Dodging the crazy money changers offering exchange of Quetzales to US Dollars (the Salvadorean currency for more than a decade now) I watch the ute (pick-up) with all the luggage go by in a swirl of dust; riding happily are three armed guards sitting variously on the luggage piled high. I spy my backpack poking out and smile.

A money-changer was robbed at gunpoint this morning at the western border. 59-year-old, Hilberto Herrarte, was reportedly at the money-changing booth at around six thirty this morning when two Hispanic men came on a motorcycle; one jumped off the cycle and held up Herrarte, using a firearm. Herrarte handed over his purse containing six thousand dollars and an undisclosed number of quetzals and pesos. The robbers, who were bare-faced, then headed towards Benque Viejo del Carmen Town.

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Love FM is a radio station in Belize City, Belize that provides news and music. We broadcast on FM frequencies 88.9, 95.1, and 98.1 MHz. Love FM was founded in 1993 as a small private radio station and has since grown into a nationwide entity, providing Belize and listeners overseas with in-depth coverage of current events occurring in the country.

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Charles Coughlin: And by no means do I intend to retreat from this fight of driving the money changers from the temple. They may hold power over politicians but they hold no power over the pulpit of the Catholic Church that dares preach for the alleviation of misery, that dares inveigh against usury, and that dare claimors for an honest living annual wage free from the sins of the past and free from the excesses of the future. God be with you, God, be with all of us in this fight that shall last until death comes, if necessary!

Charles Coughlin: It is almost preposterous on my part to advocate your loyalty to Franklin D. Roosevelt. The events of the past three weeks are eloquent in themselves. Our laborers are being restored to remunerative operations. Our factories are open. The prices of our commodities have been raised. Why, may I ask you? Simply because the money changers are being driven from the temple. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the day, despite all opposition to the contrary, that you remain steadfast behind the one man who can save this civilization of ours. It is either Roosevelt or ruin.

A money-changer in the Afghan city of Herat counts a stack of Iranian bills. More and more Iranian currency is being brought in by smugglers to exchange for dollars, which then go back to Iran. Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson/NPR  hide caption

The western Afghan city of Herat has become a thriving hub for the money exchange business, a consequence of geography and politics. Money-changers throng the currency market carrying thick stacks of Iranian currency, much of it brought in by the hundreds of thousands of Afghan workers who earn their living in Iran.

While the stacks of crisp 100,000 rial notes that money-changers bring to the market might look like a small fortune, the 10 million rials in each of these stacks is worth less than $400, because the Iranian currency recently lost more than half of its value.

Abdullah Dashti, who heads the Afghan money dealers union in Herat, says the money-changers are feeling the pinch of the international sanctions against Iran and are now looking to unload Iranian currency.

But less scrupulous Afghans are using the sanctions as an opportunity to make a profit, Dashti says, by helping desperate Iranians convert their rials into dollars in Afghanistan, where American money serves as a second currency. The Iranians don't show up in Herat themselves, he says, but use Afghan intermediaries to make the exchange.

Iranians looking to change money often use the informal "hawala" system, in which transactions don't involve a physical transfer of money, but a personal pledge to settle the debt later through a third party or bank.

A U.S. official, who asked not to be identified, says the American government is talking to Afghan officials about the money laundering and other corruption. The official characterized the talks as "complex but not contentious."

One of the money exchangers speaks freely, his partners walking away when this reporter approaches. He said he has no idea where the money came from. He knows it started in the United States, but doesn't know how it got to this street in Culiacn.

The money exchanger said business was slow. There are some days here where he alone changes out $10,000 to $20,000, he said. There's at least ten parasol stations on this block. And there's enough work for everyone, he said.

Michael McDonald is a retired IRS investigator. He laid the groundwork for much of the organized crime and bank investigations done today. Now he's an anti-money laundering specialist who works with banks.

Wells Fargo bought Wachovia in 2008. Executives declined to comment, but released a statement saying they've spent $40 million in the past four years to keep their banks compliant with anti-money laundering laws.

Authorities said the Wachovia case is not the end of their work. There are other cases against other banks pending. The U.S. branch of London-based HSBC Holdings is now under investigation for the same types of dealings with money exchange houses.

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settled charges against professional boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. and music producer Khaled Khaled, known as DJ Khaled, for failing to disclose payments they received for promoting investments in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). These are the SEC's first cases to charge touting violations involving ICOs.

A post on Mayweather's Instagram account predicted he would make a large amount of money on another ICO and a post to Twitter said: "You can call me Floyd Crypto Mayweather from now on." The SEC order found that Mayweather failed to disclose that he was paid $200,000 to promote the other two ICOs.

Father Coughlin first took to the airwaves in 1926, broadcasting weekly sermons over the radio. By the early 1930s the content of his broadcasts had shifted from theology to economics and politics. Just as the rest of the nation was obsessed by matters economic and political in the aftermath of the Depression, so too was Father Coughlin. Coughlin had a well-developed theory of what he termed "social justice," predicated on monetary "reforms." He began as an early Roosevelt supporter, coining a famous expression, that the nation's choice was between "Roosevelt or ruin." Later in the 1930s he turned against FDR and became one of the president's harshest critics. His program of "social justice" was a very radical challenge to capitalism and to many of the political institutions of his day. 


 Father Coughlin was an early and passionate supporter of President Roosevelt, since he viewed FDR as a radical social reformer like himself. Roosevelt's rhetoric during his inaugural address implicitly promised to "drive the money changers from the temple." This was music to Coughlin's ears since a core part of his own message was monetary reform. Roosevelt's early monetary policy seemed to fulfill this promise and so Coughlin viewed him as the savior of the nation. But when FDR failed to follow-on with additional radical reforms, Coughlin turned against him. By 1936, he would support a third-party candidacy against FDR's reelection bid and would even say this of Roosevelt:


 "The great betrayer and liar, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised to drive the money changers from the temple, had succeeded [only] in driving the farmers from their homesteads and the citizens from their homes in the cities. . . I ask you to purge the man who claims to be a Democrat, from the Democratic Party, and I mean Franklin Double-Crossing Roosevelt."


 Father Coughlin's influence on Depression-era America was enormous. Millions of Americans listened to his weekly radio broadcast. At the height of his popularity, one-third of the nation was tuned into his weekly broadcasts. In the early 1930s, Coughlin was, arguably, one of the most influential men in America. Although his core message was one of economic populism, his sermons also included attacks on prominent Jewish figures--attacks that many people considered evidence of anti-Semitism. His broadcasts became increasingly controversial for this reason, and in 1940 his superiors in the Catholic Church forced him to stop his broadcasts and return to his work as a parish priest.

So has the church sold out to capitalism? Is the dollar the almighty rather than the Almighty God in their minds? Has the love of money and the greed for gain turned them aside from the path of the truth?

There is a lesson here for all of us. For if the churches who do this kind of thing are seeking your money, then what is the quality of the teaching. Which master do they serve, God or mammon? And more importantly, what truth will you get from those who promote such a ministry?

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