In this blog, Gina Labovitz, MD, FAAP, at Ross Bridge Medical Center Pediatrics in Hoover, Alabama, discusses how you can help them develop their fine motor skills as well as milestones you can watch for to make sure they stay on track.

Someone who has fine motor skills has the ability to coordinate their muscles, bones, and nerves to do small, precise tasks, such as pointing or picking up small items with their fingers. As your baby grows, they should be continually developing these skills.

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Have them play on their belly as you supervise them. This will help them develop upper body and back strength. You can also use a baby gym full of colorful objects to get their attention. Even singing nursery rhymes while playing with their fingers or toes will help. But, no matter what you do, make sure everything is large enough to prevent a choking hazard.

To learn more about how you can help your child develop their fine motor skills, or to share any concerns you may have about their development, book an appointment online or over the phone with Ross Bridge Medical Center Pediatrics today.

In this study, I use a modified grounded theory, intersectional approach to understand the wellness-illness experience for black women experiencing breast cancer. I use interviews from 38 breast cancer survivors from Nashville, Durham-Chapel Hill, and Atlanta conducted between 2014 and 2015 to explore variations in perceptions of hair loss and regrowth. Universally, hair loss from chemotherapy treatments is a stressful experience, which cause women to question their health and femininity. Hair loss is a crisis in which women feel less beautiful and more sick. Interesting patterns steeped in race and beauty emerged from women's narratives as they experienced hair regrowth. Black women's stories of hair loss associated with chemotherapy are influenced by values associated racialized ideologies about beauty. Good, baby fine, soft and thick, loosely curled, straight, wavy, and beautiful are just some of the words many women chose to describe their chemically altered hair. The dialogue around hair regrowth and texture is problematic given Eurocentric standards of feminine beauty, notions that coincide the long ties between chemicals and hair straightening in the black community.

Most babies have a strong sucking reflex. Some babies even suck their thumbs or fingers before they're born. Beyond helping with nutrition, sucking often has a soothing effect. Are pacifiers really OK for your baby, though? Understand the benefits and risks of pacifier use, safety tips, and steps to wean your baby from the pacifier.

The risks of pacifier use begin to outweigh the benefits as your baby gets older. While most kids stop using pacifiers on their own between ages 2 and 4, others need help breaking the habit. Use praise when your child chooses not to use the pacifier. If your child has difficulty giving up the pacifier, consider asking your child's doctor or dentist for help.

Fine motor skill development allows babies to learn how to use the little muscles in their hands and fingers to perform subtle movements, such as reaching for, grabbing, and handling small objects. By 3 months, your baby will be better able to grip objects and control their head movements.

From how high did your baby fall? The higher the height, the higher the danger. A fall from over 3 feet or 5 stairs is serious for a baby or child under 2 years old and they should see a doctor right away.

What did your child fall onto? Falling onto hard surfaces is more dangerous than softer ones. Check whether your baby fell onto concrete, ceramic tile, stone, compacted sand, or other hard surfaces.

Did they hit anything during the fall? Landing on glass or falling against sharp edges of furniture can cause serious injuries. If there is any major bleeding or anything is sticking out of your baby, call an ambulance.

If your baby fell on their head or hit their head, they might have a concussion, which is a mild and temporary head injury. Signs and symptoms usually show up within 24 hours, but it can take up to 3 weeks. You should watch for signs of concussion in your baby, including if they:

If your baby has signs of a concussion, go to the doctor or hospital and get them checked out. Then watch for changes in any symptoms. They will usually get better on their own over several days, though it can take up to 4 weeks to fully recover.

If your baby fell off the couch or bed, stay calm and check them over. While falls can cause serious injuries for babies, most falls are minor and your baby will get better on their own with rest. If they fall from over 3 feet, onto a hard surface, or have symptoms of an injury, get medical help.

Although I have a LOT of hair, its still baby fine.. and I want to do a soft high curly updo for our wedding. I do prefer it high as opposed to off the back of my head, and I am not a fan of all the tendrils. Cant stand wispy hair in my face!

View original reply twright4770 : I have thin and fine hair. I used clip in extensions for volume. My stylist teased the crap our of my hair and used some really great quality products alog with tons of bobby pins. Unfortunately being outside in the rain did have an affect on it, but it still looked good. Luckily my hair stylist is a friend and she came to the reception early to give me a second hair do (that was planned ahead of time as I wanted down for ceremony, but up for dancing)

Finding safe objects for your baby to practice their new skill can be challenging. If your baby is self-feeding, small round cereal, like Cheerios, can make a good option, as long as your baby is able to get them into their mouth on their own, and you are present to supervise.

When some paparazzi managed to get a shot of the baby, Rihanna and Rocky decided to beat them at their own game. The couple uploaded the video of him to TikTok to make the photographers' snaps less valuable.

This pompom whisk activity is simple and only requires 2 items. This activity will encourage fine motor skills (using the small muscles of the hands and fingers) by requiring your baby to use a pincer grasp (thumb and pointer finger together) to pull out the pompoms.

A baby should be 4 to 6 months old for sleep training to begin in earnest. Some of the basic rules that apply to adult sleep also apply to baby sleep: The room needs to be relatively quiet, dark and calm, and bedtime needs to be consistent.

Babies make huge developmental steps during their first year. Within the first year, they will learn to lift their head, sit by themselves, roll over, crawl, and stand up. As parents, we are very much focusing on those mentioned gross motor skills milestones, but it is also very important to focus on the fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills are movements involving smaller muscle groups such as those in the hand and wrist as well as feet and toes. Some examples of early fine motor skills include actions like grasping, holding, pressing, and using a pincer grip. Fine motor skills are vital for doing everyday activities like getting dressed, using utensils to eat, tying shoelaces, cutting with scissors, writing, and drawing, and turning the pages of a book.

Once their baby is old enough (over six months [BASIS, no date a; Douglas and Hill, 2013]) and they're safe and secure, some parents decide to explore different sleeping techniques. This is a personal choice and will depend on different reasons and circumstances.

The decision to try sleep training is a personal one for every parent. You might feel that the benefits, for both your baby and you, outweigh any worries; or you might decide that a different approach works better for you.

The good news is that there is a lot of support and information to help you figure out what works for you and your baby. Talk it through with your partner, family, friends and other parents. Some parents find talking about sleep training options with their health visitor a useful source of information and support.

Changing head direction can help prevent positional plagiocephaly (flat head) and positional torticollis, by encouraging baby to move their head and strengthen both sides of their neck. When baby faces different directions as they lay, they also vary the direction they turn their head in response to a noise (such as a parent entering the room). This strengthens neck muscles more evenly on both sides, and changes the places where baby puts pressure on their head as they lay.

What do typical and atypical development look like? What should it look like when baby begins to sit, crawl, and walk? In the below graphics, see what typical and atypical development look like. Typical development is in blue, and means baby is right on track; atypical development is in yellow, and means that baby may have a motor delay.

The signs of a healthy pregnancy vary between women and not all women experience all the symptoms of pregnancy. The best way to ensure a healthy pregnancy is to make sure you receive good antenatal care and take care of yourself. Generally speaking a healthy mother is more likely to have a healthy baby, and this can best be achieved by working with general practitioners and/or midwives during your pregnancy.

As mentioned above, a healthy mother is more likely to have a healthy baby and taking good care of your body is a good way to give birth to a healthy baby. If you are pregnant you must secure good antenatal care to preserve your health and that of your developing baby.

Frequent urination is to be expected during pregnancy as your bladder is under more pressure from your developing baby. However it could also be a sign of gestational diabetes and your healthcare practitioner may do some tests to ensure that you are not developing it between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy.

Grasping and guiding can be a tricky skill to master, so why not make it fun? Create an eye-catching color wheel on thick paper and add matching colorful clothespins. Your child can learn how to use their fine motor skills while also learning their colors. Add a pre-literacy challenge by writing letters or numbers on the colors and asking your child to use the clothespins to clip the letters and numbers. 006ab0faaa

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