Windows User Profile Service can use slow link detection to determine whether to download a roaming user profile to the client computer when the user signs in. If the service determines that the connection to the client computer is slow, the client skips the download. Instead, it loads the local copy of the roaming user profile. The service also records an event that resembles the following:

Log Name: Application

Source: Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service

Event ID: 1543

Task Category: None

Level: Error



A slow network connection is detected for the roaming profile \\\profileshare$\USER\RWacker.V6. It will not be synchronized with the profile on this computer.

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The default configuration of the slow link detection settings should correctly identify slow links in most deployments. However, if Windows does not seem to identify slow links correctly, consider changing the slow link detection settings. For example, if the User Profile Service determines that a network connection is a fast link, but in reality the connection is slow, the user sign-in experience might be unusually slow. The user might see the "Waiting for the User Profile Service" message for an unacceptably long time.

When slow link detection is enabled, the User Profile Service uses a temporary file on the server to do a set of file writes and reads. To calculate the link speed and delay during these operations, the service uses statistics that are measured by the Network Location Awareness (NLA) service.

This algorithm doesn't provide an estimate that's sufficiently refined to effectively identify slow links. It can produce false positives (a connection is labeled as a slow link despite being fast enough) or false negatives (a connection isn't labeled as a slow link despite being slow).

The slow link detection process has changed in Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10, version 1809 and later versions. Additionally, the maximum PingBufferSize value has increased to 4194304. The changes are available in the following updates:

This algorithm produces more accurate delay and throughput measurements. The new maximum PingBufferSize value provides more flexibility. However, if the link is very slow, a large PingBufferSize value might slow down the algorithm itself so that it delays the whole process of downloading the user profile.

Windows provides several Group Policy settings that control slow link detection. The following table describes some of the most important of these policies. For more information about how to use these policies, see Policy CSP - ADMX_UserProfiles: ADMX_UserProfiles/SlowLinkTimeOut.

We've tested slow link detection by using < 10-Mbit/s broadband links plus VPN, Wi-Fi networks, and LAN connections. This testing shows that a PingBufferSize of 1,048,576 (1 MB) provides a balance between correctly identifying slow links and delaying the link detection process. We recommend that you use this value to start testing. Depending on your environment, the actual value that you should use might be lower or higher.

Slowest potential speeds.Account for the slowest network links that you expect your users to have. Typically, these include mobile carrier connections (such as LTE or UMTS) and home internet connections (such as DSL and cable).

These networks tend to have asymmetric speeds. This design means that they download files at higher speeds than they upload files. Because it uses four times as many reads as writes of the same data, the new slow link detection algorithm is well-suited to analyzing asymmetric-speed networks.

When a user signs out of Windows, Windows uploads any profile files that were updated during the user session. A link that has been identified as a fast link might still produce a slow sign-out experience.

Metering.These links may also be metered (priced according to the amount of data transmitted). Both the profile transfer and the slow link detection operations contribute to the data transmission total. Therefore, a larger PingBufferSize could increase network costs.

Encryption.VPN connections typically compress and encrypt data. Compression, encryption, and decryption add time to the network transfers, especially because some user profile data doesn't compress well.

When the user signs in to Windows, the User Profile Service enumerates all the files in the user profile to determine what to update on the local copy. This update might involve downloading a few files that have changed (an incremental update) or downloading the entire user profile (full sync). When the user signs out, Windows uploads any profile files that have changed. This transaction resembles an incremental update.

For testing, consider the time that's required to download the entire user profile, especially the largest profile that you have. Because the User Profile Service enumerates the files, the "size" of a profile depends on both the number of files and the total amount of data in those files. Make sure that the user sign-in experience meets the SLA even when doing a full download of the largest profile.

The cause of such long login time can be mapped drives, logon scripts, also try to enable Set maximum wait time for the network if a user has a roaming user profile or remote home folder setting and Wait for remote user profile to 0 seconds under Group Policy - Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\User Profiles.

I would check the logs in both places. There are also certain files that will not sync by default like MDB files. I am not sure if these are set up as offline files in your instance. Are these roaming profiles managed by group policy?

Also JerryL thanks do I check the folders on the server under the profiles folder or on the local computer? If on the server it doesnt give me access do I take ownership of the whole foder and the subfolders?

Check the size of the folders on the local PC. Especially on the desktop. Best to check whatever is included in the roaming profiles that is being copied to and from the server/PC. Moving the folders to the server instead of keeping them on the PC will also ensure that they're backed up. All the user needs is a shortcut which is on 1KB as opposed to possibly many MB.

The web is best experienced with a fast network connection. Still, a large number of people will visit your site using slower speeds. They might visit your page while on the road or in a remote place.

Latency can also make a big difference when loading a page using resources from different servers. When sending requests to multiple servers, a connection needs to be established to each server. How long this takes depends greatly on network latency.

Many websites are interactive and can make requests for additional resources after the initial page load. Select the Offline profile to see what will happen when the internet goes down. It can be used to see if your site handles network errors properly.

These network round trips are only needed for the initial request to the server. Subsequent requests simply reuse the existing server connection, requiring only one round trip for the HTTP request (and possibly more to download the response).

This works well for the first request due to the adjustment factor / equivalency mentioned in the tables above. But it also slows down subsequent requests disproportionately, making them slower than they would be in reality.

After enabling throttling, establishing the connection takes 695 milliseconds. This is basically the same as the unthrottled request. We can tell that Chrome is not slowing down the network at this stage.

Normal TCP communication consists of a client and a server, a 3-way handshake, reliable data exchange, and a four-way close. With the LTM as an intermediary in the client/server architecture, the session setup/teardown is duplicated, with the LTM playing the role of server to the client and client to the server. These sessions are completely independent, even though the LTM can duplicate the tcp source port over to the server-side connection in most cases, and depending on your underlying network architecture, can also duplicate the source IP.

Refined in RFC 3390, slow start is an optional setting that allows for the initial congestion window (cwnd) to be increased from one or two segments to between two and four segments. This refinement results in a larger upper bound for the initial window:

The congestion window (cwnd) grows exponentially under slow start. After the handshake is completed and the connection has been established, the congestion window is doubled after each ACK received. Once the congestion window surpasses the slow start threshold (ssthresh, set by the LTM and dependent on factors like the selected congestion algorithm), the tcp connection is converted to congestion avoidance mode and the congestion window grows linearly. This relationship is represented in the following graph.

Slow Start is triggered at the beginning of a connection (initial window), after an idle period in the connection (restart window), or after a retransmit timeout (loss window). Note that this setting in the profile only applies to the initial window. Some advantages of increasing the initial congestion window are eliminating the wait on timeout (up to 200ms) for receivers utilizing delayed acknowledgements and eliminating application turns for very short lived connections (such as short email messages, small web requests, etc). There are a few disadvantages as well, including higher retransmit rates in lossy networks. We'll dig a little deeper into slow start when we cover the congestion control algorithms.

Hi Jason, one quick question about slow start on idle connections. Apparently disabling slow start on idle connections provides great results in terms of latency. Is there a way to do this on the tcp profile? Cheers e24fc04721

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