify about this issue. They let me know that someone has been reporting my playlist for copyright. Well, I had no playlist picture, I was using the standard Spotify playlist art, the title was "Positive Energy Indie/Alternative Tunes" and there was absolutely nothing that would suggest a copyright issue. To fix this issue and get my playlist back, I had to file a counter-claim, and the user who flagged my playlist will have 10 days to respond. However, even if my playlist gets republished, that same user can report it again and I will be in this same issue all over again. Spotify also told me that it would be extremely hard to pinpoint the user that is falsely reporting my playlist, so there's pretty much nothing I can do about it.

As someone that depends on Spotify for my music blog and social media channels, I can not afford to have someone reporting my playlists just for the fun of it, whether that be for better SEO rankings or just because they don't like my channel. I do not wish this problem on anyone, and I think it is an absolutely terribly flawed system that can be abused way too often. There has to be a better reporting system on Spotify's end, or at least some greater protection for users that value Spotify's service and depend on it for their business.

@chrismurray - As stated in the post, I have already reached out to Spotify. They told me that there is no way to prevent someone from falsely reporting playlists in the future, even if my counter-claims are successful. Very frustrating.

Oh Sorry @30secondindie I must of mis-read when you mentioned about contacted support , I do agree its very fustrating, users shouldn't be reporting anyones playlists if there is nothing wrong with it in the first place, Spotify needs to address and sort this issue out.

I am having exactly the same issue! I run a playlist for 5 YEARS, never had a problem, and i have a large number of followers, and now ive seen that people are copying the name of my playlist and maybe those same people are falsely reporting it just so they can be on top of the search algorithm. I have sent several emails about this to spotify, they have said to me that everything is alright with my playlist and i have the rights to post all of the content, but still, some one or some people are randomly reporting it and they just remove the name and thumbnail WITHOUT any verification of any trueness or reason for that same report. I have been putting my thumbnail and name of playlist ALL DAY LONG today because of this REPORT SPAMM. I hope Spotify actually start digging into the reports BEFORE they automatticly REMOVE everything from the playlist without any investigation.. Its not fair for people who have had alot of time and work put on a playlist to someone just easily shut it down like that.

@martimsf I feel your pain. I don't have enough time to sit around and change back the information all day long. My followers probably think I'm losing my mind seeing the playlist information switching back and forth like that. When I spoke to Spotify customer service about the issue, even they agreed that this is a flawed area of the reporting system. Even then, I asked them if it was possible to punish, or at least find out who is behind the abusive reporting, and they said that it would be "extremely difficult to pinpoint the user." 

From what I'm finding out through researching this issue, this is becoming an increasingly common thing only recently. So this must be a dirty tactic that people with similar playlists are executing, or it's just a random person trying to simply annoy the playlist owner.

BUMP! Please do something about this ! This has been going on for too long and its unacceptable that this system can be so easily abused ! I have lost over hundred of followers (which is not even really my main concern) its just so annoying to have to write down every single day more than 5 times per day the name of MY playlist back and the thumbnail.. Just so anyone can go and report for fun or whatever reason might be.

I replied to another one of your posts on this issue. Just wanted to reiterate, I have the same issue. People have made a carbon copy of my playlist and took mine down to divert attention to theirs. I contacted support and after months of slow communication I finally spoke with the Executive Support team. A year later, and I still haven't received any conclusive resolutions.

This has been happening to one of my playlists for the past 3 months. It's very stressful. I'm sure who's been reporting my playlist. They have a similar playlist but with random songs of unknown artists that has nothing to do with the show. (context: I curate soundtracks for TV shows) I'm assuming they get paid to add those artists to their playlists. Spotify's report system is really flawed. I'm thinking of moving to a different streaming platform because the stress isn't worth it.

There needs to be a checks and balance of false abusive reporting behavior, my playlist recently got targeted with this nonsense and its quite annoying. There needs to be a checks and balances measure at spotify to weed out these false claims - does anyone know if the same user can issue multiple reports for the same reasoning, meaning can one user target my playlist and constantly report it, or do they need to have a separate user account in order to do so? 006ab0faaa

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