I'm seeing the same problem, as well as an issue where the phone orientation will occasionally cause only part of the widgit to be visible. Killing the app that was playing music (or video) has no impact on this.

Hard reset seems to be the only thing that works, but then it comes back. I am to the fu**ing boiling point now with this effing bug. Please Apple, fix it. I don't want to have to restart my GD phone 5 times a day because the music widget is on the lock screen.

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Update: I reset my phone and went to a meeting. When I came out, the music player was on my lock screen. No bluetooth, no media was played. It just appeared. My next step is to delete the music app and reinstall it. But I think I'll lose all my playlists. ?

All our experiments are all built with freely accessible web technology such as Web Audio API, WebMIDI, Tone.js, and more. These tools make it easier for coders to build new interactive music experiences. You can get the open-source code to lots of these experiments here on Github.

I started working on it a few years ago, and have tinkered with it on and off, and using it as my main music player all that time. I decided to make it because I couldn't find one that was just the way I wanted it. And now that it is fairly complete, it makes sense to share it.

I wanted an offline, local app MP3 player for Windows. One that was really fast and responsive, and could handle large number of songs/albums without slowing down. My personal music collection is around 1000 albums/16 000 songs/100GB, so it must definitely be able to handle that.

Also, I listen almost exclusively to albums. Not single tracks or playlists. So I wanted a player that put albums first, that makes it easy to browse albums and listen to a whole album in one go. Some players are very playlist focused, and I didn't want that.

Another thing is I really like the artwork on album covers, sleeves and leaflets. I wanted a player that is very visual, that puts the artwork front and center, and allows me to flip through leaflets when available. Something which feels a bit like a real world album collection.

The last clear requirement I had from the start, was that I didn't want it to feel "busy". There shouldn't be too much going on in the player window. Rather go a bit minimalist. I feel like some players have too much information and animations, and that's just a bit stressful.

The player looks like this when you launch it. This is after it has scanned my music collection. The scanning does take some time, but is only done once, and it happens in the background. And it populates the views as it goes along, so you can use the app meanwhile.

My player doesn't put any restrictions on genres though, but it only comes with pre-defined genre thumbnails for the ones from discogs. But it is easy to add custom ones. I made mine (shipped as the default ones) using pictures I downloaded from pixabay.com.

After the 17.1 update, everything looked normal at first and then I tried playing a few songs and that's when I noticed it acting weird. Freezing, jumping tracks, unable to click, and the only solution to all of this is exit the app and come back in again. It's ridiculous to re-launch the app for every song. I tried resetting the ipad, erase and reset, uninstall external apps, restoring the ipad from itunes, uninstall and reinstall itunes, customer care phone support, stand on my head, but nothing works. I never thought I'd complain about an apple product but apparently, here I am cause there's always a first. Hate this is happening with Apple products. Please fix this asap, apple. We're paying you for the device, music subscription, what else do you need to fix your bugs?

In the Music app , the library includes music you added or downloaded from Apple Music, music and videos you synced to iPhone, TV shows and movies you added from Apple Music, and your iTunes Store purchases.

Wynk Music is a complete package that allows you free online music streaming, set caller tunes, listen to podcasts, download MP3 music offline, and much more! Since music is essentially the only thing that can truly understand a person, we consistently offer our audience the ideal blend of MP3 Songs by their favourite artists and of versatile genres.

One of the unique features of Wynk Music is that it offers users the ability to stream music in multiple regional languages, including Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, and more. Also, users of the app can download MP3 songs for offline listening. This online music platform provides access to additional features such as offline listening, high-quality audio, and exclusive content.

Media Playback for Apple Music. The Media Playback library can be used to play songs, albums, and playlists on Apple Music without leaving your app. Your app can also control music playback from the Lock screen or the background.

I got a Fenix Pro and this is written based on the last Beta release 15.71 but I have noticed it for a year now.

When the Music Player Control is linked through Blue Tooth to my phones (It has happen before on a Samsung S9 Plus and now on a Samsung S20 Plus) the battery usage goes x10 !! If I got 0,1%/hour, it the goes to 1.5%/hour just by listening to music/podcast on my phone.

The BUG is that the Music Player Control is also losing the connection (no more name of the file and control) if I put it in on Pause.

So, in my case, this is a Blue Tooth issue on a BUGGY Musical Widget for now a year. 

It is easy to notice the battery drain when the music widget is "on", as this last 15.71 BETA release is especially excellent on battery.

Now 09:00 I got (with all on) a 0.4%/hour and I have lost 6.0% in 16 hours (since yesterday 17:00)

The projection is 13 days for Garmin and 16,3 days for Battery Gauge. 

Also: Blue tooth linked to the phone for weather or any messaging DOES NOT drain the battery in my case.

You can notice a little higher consumption if the phone is far away (in another room) from the Fenix.

ONLY the Music Player Control (when in use) creates that particular drain in idle mode.

Yesterday I have only checked that the title of the track I was listening was displayed on my Fenix. That's all !

I have even not used the Fenix to adjust the Volume or anything.

And I have found (again) the consumption was jumping to 1.5%/hour instead of its "normal" 0.1% to 0.3% idle juice consumption.

Your experience may vary but this is mine.

I can shut off BT with its own widget: the battery life got 7 bonus days on the display.

My main move is using the battery saver widget I have set to my need to record my sleeps.

So if you have the music widget installed you have this drain and when it is removed from the widgets it stops? or is it fine to have the widget installed, but only open in glance view, which means not opened?

what I wanted to say: if you have the widget installed and you don't use it actively, but playing music on your phone, it is still draining? And to stop this draining, you would need need to remove this widget, if you want to keep bluetooth enabled for other things like notifications etc.?

The draining is the same with or without looking at the widget.

I call it a widget but it more a function as there is shortcut already set on the Fenix by a long pushing of the Down button.

When a music player is launched from the paired smartphone, the Fenix reacts to it and start to be frantic with higher consumption.

so the drain starts as soon as you play some music on your phone without choosing the function on the watch to control music on the phone or does the drain only start when you open the music control on the watch?

the real widgets are basically active all the time in the background, so the widget might react as soon as you start playing on the phone, but from my understanding, if the music widget is not installed, also if there is a drain, it should only start, when you choose the music control funktion either in the menu or via hotkey, otherwise the watch should not care, if you are playing any music on the phone.

so basically, the only communciation regarding music between watch and phone should happen, when you either have the widget installed and running in the background or you choose the music control function manually.....or am I wrong?

But was it always this way ? I don't remember noticing any battery drained for just listening to music on my old 5X, 5XPlus, even Instinct ....

That issue appears some months ago. Is this linked to earphones management ?

"Bluetooth: The drain created by Bluetooth is dependent on how many notifications come to the watch from phone, and how often the watch syncs with the phone. Occasional text notifications and use of other connected features will drain far less battery than continually receiving texts, answering the phone, running a music player, or getting weather updates."

what happens if you uninstall the music control widget from the widget list and don't start the music control function via menu or hotkey while you are playing music on your phone, do have also a drain then? As far as I understood from your description, the drain did only start, when you opened music control to see the song name, before that you had no drain, although music was running on the phone, right?

The watch has only one BLE connection......a bluetooth connection can either be low energy or full connection but not both. If the watch would be able to switch to normal bluetooth (non BLE) you would see a second pairing on your phone. You would need a standard connection to stream music from the phone to the watch, but this is not happening and the Garmin watches do have only BLE built in as far as I know.

But of course, if you open music control while you are playing music on your phone, the phone permanently updates the watch via BT about the song title, length of song, position in song, waiting for skip title by the user etc., so this might lead to a higher battery consumption. ff782bc1db

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